It replays over and over again, like a bad dream that you cant wake up from and just cant stop thinking about. When you go to sleep you dream it. You cant escape from it. The thought is still there in the back of your mind, no matter what. Its everywhere you go. How do you make it stop? Trying to figure out ways to keep the thoughts out of your mind, but you just cant. There is no running, escaping or hiding. Its haunting you. Tears come to your eyes. You just wish it would all stop. Maybe the thoughts are bad. Maybe the thoughts are sad. Maybe you're missing something that you once had ? Or maybe even perhaps something you've never had at all? No one knows but you. There's no one to tell. No one that will understand as well as you anyways. So what do you do? Do you just live with these thoughts and remain being haunted forever? Or do you do your best to try and forget ? What if you cant bare the thoughts but, theres something about it that makes you happy? Is that even possible though? What if it is ? Should you self medicate yourself? Maybe that will help.Or maybe that will make it worse.
So whats your next step in trying to forget these thoughts...?
Nothing you've just given up ..