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Incriminating Alias

Incriminating Alias

A Story by Shadowfox


Chapter 1


She sat there trying to put the words to paper. She was always able to speak them so well but when it came time to actually write them she found she never had the time or just couldn’t. She sighed and threw her pencil aside. As she heard it hit the floor she lifted her head and began to day dream, starring out her window.

            She had just graduated from college. Free from school work with a master’s degree in photojournalism yet here she was with writers block. She and her best friend, Sofia, had decided to start their own business together. They were a perfect match. While she was busy studying hard in English, her friend was always out and about looking at new business opportunities and in her free time taking photos of future buildings that she may be able to call her own. They had bought a small town house together, Sofia had rule over the upstairs while Kasey took control of the basement. They would meet in the middle for meals and to share a friendly conversation with each other every once in a while but other than that, they would return to the separate parts of their houses and continue with their work.

            But today was different, this time Kasey couldn’t think of anything to write. She had taken the picture of the leader of the band called --- who went by the alias of X but she still couldn’t form the words on how to describe the scene that was happening or the man that she had managed to capture. She stood up and walked over to the window, watching Sofia’s latest boyfriends car pull into the drive way. She saw her friend step out, tall, skinny legs which she loved to show off by wearing summer dresses, red hair held back by a thick headband which revealed her freckles lightly sprinkled on her cheeks. She ran over to the other side of the car as her boyfriend stepped out. Kasey continued to watch as they embraced and kissed each other, pulling away with a smile which made her smile too. She would rather be writing about her friends’ happiness than trying to find the words to describe an anonymous man.

            She heard the door upstairs close which quickly snapped her out of her daydream.

“Kasey! Kasey I’m home!”

“I know I know I can here you tromping around up there.”

            Kasey climbed up the stairs to the main level of the town house where she saw Sofia busily poking her nose in the refrigerator. Kasey leaned against the wall staring at her waiting for her to turn around in shock that there was nothing good to eat.

            “Hey Kasey, where’s dinner?”

            “I don’t know, last I checked it was your turn to restock.”

            Sofia turned around and gave a sheepish smile. The regular “oh yeah” managed to escape as she went to the table and picked up a pear for her dinner.

            “How was your date with Mark?”

            “We took a walk through the park as always and talked about many things”

            Sofia glanced at Kasey trying to get her to ask more. Kasey gave a soft smile and closed her eyes and nodded. She knew Sofia’s game by now and she wasn’t about to by into it anymore. If she wanted to continue with a full description of the date, why should she wait for an invitation? When Sofia came to the realization that she wasn’t going to get anything from Kasey she decided to continue.

            “I’m in love with him.” She whispered

            “I should hope so. What’s the point in dating him if your not?”

            “That’s not what I meant Kasey. He wants me to move in with him.”

            There was a slight pause. Kasey looked at Sofia whose eyes were fixated on the pear she was holding in her hand.

            “And you said?”

            “I-I turned him down of course. Can’t break up the team right?”

            “Wow, you really are stupid.”

            Sofia gave a quick glance to Kasey who couldn’t help but smile. Kasey walked around her into their small living room where she sat on the tan couch that her parents had gladly given up and reached for the deck of cards that rested on the coffee table in front of her. Sofia followed her and sat on the other side of the table on the carpeted floor.

            “Gin?” Kasey asked.

            Sofia nodded still showing no expression on her face as Kasey began dealing out 10 cards each. The game would be prolonged since each of the girls had a certain suit of cards that they favored. Kasey liked spades just because of the name while Sofia liked hearts for the unique name that the king of hearts had gained throughout the many games of poker, the suicide king. As Kasey flipped over the first card initiating the beginning of the game Sofia stared at her.

            “That’s all you can say? We worked so hard to start up the business we have and now this guy comes in and asks me to move in with him and you could care less?”

            “I do care. I’m happy for you actually. Just don’t see why you turned him down.”

            Kasey picked up the card Sofia put down and easily put down another in its place. Sofia sat still in her spot.

            “I’m scared.”


            “If I leave what will you do?”

            “You can’t be serious.” Kasey laughed softly but noticing Sofia’s soft stare made her stop. “Sofia, I get all the food, I have a career on the side as a drama teacher in Fairview high school and I can easily pay the mortgage on this house. I’ll be fine on my own if you want to move in with him.”

            “Not yet.” She smiled softly looking at Kasey placing her last card face down signifying she had won the game. “First, I have to make sure you keep up with your writing and second I have to make sure you find a guy.”

            “Just because you have a successful relationship doesn’t mean I need one. I’m fine with being on my own.”

            Kasey peeked at the card realizing it wasn’t the one she needed. Sofia showed her hand revealing that she had one with Ace, two, three, four, six, seven, eight and jack, queen, king all of hearts.

            “Once again, hearts beats spades.”

            “I’ll make sure to beat you before you move out.”

            They smiled to one another as Kasey stood up and began to head down to the basement. Sofia picked up the cards and watched after her. “What about dinner?!”
            “Will you ever grow up?”

            “Not as long as you’re here to take care of me.”

            “I’ll get it while I’m out.”

            “Where are you going?”

            Kasey turned back slightly grabbing her coat.

            “Best Buy to pick up Sweeny Todd, just released today.”

            She saw Sofia shiver slightly, she was never the type that could bare a lot of blood yet the suicide king was her favorite card? That was her, always choosing the opposite of what she truly wanted and once she found it she managed to keep it close to her. Kasey walked out the door but quickly stopped and caught it before it closed.

            “Oh and if I don’t find the King of hearts where it belongs then once again you owe me a new deck.”

            She closed the door not waiting for a response and closed the front door to her car and drove down the street, stopping at the stop sign. Was she really ready for Sofia to move out or did she really just put on a show so Sofia wouldn’t feel so bad about the choice she didn’t make? She could handle it, after all, she could handle just about anything life threw at her…or so she thought.

© 2008 Shadowfox

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Added on February 17, 2008



Hey I'm Shadowfox! If you want to know my real name then just ask and I may tell you;) I'm 17 and I love reading stories about vampires and other cool and amazing stuff like that. I also like writing .. more..