This was amazing. I love how you used the Winnie the Pooh quote. You sent me a comment a while back with another quote, about standing on a bridge and watching the water flow underneath you. It made my think of on Winnie the Pooh when they played "Pooh sticks". Pooh and Piglet threw two sticks into the river on one side of the bridge and ran to the other side to see whose stick made it under first. Me and my little brother James used to play it all the time. I love Winnie the Pooh. Eeyore could be my favorite character ever.
Breathing someone in as they sigh. What a beatuiful thought. That feeling of no matter how thightly you hold somebody, you're never close enough. I love that feeling and hate it.
oh my god..... this i sthe hottest thing, the truest..... i'm at a loss....... wow. intensly emotional . the flow is effortless. it feels like the most eloquent natural speach. beautiful
How much more romance can one display in one peom? You have broken the boundaries, opened the gates for some amazing images of two people sharing invaluable moments rich in true understanding on the one hand and sensuous love on the other. Sublime and beautiful, karabenz! My favorite lines are:
there is a need in my chest
to lay beside you
(as close as i can be)
beside you.
until my lips
-are your lips-
and my skin
-is your skin-
and somehow when you sigh
i softly breathe you in.
I really like this. I also like how you use quotes from winnie the pooh everywhere. Who knew they held such profound meaning when we were watching him when we were little! This reminds me of a poem by Pablo Neruda...sorry, can't remember the title, or even if it had one...but it was beautiful. If I find it again I'll show it to you. Lovely.
i love love love this.
i really enjoyed how you added a clip from Winnie the Pooh at the beginnin. that was pretty cute.
my favorite lines:
i trace the curve of
your jaw
with my lips.
i breathe in the scent
at your neck.
with my ex, that was just about my favorite thing to do, was to smell his neck and lean in and try to be closer than i could possibly get, just be engulfed and be one and that would make me positively happy.
SO you portrayed that very well. and im happy you're slowly becoming sure.
i was not as fortunate.
I know that I have already reviewed this but so what, I won't tell if you don't. The last part, the one that leads up to "I am slowly becoming sure of you". Dang powerful stuff......had me completely daydreaming....yes, this is brilliant and you really find away to hug a heart with every word from this poem. Again, that ending.....gee, just leaves me smiling....
okay, I really need to get into your other works, feel like I'm cheating myself
I love this! Nothing (seems) to make us as sure of one another as when we have that physical closeness to one another. I guess it is the realist in us all - if we can touch it, it must be real!
Kara, a perfect image of how one responds to the feel of a secure relationship.You have captured that feeling with the soft touch of skin and lips. Being able to cuddle, speaks volumes in a relationship.
I love the way you write. It is dream-like and flows so beautifully. Your use of the phrase, 'beside you' is so masterfully done. This piece took me back to a love I had forgotten and I relived, for a moment, one of the best times of my life. Thank you.
The Pooh reference gives this poem an innocence that completes and encompasses it, perfectly.
This was beautiful and hopeful. I like the idea of being comforted by familiarity, not because it's charming or conventional but because it really means something. Bravo with this. You have lifted my heart.
I am resolved to never be content with the lives of "quiet desperation" which so many of us lead, to continuously challenge myself, and forever walk in Beauty.
I like pandas. I like writing poe.. more..