hastily placed together
A Poem by Kara Emily Krantz
This is all I have. These ripped up pieces of passion that I'm hastily placing together. Here - hold them, see them, press my fingertips against your lips and taste them. I can see your scars, your open wounds and I know you can't stand the things I stand for. I'm trying to stand for you but you're holding me away. i'm pressing against the strength of your hands. there are bruises on my collarbones and i'm thirsty for something sweet. My eyes are so wide with misunderstanding. My hair is falling across my brow and you're moving it out of the way and then I'm propelling myself into your arms. This dance is vicious and I'm tired of the tune and all this broken glass around us should remind us not to have any more tea parties.
© 2013 Kara Emily Krantz
10:49 AM U.S. CST
My Review of "hastily placed together," by Kara Emily Krantz, a fellow Writer's Cafe Author
by PB Jacobs (www.writerscafe.org)
Happy AM, Kara!
Sound's like you have a case of "Yarn and Kitty," going on. Yarn and Kitty is the name of one of my poem's I had published in a local newspaper, just so you know.
Yeah, you muddle and fodder your way through thing's, here and there, I see, and tis true, I do the same thing, as it help's to think out loud. Am I correct?
You have a great middle-class anthem here, and I love this, as it's so true! Great work!
I like the eccentricity in myself, and yes, your piece here remind's me of this!
You seem to be of the intellectually gifted variety, as us gifted people don't worry about thing's so much. Figuring thing's out is a piece of cake from there to there, and why worry about what you can already figure out by rattling a few things from the top of your head.
Yeah, dime a dozen thinking is common, but in order to be me, I have had to deal with a bad case of the you-know-what-over's. Drop by my writing tab, and you will see exactly what I mean, if you haven't already.
People like us aren't annoying, it's just that we tend to be magnets for the latest scam! But, like I'm saying about what I'm saying, all in good you-know-what-over's!
True, a gifted person can limit him or herself to hanging around and being with a few people to save face Type 9 personality wise, but why? It pay's to figure thing's out, from there to there, universally.
Great work, but I'm not really into what your work implies, relationship-wise. I'm a tad more independent.
Not to worry, though.
PB Jacobs
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Reviews
Added on March 8, 2013
Last Updated on March 8, 2013
Kara Emily Krantzhttp://karaemily.wordpress.com, MA
I am resolved to never be content with the lives of "quiet desperation" which so many of us lead, to continuously challenge myself, and forever walk in Beauty.
I like pandas. I like writing poe.. more..