Parents, you know, are the first, and the best angels, we get in our life......
They do everything for us, but in turn,want nothing, except the love and care, they always have been giving..
So, here are the thoughts, which i today, want to share with you all, on our parent's hearts behalf....
They give us birth, but never say, that its because of them, that we are on this earth..!
They give us life, but never say, that its because of them,that we are alive...!
Our mother feeds us, with the first milk, which you already know, is so essential, for the child's good health, but she never says,that its because of it, that you aren't ill...!
They firmly hold our fingers, and teach us to walk, but they never say, that its because of them, that we today, can properly walk..!
They are our first teachers, but they never say, that without their assistance, we would be big losers....!
They teach us, how to earn our living, but never say, that without their help, we could be nothing...!
They are always with us, like a protective shield, preventing us from the harshness, this world yields... but never say, that without their protection, we could be completely lonely....!
When you get hurt, they feel the pain, more than you, but still encourage you, that it will soon be rescued, without even saying, that they feel it more than you....!
They do so much for you, more than what, they can actually do, because, my friends, they really love you.....!
But sadly, at some phases, we do such things, that we actually, shouldn't do...
They care for you, love you , and this is why, they are concerned for you.... But this at times, becomes, a source of irritation, and disgust, for the children, who are so called... 'Grown up', till then....!
The love, care, and concern, that they once gave, and hoped for, goes in vain..... the gown up child, now called, 'A man'.. sees them as a big burden.... and feels, that life could be much better, without their existence.....!
So, friends, let me remind you, at this instance, that, you too were, at some phase of life.... Children...! completely helpless, crying deeply and bitterly, for the love, warmth, and concern... which was later, only given to you, by your parents.....!
so why, in their old age, when they have turned emotionally and mentally into children, you can't understand them..? can't love them..? and deprive them, of that love and concern, which should actually be given to them...?
and most essentially, what is it, which makes you hate them then.....? is it their Love, Care, Warmth and Concern.....!!
But still, they don't won't hate you, my dear friends, because, you never know, but they were, and always be your best friends, who are with you from the beginning, till the end...!
So, my dear readers and friend, i humbly urge you, please, please, please, never ever hurt, these lovely angels again... and if you already have, please ask them, to forgive you then.... and you will be pardoned....!
and if you don't, forget it, that you will afford heaven.....!
for God never forgives the people, who hate their parents....!
i hope this one will definitely touch the strings of your heart, and i really hpoe that you really loved reading this....!!
please review and rate it..!!
My Review
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I think about on the bad I've done for my parents and still undeniably and indubitably I still end up doing it out of their spite. It's one to know when to stop and stare and be just a good son but I find myself having a hard time to accept it. Sad but a truly lovely piece for sure. :)
I had to dig back a little bit to find one of yours that I haven't read yet. I normally don't like a poem this long, but you've packed it with every important detail about how parents provide for their children & each detail is important & stated with clarity. I agree that most parents are as described, very modest, not taking any credit as they put their children first in everything. You've shown us this so vividly with great examples.
Unfortunately, not all parents are like this. Many times parents are abusive & it's not that easy to be appreciative. That's why your ending feels a little harsh to me, saying that God won't forgive . . . I believe that God forgives everything & this is His lesson to us to show us how it's done. Other than this minor disagreement, I do love your message & I agree that it's the truth for most situations.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
First of all, Thankyou so so much, for making the effort to read, and review my piece that you haven.. read moreFirst of all, Thankyou so so much, for making the effort to read, and review my piece that you haven't read yet (it shows that you actually
Adore the little writer in me) I feel really 😇 and honored that I've a lovely friend like you, who actually takes interest in reading the pieces, I've most often seen people ignoring despite sending the RRs or maybe even if they read, they aren't bothered to type even a single line to let us know how the write-up was to them...And then, we can write and post, ask send RRs and let people review and let us know, but can't force those who ain't interested and that's kinda okay😊
There's one thing I always love bout your reviews, there natural, honest and come from heart ( that something I really wish every reviewer should do) you exactly tell me the places where correction is required or maybe it's not so in reality...And also appreciate equally where it required.To be very honest, it is reviews like yours which help us grow like a writer, and ultimately that's what here for, to help and be helped😊
About parents: yes, I agree with u not all parents are sweet and kind towards their parents and neither are all kids towards them...But I feel, that's the case with step parents and step children. Those parents and children who share the same DNA, normally love each other, yes the DNA binds them, I've seen many examples where kids may not show but the love exists.
Yes, with the step parents & step children I've often seen the harsh behavior the parent/kids show...But I've seen parents loving their children naturally, and caring for them more than themselves, and sacrificing their happiness and the same kids often don't value this when they grow up ...It was this brighter side of parents that really inspired me and I wrote this piece
Everything has a darker and a brighter side, and so is the case with parents, not all are good, and not all are bad...But those who are dedicated towards well being of their kids deserve that love and dedication in their helpless old age!
(It is for those parents I mentioned the ending line, to let people know that it's a simple being rude to people who sacrificed almost everything all their lives for the mere happiness of their kids who now aren't bothered bout them)
Thankyou so much dear Aunt, Margie, for sharing your beautiful thoughts for my piece 😊 I really appreciate it.
7 Years Ago
I feel so honored by your appreciation of my reviewing habits! I'm so glad it feels okay to you . . .. read moreI feel so honored by your appreciation of my reviewing habits! I'm so glad it feels okay to you . . . I've had to learn how to do this without knocking down the writer's feelings when I offer corrections or disagreements. I was pretty rough at first, but I'm learning!
Just to let you know, my biological father raped me almost every night from the time I was a toddler (3 or 4) until I was about 11 & I got independent, so I wouldn't let it happen anymore. Then he started hitting me after that, becuz I did not appreciate his sexual expertise. It has taken a lifetime to heal from this abuse. Some things are unforgivable. I believe God has forgiven me for not being able to forgive my father. Thanks for understanding these differences in our life experiences (((HUGS)))
7 Years Ago
Oh! He was sure a sinner, this is the cruelest reality I ever heard of :(🙈
I'm extremely .. read moreOh! He was sure a sinner, this is the cruelest reality I ever heard of :(🙈
I'm extremely sorry, dear Aunt, I was really unaware of your story...I wonder how on the earth can a father do this to a daughter! Shame on him😈 how dare he! Sigh* I'm happy that you finally saved yourself from that monster..It is people like him because of which me as a human (girls specially) today feel uncomfortable and unsafe of our own self :(
He isn't worth being called even a man! How shameful it is 😔 to know a father behaving like this. I just can't explain how bad it feels, even to hear this. But you, my aunt have been through all this, you're a brave lady, I'm proud of u..You didn't commit a crime standing up for urself, it was important, I understand..God would instead be happy for what you did,dear.fir people like him ain't worth that love and respect we naturally give to our parents, whatvyiu did was right and I appreciate that. It is because we tolarate such people, their evilness increases((((hugs))))💜
Yes, I do like the way you review my write-ups, honest reviews are always the best💙Do keep reviewing my write-ups even if I may ever forget to send you those RRs😊
7 Years Ago
Thanks for your understanding words about this. I had dreams of killing him many nights for many yea.. read moreThanks for your understanding words about this. I had dreams of killing him many nights for many years, but I wasn't going to mess up my life seeking revenge. I just got out of there early (17) & learned to be an independent person becuz of it. I feel I've used my lessons well (((HUGS)))
I know this may sound a big thing from a small and young mouth of mine, but dear aunt, Margie, you k.. read moreI know this may sound a big thing from a small and young mouth of mine, but dear aunt, Margie, you know, you're one among those rare and blessed women, who actually get to understand the difference between being lusted, and loved by men in their life...And sorry to confess, but most men hardly understand the difference between lust & love a women...For most of them lust is the next phase of love, and that sounds unacceptable..Love is eternal whereas lust is physical and it is therefore, both can't intersect.
Also, father is a her daughter's first hero..Her all time favorite...But when that same person turns into a cheapster he becomes the most strongest lesson of the daughter's life, a gal can never forget for many reasons..And mayb she never can
It is gals like those who become stronger, straightforward, and indestructible by any men thereafter whose mere motive is to get a women to satisfy his greeds...No matter how good they are at sweet talks and flattery...And that's what all we girls and women need to learn. The men, their manly hormones, and their lust rules them...And we need to beware of it before the disaster happens.
You learnt a bitter truth bout men, most females are unaware of...And when they learn..It's too late :(
You should have better killed that poisoning monster, if he harmed his daughter, he probably wouldn't leave any other lady after that...😔 Is he still alive?
I wish he isn't.
7 Years Ago
Thank you for your understanding words of compassion & encouragement! My father suffered God's own s.. read moreThank you for your understanding words of compassion & encouragement! My father suffered God's own style of punishment . . . he had Parkinson's Disease for 15 years & died a slow & difficult death from strangulation (his throat muscles slowly stopped working . . . sounds very yukky, but gives me much satisfaction). That's why I'm not into revenge. I believe God has his ideas for how to deal with all sinners. Don't know if you are familiar with Maya Angelou, a poet & author & many other things including chief inspirer of generations here (she died a year or two ago) . . . she wrote a book entitled: "I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now" (or something like that). She was also abused at a young age, raped I think, & had a child from it. I've always felt that was my motto (the name of her book). These experiences made me into who I am & I like myself this way, even tho I did miss out on some things in life, like a longterm relationship & having kids. But now I'm glad it went that way, no regrets. Thanks again for sharing & understanding. You are a great friend to me (((HUGS)))
7 Years Ago
😞 sigh* sinners like him deserve exactly what he suffered...Sin in any case is doubly punished, i.. read more😞 sigh* sinners like him deserve exactly what he suffered...Sin in any case is doubly punished, if God closes all doors of hope, he surely opens a Windows that lets a ray of hopeful light come in, I'm glad you Had faith in God in a helpess time like that...You surely, missed many things like long term relationship etc. But you've been gifted the most precious gifts in your life, "friends, animals and the lovely garden, that may not utter words, but the blooming flowers and the ripening fruits cause a deep sense of happiness and satisfaction that noone in the earth can easily do....You know, most people yearn these gifts today, you're blessed!😊
People today, often have those big showy, materials tic stuffs, but it is the little things, the simplest stuffs, that they are often devoid of, and it is because of this they may be happy, but these responsibilities, their lives etc. Often worries them. And this is why they rarely sleep smiling like a jolly kid, that's really important.
Yes, I've heard bout Maya Angelou, and I've went through some works of her too, she indeed was a great personality! and it is people like her reading whose life stories, we really get to know that the pain we've been crying over since years, was so small, when compared to them, it is people like her who makes earth and our lives a better place to breath in!
Well, Thankyou so much for letting me know I'm this special to you😊 you too are a precious aunt, I'm so blessed to have💜😊
After reading this poem it really has made me think back to how I was as a teenager and all the unnecessary s**t that I put these lovely people through. I got bullied a lot when I was school. I was unhappy there; I hated being bullied on a daily basis that I stupidly allowed it to whined me up to the point that smashed my bedroom window with my hand, causing my parents to rush me to hospital to get many, many stitches. That is one of the deepest, darkest regrets that I have ever put them through. I've treated them so badly in the past I try so damn hard to make it up to the but continually make stupid mistakes. I love my parents even when they drive me crazy at times. You're a wonderful, talented writer
I've been guilty of acting out against my parents in my younger teenage years, and I am trying to make it up to them now. Our parents do more for us than we will ever understand...I guess the closest we will ever get to understanding is when we become parents ourselves.
This was a beautiful read, thank you for sharing saumya :)
That is so true with the words. As you were increasing with the words, I was able to connect myself more with the feelings that are incorporated in your ink.
I read your poem with conflicting thoughts: firstly, you are right in every sense, but also wrong in every sense. If you have good, caring parents, your poem ring true, but to quote another Here be the Verse by Auden comes to mind. Parents can either make you - or break you. But I am glad you can write this: it means you are happy and it's a lovely testament to your family.
Hello everyone! 😊
My name is Saumya. I'm just a blooming and budding armature writer, who's fond of reading and writing . Basically, it's not and every day thing for me, but yes, I do write a.. more..