This is really well written. I liked how some words carried over from one stanza to the next, like "hands," "blood," and "eternity." It really wove the whole poem together, but it made some of the stanzas where you didn't do this feel out of place.
There are some really amazing images in here that I'm extremely jealous of, such as blood flowing into "pools of passion," and "room for air bubbles/and saved space for eternity." It's very morbid, but you pull it off well. You only slip up a couple times. For example, the mention of "candies," even when paired with jealousy, seems like it doesn't belong.
Other than that, I can only repeat Sarah's advise to drop every single "and." Also, you might also consider cutting the very last line entirely. Leaving the reader with the image of being stuffed in a sack is potent, and the black humor of "good luck," kind of detracts from that.
Wonderfully crafted poetry. Keep up the great work!
This is really well written. I liked how some words carried over from one stanza to the next, like "hands," "blood," and "eternity." It really wove the whole poem together, but it made some of the stanzas where you didn't do this feel out of place.
There are some really amazing images in here that I'm extremely jealous of, such as blood flowing into "pools of passion," and "room for air bubbles/and saved space for eternity." It's very morbid, but you pull it off well. You only slip up a couple times. For example, the mention of "candies," even when paired with jealousy, seems like it doesn't belong.
Other than that, I can only repeat Sarah's advise to drop every single "and." Also, you might also consider cutting the very last line entirely. Leaving the reader with the image of being stuffed in a sack is potent, and the black humor of "good luck," kind of detracts from that.
Wonderfully crafted poetry. Keep up the great work!
=OOO Oh ho ho! I wasn't quite expecting so much evil to seep in there at the end. ^^ Very nice.
The beginning though is where I had issues. "The thoughts that clout your mind" I do believe you meant "cloud" right? ^^; "They rip your hands into shreds" might sound better with just "to" rather than "into"
Try not to begin too many lines with "As" or "And" also. It helps the poem to flow more smoothly when reading it to yourself.
=O I LOVE how it's like "Deeper than Blood" meets that movie you told me to see with the puppets. =D That's what I thought of. Especially that last paragraph. It was beautiful. I like the air bubbles in the blood too. It's all so wickedly evil and lovely.
In my room of orange, I obsess over books, and write into the unearthly hours of the night, starting at my Shmoo for condolences. On any normal night, my music pushes my thoughts along until sleep ta.. more..