In Your Embrace

In Your Embrace

A Poem by Toshita

Cheesy I know but hey. Feeling are what they are and this one's a bit personal haha.


In Your Embrace

By Toshita


As I hang out after school for a bit with my friends

I see you standing alone in a corner.

I walk over to you and ask what's wrong

But you just shake your head and smile.


My friends call and as I turn to say goodbye

You suddenly grab me from behind.

As I start to protest, you whisper and ask

To let you stay like this for a while.

I tell my friends that i'd catch up later

And saying that, I feel oddly happy.


As we are left alone

I become more embrassed for giving into your charm

And as if you sense my uneasiness

Your arms around me grow tighter.


A few minutes have gone past

And those few minutes i hope will forever last.


While we watch the clouds roll by

You put your lips to my ear and

Whisper those beautiful three words.

I sigh, raise my head and feel like I can fly.

Your sweet breath tickles my ear

And you pull me closer yet.

I melt as you place your lips on my cheek

And shiver as you gently touch the other one.

you lightly kiss my cheek

And place a few on my neck.


My heart beats faster as I turn around

And see none

None of the sad loneliness or pain.

Instead I see a sweet face

With bright, shinning eyes.

As I lean in to kiss you

You become more handsom.


When  our lips touch

I know that this is where we belong

And the wonderful blue-jays sing

A beautiful song...


A song for us and us alone.

© 2010 Toshita

Author's Note

Please enjoy and comment! :)

My Review

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Aww .. Very detailed. It's as though you make us the reader feel what's going on. Not saying I want to be kissed or held by a guy or anything. It's just very sweet and well put.^^

Posted 14 Years Ago

Awww! This was very sweet! Wat a beautiful romantic poem! I enjoyed reading it! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 3, 2010
Last Updated on April 3, 2010
Tags: in, your, embrace, toshita, poem, sato, 93




Hey, my name is Toshita. I love writing- anything from stories to music. I play the guitar, piano and the trombone. I love reading and photography is also a beloved hobby. Follow me on the social medi.. more..

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