![]() 2 years laterA Chapter by Santulan![]() LIfe continues...![]() Two years had passed and a lot had changed during those two years. Much to his shock San had found that It was the second year of his college and the work load was ever increasing. The students decided to perform a mass absence from the college to take an unofficial break. Rumors were abound that the authorities were aware of it. They didn’t care much. If they had been so studious this event wouldn’t have been planned in the first place. San was in the canteen having some iced tea and a burger when They were school mates and had come to the same college. “Damn you man, why’d you have to hit so hard?” “Why did you have to bunk the lecture in the first place? It’s the second one you’ve bunked this week. Keep this rate on you’ll surely be detained or get library hours.” An eighty percent attendance was compulsory to attend the exams. “As if I care a s**t. Math was never so boring. I was even out of the coffee beans today. It takes an effort just to stay awake there” “What the hell do you drink the diet stuff for? It tastes so bland. You are so in shape too” “Well got to keep the shape. Am going to meet him tonight” “You and your taste in men. I’ll get you your coke, but you’ll be drinking it alone I guess.” “Why, what happened?” San handed her a can, “Well Simone’s coming this way and if she finds out that I am bunking lectures again I am in for it big time then. Gotta run off to the library before it stops renewing the books. Not here one whole week aren’t we?” “I don’t get it, you don’t let her find out that you bunk lectures and yet you are gonna participate in the mass bunk for the whole week?” “The mind works in mysterious ways my friend. I’ll deal with her later.” The rest of the day in college went as uneventful as possible. He managed to stay awake in the lectures that had followed. Well it was also due to the fact the last one was Sharon’s. He was more interested in looking at her than what she had to teach. He knew what she was teaching anyways so it didn’t matter much. She was in a good mood to teach without having to tell off some one for not paying attention or not answering to questions. He went home once his lectures were over. He was alone though as his mother had gone to some friend’s place and Sid was off to some tour. Simone still had two more hours to come home to so he decided to change in to something more comfortable and put on some of his favorite music. As time passed he began to feel the pangs of hunger. Simone was late today. He thought that she would have been held up due to some staff meeting and so he decided to make some snacks himself. He made some sandwiches and opened a new bottle of cola. Just then there were some noises from the gate. So she had finally come. It was a good thing he had prepared some extra ones. When the door opened he found that she was not alone but Sharon had accompanied her home. “Good, you brought company. I prepared some extra ones.” “Well, she’s your professor; give her some respect.” “So are you, I am not wishing you Good evening.” He replied tongue in cheek. “It’s ok Simone; we know each other from times before this.” Sharon said. He smiled. “Ok, I surrender. Just wait for me I’ll change and come. Make your self at home” “So what’s the latest thing you’ve done? I am so out of touch with the digital world now.” “The one you made last week was real good. Pity they thought that it was out of course.” “What can I say? We have a good teacher in class.” “Stop flattering me. You never need my lectures there. You know all that is being taught anyways” “He knows a lot of things; it would better if he put his brains to better use.” Simone came in as Sharon helped her self to some sandwiches. “What’s better than this?” “Well you could stop bunking lectures for one.” “And for the mass bunk too?” “So you people know?” “Yes, and so does the principal. You guys better watch your steps” Sharon said “We shall see. Principal or no we are going to bunk. Period. I’ll leave you all to your selves. Mum’s come back anyways. It’s her at the gate. Better set my hair or she’ll be after that too. The principal calling home is all I need to have her madder at me” Just then his mother entered. “Good evening Auntyji.” Sharon wished her. “Good evening dear. Why don’t you all make it compulsory at the college to have a proper haircut? This boy has no sense of dressing.” San got up and left for his room. “Here we go again. Some other time ma” © 2008 Santulan |
1 Review Added on February 25, 2008 Last Updated on March 10, 2008 Author![]() SantulanAhmedabad, IndiaAboutAm here here to share my musings and writings with you, and maybe improve my self from what you comment and reiew. Being a vintage Libran, I am in constant search for establishing an Equilibrium in m.. more..Writing