Ohh... I like this.
I love the concept of the moment between heartbeats. Makes me think of the Buck 65 lyric 'In a moment between heartbeats I'll set fire to the sky'
We all have so many moments left inside us to be lived.
I also enjoyed the selective rhyme just in the right places.
Nice work!
My favorite "couplet" is "Curl my toes into the soil / and breathe." Coming after "I'm reminded to forget the world, / and notice life", the effect is just dynamite.
The whole effect of the poem is to slow you down. To examine the spaces between the heart beats, and to focus inwardly. There really "...is something here". Thanks for reminding us. Let's all count some heart beats and breathe, taking in the moments.
Ohh... I like this.
I love the concept of the moment between heartbeats. Makes me think of the Buck 65 lyric 'In a moment between heartbeats I'll set fire to the sky'
We all have so many moments left inside us to be lived.
I also enjoyed the selective rhyme just in the right places.
Nice work!
the tao of being alive--i like this poem. it reminds me of the last line in chapter 45 of the tao te ching (my translation, of course): "If you can remain quiet and tranquil you can become the ruler of the world."
I really enjoyed this poem. This is a very positive poem with a good message. It, with beautiful imagery (in my interpretation) basically expresses depsite of the world's problems and hardships, you should still live life and enjoy the beauty of it.
Nice job. I thought it was well written, and uplifting to read.:)
I am resolved to never be content with the lives of "quiet desperation" which so many of us lead, to continuously challenge myself, and forever walk in Beauty.
I like pandas. I like writing poe.. more..