Chapter 04

Chapter 04

A Chapter by Sarah

The sun is setting; it seems to be swooping down into the horizon, going into its sleep. The sky turns from a blue to lavender then orange before a violet. It sets in a short amount of time, but I don’t mind, it’s such a beautiful scene to witness in one’s life time. As the sun sets and all the colours fade, the stars come out and start twinkling. It such a nice thing to look at, but that’s not what I’m outside for.


My hair is now red, flames coming out of the tips. This happens when I get mad, but when I’m furious, all of my hair is on fire, usually blue. However, I’m not furious, just really pissed off. I’m sitting crossed leg on the veranda, eyes closed. I’m doing this trick my mother taught me, she told me each time I get mad I should hold my breath and let it out after one second, and each time I do it I double. Okay, that may be confusing, but it’s quite simple.


Breathe in…


Breathe out…

Breathe in…

One, Two…

Breathe out…


I continue this pattern until I get to ten, then afterwards I would start over. It doesn’t work, but it helps a little. I can hear my mother’s words as she guides me through this routine. However, I also see her crying as father starts to abuse her in every way possible. My fits clench, and the fire within me boils up to my eyes. I must be calm though, I mustn’t loose this rhythm I’m in.


Although, the memories are killing me right now. All the yelling and screaming at one another while I just stand in a corner hugging my sister to me, it was all too much that I burnt the walls of my place in order to calm myself. That’s when I started bawling my eyes because I didn’t want to die by my father, but my mother taught me tricks in calm myself, even though she wasn’t clam herself.


My fist clench as I start to breathe faster and harder, which was not what I was looking for. It wasn’t until a tap on my shoulder did my eyes open, burning a tree in the process. I hear a chuckle, “Powerful, mate.”

Oh, Jett. “Hey.”

He sat next to me, looking up, “Stars are pretty, huh?”

I sigh, “They are, aren’t they?”

“Ya know, once I tried to count all the stars and name them, mate.” I turned to face him, I really don’t believe him, and he continued, “Oh yeah. Since I have all the abilities here, one of them is that I’m unbelievably smart, so that part kinda took over me a little…”

“Seriously?” Okay, what is he aiming at? “What are you aiming at here?”

He laughed, “Just that you gotta take life when it’s thrown at you, otherwise you’ll be a little weird.” He stood, “Come on, Emma’s looking for you and John is hiding from Black Rose. Plus, tomorrow we have special training, so yeah!”


I stood, walking back inside. This place seems to get stranger every time I enter, now everyone’s in the Gathering Room, talking to one another. Once I entered the room, they all stared quickly before going back to themselves. Good, they should be scared; I’m not in the mood for any bullshit. I sat in a random chair next to Raj, this Indian guy. He’s alright I suppose; he’s got the smartness ability. He looks up from his book, smiling before returning to it.


Speaking or reading, I haven’t read anything for quite some time, so I might as well read something. I pick up a book and flip to a random page. It was so boring, a bunch of words on one page. However, a sentence caught my eye.


The light off in the distance will tell you everything.


Now that was interesting, what light? I don’t see any light; all these books are about this place. I wonder what this person is talking about.


A hug at my side brought me back into reality; as I looked down to see Emma. She hugged me tighter, “Where have you been?” she whispered.

I smile, “I was just clearing my head…” I looked at the time, 9:30?! Where did time go?! “Come on, bed.” I scooped her up and carried her towards her room.

She sighed, “But I want to sleep with you.”

I chuckle, “Come now, sleep is in order for you.” I place her down, brushing a kiss across her head, “Get some rest, Emma. I’ll be here.”

She rubbed her eye, nodding, “Good night, Daniel…” Her door closed.

“Night then.”


My eyes grew heavy as I entered my room, dumping myself on my bed. I didn’t bother getting into pyjamas, I’m so buggered. My eye lids grew extremely heavy as did my limbs. Before I knew it, sleep took over my body as if I was on a drug to do so. Soon afterwards, I was seduced into the world of sleep.


Someone is shaking me, why don’t they leave me alone. I don’t want to wake up from this peaceful work of sleep, I really don’t. However, this person is very persistent, so I groan, opening my eyes slowly to see Jett, Andy and Raj shaking me. God why? I sigh, “Morning.”

Andy laughed, as usual, “Get up; we have this special training in one hour!”

“Yeah mate, and guess where they’re taking us?!” Jett seems unusually excited for some reason.

“Where?” My mind isn’t functional in the mornings.

Raj chirped, “To the beach!”

Oh, awesome! I get up, pushing past them towards a cupboard. I glance at the time, 8:30am. I love Saturdays, “I’ll be there in one minute, now get out!”


The door shut, and I quickly got dressed and ran down to the kitchen. Emma greeted me with her usual hug, then Shadow by a wave. They’re both excited, but who wouldn’t be, I haven’t seen the beach in such a long time! I wonder why they’re been so generous to us? The bosses of this place are never this generous, so why now? Yet again, it is summer, so probably because of the heat.


They told us to go east until we reach some sort of coast line, as it turns out there is one. There was this lady, long blond hair and emerald green eyes, standing in the centre of the sand. I’m guessing she’s the one training us. We gathered, and sat on the sand. All twenty of us, someone was missing, stared at her, waiting for instructions.


Soon enough, we got them. She smiled, “Good morning! How are you all?!” We shrugged, and she laughed, “Oh, you silly kids! Okay, so today I’m going to teach you how to bring your inner colour out of you, to make some type of aura around you!”

Aura? “What do you mean ‘aura’?”

“Oh, what I mean is sweetheart, is that a colour will outline your body around you, like when you trace things with a pencil!”

“Oh…” Sweetheart?

She clapped her hand together, “Okay! Get into groups of six! We got into our groups, which didn’t make any sense since there was two left. On top of that, I was in a group of five because the two people refused to be in our group. Also, Emma wasn’t allowed with us because she wasn’t our age, which really didn’t make her happy. However, she seems to be okay.


Just as we were about to learn how, a guard came out of nowhere, holding someone by the wrist. I sat up straight, trying to see who it was. Once getting the chestnut hair, I turned away sharply. It was Black Rose. However, this didn’t make any sense, considering she’s so keen on training, but a thought struck me, group work. I see now after eight minutes of thinking, but come on, I hate working in groups too but I don’t run away from it! I think it’s something else, but I’m not pushing it.


Steph, the lady, lead her towards our group smiling, “Now, may you please let Rosella join?”

Jett’s head went away from the ocean for a second, peering at her, “Rosella, it that your name? It’s very pretty I must say…”

She was blushing like mad, and Steph chuckled, “Now, behave.” When Black Rose sat next to me, she continued, “Okay. The way it works is like this! I want you lot to think of one happy thought, a powerful one though, and transfer all that happiness towards your bracelets! From there, I want you to let that glow fill you!”


We went at it, but all I got glowing was my hand. Apparently my memory wasn’t strong enough, which pissed me off. I don’t have that many happy memories at all, yet I needed a strong one. I look over at Shadow, whose arm was magenta. Jett seemed to get his, oddly, hair into gold. I laughed, glancing over at Andy and Raj. Andy got it all right, he was glowing, but Raj was just the same as me, only his hand. However, Black Rose didn’t have any sort of glow whatsoever.


Shadow, noticing my gaze, sighed, “Black Rose, don’t you have anything that makes you happy?”

Black Rose glared, “There’s no such thing as happiness.”

“Oh come on!” Andy piped in, “There has to be something that makes you happy, BR! Like the sunshine, or comic books, or manga, or bunnies, or fish, or-” A hand flew to his mouth.

Raj kept his grip on his mouth, sighing, “What he means it, even the littlest things could make you happy, you’ve gotta have something.”

“Yeah, mate. For example, the ocean makes me happy.” Jett’s hair seemed to be glowing even more.


She sighed, obviously thinking. Very hard. She was focusing one nothing, but before we knew it, her body was lit up with navy blue. It was rather nice, that was, until her eyes were also navy blue. I gasped, “What’s with her eyes?!”

Jett tapped her cheek, “She must be deep in thought or something…”

Steph came over, sighing, “She’s deep in thought…” She tapped her cheek, “Yep, deep in thought all right.”

“What do we do?”

“In all honesty, wait until it dies down…”


I wonder when she’ll come out of her trance? 

© 2013 Sarah

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Added on January 17, 2013
Last Updated on January 17, 2013
Tags: 21



Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Umm...Hey, I'm Sarah, and I'm fifteen years old. I'm currently in Australia, and I write. It's a hobbie, but people say that my writing will go somewhere big one day. I like anime, Marvel, anything .. more..

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A Chapter by Sarah

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