![]() Science FairA Chapter by Lilith![]() Silver finds out who the warden is, discovers what really happened to the dragon, and helps Fiona win the science fair.![]() 12:20
(midnight)… I woke up to the soft roar of engines
and wheels. Groaning, I pressed my hand to my head and sat up. I wasn’t in bed,
my feet dirty and wearing a night gown. Then I remembered. I was on the train, my head
was pulsing like a Lady Gaga song, and I was so tired. But I ignored my
personal problems and stumbled through the cars to the front. Somebody was sitting at the
controls, foot pressed on the brake and eyes focused on the train tracks. The
warden. He was now in jeans and a t-shirt, hair swept back. My heart jolted
when I recognized him. Mr. Aaron turned around when
he realized I was there. He gestured to the chair beside him, and I sat there,
watching him. Then he spoke. “I want to know what
happened. Now. Don’t leave anything out.” So I told him. About the
ceiling falling in and meeting the dragon on the roof. Waking up in the
infirmary and making my decision. Finding the train and driving it here. He didn’t speak when I
finished, still chewing on his lip. But I was anxious, and I broke the silence.
“What did he mean when he
said he wanted my body?” He sighed for a moment
before rubbing his eyes and putting his hands back on the wheel. “You met Xeynordamere, a
body-stealing demon. He stole the body of Tenebris years ago. We’ve been trying
to find him for a long time. So when you showed up, he saw an opportunity to
escape. But then you passed out.” “Why didn’t he just go back
to Tenebris’ body?” I asked. “Once he leaves a body, he
can’t return. All bodies cannot stand his inhabitation, so they die. He cannot
take a dead body, and he has to take a new body immediately or else he will
die. He died when you passed out at the sight of his spirit.” “Oh. He seemed so nice.” “Yeah. He is the master of
deception. He knew that you would go and find him, so all he had to do was wait
for you.” “Why didn’t he take your
body?” I asked. “Trust me. He doesn’t want
my body.” He said, and I pressed my fingers to my temple, confused. We stayed quiet for a few
more minutes. Then he spoke up quietly. “What I want to know is why you went
after him.” “I…its personal.” “Oh is it now?” He asked,
pulling the brake. We slammed to a halt, and I jolted forward. He grabbed my chin with two
fingers and turned my face towards him. “I’ll start the train when you tell
me.” Sighing, I cleared my throat
before answering. “He… He called me Fiery. He thought I was my mother. He knew
her. That’s why.” 7:30 in the morning… I woke up in my bed, my stuffed animal
clutched under my arm. Yawning, I pushed my hair out of my face and stretched
before climbing down. Fiona’s bed was empty and
made with a small yellow sticky-note on the pillow. I crossed over to it,
plucked it up, and then rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before reading. School
canceled today for science fair. At there now.
Please stop by. "F After changing into a school skirt and a
blazer, I brushed my hair and headed out to the cafeteria. Eating a quick
breakfast, I headed to the gym for the science fair. The gym was crowded with
kids even though it was only eight. I pushed my way through the students,
teachers, and parents, trying to find Fiona. She was in the corner, stand
already set up, and a person examining her stand. She waved at me when she saw
me, and I crossed over. “Hey! How long have you been
here?” I asked. “Ever since seven. Wanted to
get here on time.” She said, and I looked at her sign. “An eco-friendly
anti-gravity chamber?” I asked, and she smiled sheepishly. “A little project from my
old school. With all the commotion coming from you, I barely had time to build
something. So I just found this and entered it. Do you think it’s enough?” She
asked. “Uh, it’s more than enough.
Way too much really. But you are guaranteed to win.” I said, and she claps her
hands excitedly. “Oh, have you seen Fio’s
stand yet? He’s over there.” She pointed at a stand, and I hurried over there
to say hello. “Hi Fio.” I say, and he
smiles before showing me his entry. “It’s a machine that
produces the same pheromones that tell bees which bee is their queen. What do
you think?” He asked. “Awesome. You and Fiona both
have killer entries.” I say, and he looks over my shoulder at her stand. “Is that her anti-gravity
chamber? Well played Fiona.” He murmured, and his parents came forward. “Hi honey!” Bonnie said,
hugging him. “I just said hi to your sister and came by to see your entry.
Looks great!” “Yeah! The pheromones go
through this small chamber…” Mr. Aaron stood behind Cam
and Bonnie, awkwardly shifting his weight. He avoided my gaze and I looked
away. “Sharpe.” He said. “Mr. Aaron.” I say back,
just as stiffly. I continue through the
crowds, feeling Mr. Aaron’s gaze on my back. My gaze seemed to slide from
stand to stand, not really paying much attention. I was half way across the gym
when I spotted somebody familiar. “Zarma and Vienne? What are
you doing here?” I asked. “Is that you Silver?” Zarma
asked, and I nodded. “Konichiwa. O genkidesu ka?”
I asked. “Konichiwa. Watashi wa genkidesu.
Anata mo kagaku fea ni aru?” “Nai. Watashi no yujindesu.”
I say, and she nods. “Translation.” Zarma
growled. “I said ‘Hello. How are
you?’ and she said ‘Hello. I am fine. Are you in the science fair too?’ and I
said. ‘No. My friend is.’”I say. “Anyway, want to see our
entry?” Zarma said, and I leaned down to see what she had under the microscope.
“I’m not even sure that type
of fungus has been discovered yet.” I say. Seven forty-four in the morning (the next day)… When I went to go see the science fair,
I was shocked at the loss of stands. Only two remained with people around them,
Zarma and Vienne’s and Fiona’s. Even Fio’s was trashed. I walked over to Fiona’s
stand. She was practically asleep with boredom, and I had to shake her a little
for her to realize I was there. “Oh hey.” She said sleepily.
“I’ve been here pretty much all night keeping watch over my stand. All the
others have been destroyed overnight.” “By what?” I asked. “I don’t know. I didn’t see
anything at all…” She yawned. “Fiona, I think you need to
sleep. I’ll watch over your stand while you sleep and then we can trade out.” I
say, and she nods. “Okay…” She said, getting up
and stumbling out the room. I sat down at her stand and
read over her notecards before answering questions for five hours. It was
actually kind of fun, and Mrs. Sungsay and Mr. Sungsay stopped by to chat. When Fiona came back, she
looked better and rested. Bumping me out of the chair, she took her place back
at the stand. “You look better.” I say,
and she smiles. “Yeah, I had a couple hours
of sleep and then made this.” She held a small black remote to me. “What is this?” I asked,
looking at the small remote. It was simple, with an off button, on button, and
an alarm button. “This is the remote that
controls the alarm that I made. Tonight, when the person who destroyed the
stands comes back, I will catch them.” She said, looking fierce. “Awesome. I’ll come with if
it goes off. Wait, won’t it go off if some unlucky janitor trips it?” I ask. “Have you ever seen janitors
around here?” So, what did I get everybody
for Christmas? I made a list. Fiona-a platinum edition
calculator that she wanted for a long time. Fio-a DIY huge plane. Yana-tons of fabric. Emily- spiked choker
necklace. Not much right? Well, I
don’t exactly have a ton of friends. So not many presents to give, not much of
a budget, and not many presents to gain. After wrapping the presents
quickly and hiding them, I stepped outside into the courtyard for fresh air. The chilly cold air made my
lips chapped and blew my hair out of my face. A dead leaf floated down from the
trees and landed in my hair, and I brushed it away. “Mommy!” A small puppy
bounded out of the woods, its shadow thick and black. I wasn’t alarmed though.
I had seen the puppy before, when he was smaller. And way cuter. “Hello there puppy!” I say,
and he yips and throws himself into my arms. “I missed you so much
mommy!” He said, squirming in my arms. Candara stood beside his shadow, and she
grinned when I turned to her. I couldn’t exactly hug her though, so I just
smiled before stroking puppy’s fur. “He yours?” A voice asked
behind me. I turned to see a boy standing behind me, black hair swept back. His
eyes were a deep relaxing blue and he smiled carelessly. “Umm…yeah. He is mine.” I
say, and he smiles and crouches down to pet his head. Okay, not a smooth move,
but this guy was seriously cute. His blazer was unbuttoned and his shirt was
untucked. “What is his name?” He
asked, stroking behind his silky ears. Puppy buried his nose in his shirt in
return. “I…I don’t think I ever
really gave him a name.” I say, and he mock frowns. “Bad parenting. Anyway, what
do you think we should call him?” He asked, and the small dog buried his nose
in his hair. “I don’t know. I’m terrible
with names.” I say, and he pulls the puppy away from him to get a good look. Well, I think we should call
him Wolf, since he looks so young but is so big and strong.” He said. “Oh, I’m
David by the way.” “Silver huh? I like that.”
He said. “Silver what?” “Silver Sharpe. What’s your
last name?” I asked. “Chamberlin. David Jace
Chamberlin.” He said. “Argentum Aurum Luna
Sharpe.” “Oh man! I got to go. Got to
go meet my friends at the pool. See you around, ‘kay?” He asked, shooting me a
finger gun before running back inside. Smiling to myself, I scooped
up Wolf and waited until he was out of earshot. “What are you doing here?
Not that I don’t like surprises, but…” “Okay, but animals are not
allowed in the dorms now, so you are going to get to reconnect with your
brothers and sisters in the barn. Come on; let’s go see your mother.” I say,
taking him to the barn. After watching Wolf talk to
his mother and his siblings, I went back out to the courtyard. David and his
friends were in the courtyard. It looked like they were separating into two
teams. David looked up when he saw
me. “Hey Silver! Want to play tag with us? We need another player, so you can
be on my team.” He called, and I grinned. “Sure guys!” I say, and run
over to him before tossing my blazer on the bench. Letting my blouse fly back
in the wind, I joined them with a grin. Nine thirty at night… The boy walked me to my dorm at nine
thirty, hair wind-blown and grins on our faces. The rest of the boys left so
now it was me, James, David, and Markus. “Aren’t you guys worried
about getting caught? I mean its curfew now.” I say, leaning against the door. “Oh yeah. Ben and I are
tight, so we should be fine.” James said, brushing his dirty blond hair out of
his eyes. “Anyway guys, I’ll catch up
with you.” David said, looking me in the eyes. Markus saw the look and grabbed
James’ arm, pulling him down the hall. I leaned against the door
frame, and he leaned forward and pushed a lock of hair out of my face. You could say we’ve gotten
close. After our game of tag, the
boys and I shot water balloons at each other. David was there beside me as I
pulled back the slingshot. He carried me in his arms as we raced around the
pool. And then when the boys got in and I just let my feet dangle, he pulled me
in but kept the water at my waist. He leaned in, arms around my
waist, breath hot on my lips. Suddenly the door opened,
and Fiona stood there, hands on her hips. She didn’t look surprised to see us. “Oh!” I exclaim when I see
her, and David pulls back and steps away. “Well, uh listen. I got to
go or else the boys will have to send people after me. See you later I guess.”
He said, flicking a wave before walking down the hall. Fiona pulled me inside, and
I shot her an exasperated look. She groaned and put her head in her hands
before looking up at me. “Forget about Fio already?”
She asked, and I moaned. Fio, the boy who asked me out and then decided to take
that back since it would be too awkward. “Oh my God. Fiona, what I am
about to say is between me and you only. Fio and I…not much friction. I mean,
he’s great and all but I think we’re too close. I think he needs to…yah know,
find somebody else.” I say, avoiding her gaze. “So…you’re not interested in
Fio at all?” She asked. “Not really. I mean, he’s a
great guy and all but it won’t work.” I say, and she sighs before hugging me. “You-you aren’t mad?” I ask,
awkwardly hugging her back. “No. I’m just glad you told
me and decided to not fake being in love with Fio, you know? That would just
break his heart if he found out. Trust me though, I won’t tell him anything.”
She said, pulling away. “Thanks for understanding.
Now, I think we should get ready for bed.” I say, and she grins. Eleven thirty-seven at night… I woke up to a high-pitched beeping, and
in a flash Fiona was out of her bed and throwing on a night dress. “Wha?” I ask, and she looks
at me. “The alarm that I set? Yeah,
it’s just been tripped. You coming?” She asked, tossing me a dress that I
quickly slipped on. We padded down the halls, through
the buildings and to the gym. The lights were already on though, and standing
around a table was Zarma and Vienne. “Zarma and Vienne?” I asked,
walking to them. They turned at the sound of my voice and Zarma scowled. Vienne
just blinked. “Konnichiwa Silver. Naze
anata wa me o samashite aru?” ‘Why are you awake?’ She asked. “Watashi wa anata o amarini
mo motomeru koto ga dekiru.” English translation: ‘I could ask you that too.’ I
replied coldly. She looked at me with
confusion but Zarma snarled at me first. “Silver and fat face! What
are you two doing here?” She asked, and I growled. “You two tripped the alarm.
I should’ve known it was you two trashing the entries!” I say, and she bared
her teeth. “It wasn’t us! It was- She gestured to something
that lay on the table behind her, and I snarled. Lying there was my stuffed
leopard, and I rushed forward. “You stole from me?” I
barked in disbelief. “What? NO! Stupid git. Come
out you little- She leaned down like she was
going to touch the leopard, and the stuffed animal suddenly leaped forward. “Xeynordamere? Is that you?”
I ask, slightly shocked. “Yes child. Took time for
that little brain of yours to put the pieces together.” I ignored the barb. “What
the heck is going on?” Fiona murmured behind me. “Xeynordamere, get out of
that body right now!” I command. “Can’t. This body is yours
in possession, so I am now yours to control like a lab rat.” He said with a
sigh. “So, when you tried to take
my body, Aaron stopped you and you took my stuffed animal’s body instead. But I
thought the creature had to be living.” I said. “I can take any creature
with eyes sweetheart.” He said. “Okay Mr. Snore-something, I
know that you took the body of her stuffed animal and now you’re flirting? Who
does that?” Fiona exclaimed. “I’m not flirting. Just
conversation making.” He retorted, and she scowled. “Whatever. Come here.” I
say, picking him up by the scruff and holding him out as we walked out the
door. “Hey pretty face, let’s just
make this clear that I destroyed the
science fair.” He said as I walked through the door. “You? Why would you?” I
asked. “To help win your favor,
girlie.” He replied, and we stepped inside the cool dorm. Fiona came back a few
minutes later. “So who is this Xeynordamere dude? Sounds old.” She said sitting
crossed legged on her bed. “He is old. Xeynordamere is
a body-stealing demon who has been alive for the past…like thousand years. I
met him when the ceiling crashed in and decided to find him again. At the time
I didn’t know what he was.” I added at the look on her face. I told her everything. About
driving the train at eleven, finding Xeynordamere at like midnight, and Mr.
Aaron taking me home. She gaped at me when I told her about that last part. “So, your stuffed animal toy
is being inhabited by a body-stealing demon. Mr. Aaron is suddenly hot, and you
probably broke a ton of rules and laws. But you didn’t let me come with you!”
She pouted. “I didn’t know if you could
handle it. Anyway, night!” I say, tucking in before she could snarl at me. 8:30 A.M. (the next day)… All of us stood assembled in the gym as
we watched the principal give Fiona her prize. Zarma was arguing with
scientist, saying that her entry was not dangerous at all. Ignoring her, they
took her entry and took it back to whatever lab they came from. As I went up to congratulate
Fiona, she smiled at me. Fio hugged her, happy that at least his sister got an
award. When I hugged her, she whispered something in my ear. “When should we tell
somebody about your little friend?” She asked. “Let’s worry about that
later.” I reply, and then carry the laughing Fiona all the way back to the
dorm. © 2013 LilithAuthor's Note
Added on October 9, 2013 Last Updated on October 9, 2013 Tags: fiction, school, supernatural, demon Author |