

A Story by saroosh

why read?

Its just wonderful to let myself lose into a whole new world every time i open a book.It can be the fascinating world of "Harry Potter",the intricate world of "Solitaire Mystery" or the the adventurous world of "Sherlock Holmes". Escaping this world and getting into a book. Living the lives of thousands of others in the books.Learning what they have learned.Finding out answers to lives most deep and troubling questions. In books you may find things you were never looking for, you may find may find that you have much in common with the characters you are reading about.They inspire you to overcome the problems and face difficulty.

© 2013 saroosh

Author's Note

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I must say that I completely agree with you, I am reading books because I have the same feeling. Its very interesting to live their lives, to feel like them and to be hurt like them. And when you finish the book, you feel changed, touched.
Just amazing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

i am not into non-fiction! mostly its fantasy, Philosophical,thrillers and horror! what 'bout you?

11 Years Ago

I mostly read fantasy, historical novels, philosophical and a bit of thrillers. :)

11 Years Ago

kool :)



I'm so glad you wrote this story about your love affair with books.

I just love: 'It's just wonderful to let myself loose in a whole new world every time I open a book.' This is believable.

'In books you may find things you were never looking for, you may find yourself.' Profound statement filled with truth. Sometimes I scare myself when that happens. I say, 'How did you know?'

Books are a writers sustenance. They are my best friends; neither dog nor cat can replace. There are no books in Hell. I can't go there. The Bible says there's a book in Heaven: The Book of Life. So that's where I'll go. But for now, I'll stay here on Earth immersed in as many books as I can sink my eyes into. One day I may find myself again.

Great job. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thank you so much!! just tried to write the mutual feelings of book lovers!!
The very first word should be it's. Nicely penned...


Posted 11 Years Ago


Posted 11 Years Ago

[send message][befriend] Subscribe
I must say that I completely agree with you, I am reading books because I have the same feeling. Its very interesting to live their lives, to feel like them and to be hurt like them. And when you finish the book, you feel changed, touched.
Just amazing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

i am not into non-fiction! mostly its fantasy, Philosophical,thrillers and horror! what 'bout you?

11 Years Ago

I mostly read fantasy, historical novels, philosophical and a bit of thrillers. :)

11 Years Ago

kool :)

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4 Reviews
Added on January 4, 2013
Last Updated on January 4, 2013



lahore, Pakistan

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