We are born
of the swamps. They have nurtured our peoples since before the time of memory
and they shall shelter us when our bodies return to the muck from which we were
born. The swamps fed us, sheltered us, and nurtured us, until we grew strong
enough to leave the swamps. Yet the swamps shall always be a part of us. Those
fetid waters flowing in our veins.
For too many generations, we fought among ourselves, staining the mud and
waters red. So many lives lost and for nothing. For a few scraps and for a
better place in which to place our nests. The shamans, we who could commune the
spirits of our ancestors. We learned of our history. We shared the stories with
the rest of the families, taught them all we could, until they were finally
willing to stop fighting and learn.
The swamps could no longer keep us. The swamps they let us go. We spread from
the swamps, to the marsh, to the plains, and to the mountains. We spread and we
searched. We grew. We never forgot our homes though. The totems of our people
stood guard over the land of our ancestors and kept it safe. Our shamans
continued to visit our homes to commune with the spirits.
One day, we met Man. Great was the blood that was spilled that day. Man knew
not the swamps. Knew not their ancestors. They couldn’t not and would not speak
to the spirits and were weaker for it. Yet there we so many of them.
Mighty was man. Mighty their numbers. Mighty their magics.
They bent our natures. They tore our souls and bodies apart. Those who could,
fled back to our homes, drawing back into the mud. Those we left behind became
corrupted. Became the Kraviks, the brutish slaves for the humans.
We cleaned our wounds. Gave the dead back to the swamp. We knew we could not
face those powers alone again.
Yet vengeance must needs be met. Blood must answer for blood.
Our children spread back into the world, learning the magic of the land. We
joined with the other peoples and managed to free most of our corrupted people.
Now we must learn to communicate with those that are part of us yet no longer
part of us.
We will always be part of the swamp. Yet this wide world… it belongs to us to.