

A Poem by Satish Verma


When you plan to quit,
the ghost limb will slash the wrist
to swallow pride.

I do not want to
call you my yesterday. Past
takes revenge.

Nemesis comes
to play its role. Divine
punishment for me.

© 2024 Satish Verma

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"... the ghost limb will slash the wrist
to swallow pride."

This is a really provocative line Satish, like many of your others (all of which, I've enjoyed).

I have one of those - a ghost limb - and the image of it bleeding the wrist that's real, whether to swallow my pride or otherwise, is outstanding.

It would make for a beautiful piece of art, that image, and leads me towards wondering if it's the losses we suffer that inevitably act to kill us. I'm not sure, but it's thought provoking none the less (as art is supposed to be).

As always, I appreciate your presence here Satish.

Well done,


Posted 3 Days Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 30, 2024
Last Updated on June 30, 2024
Tags: Life