It is a general notion that people that talk a lot don't think as much. I'm usually considered a thinker, and I don't think so. I may be smart, but when I'm thinking, at least in public, it's usually about what to say. Sure, I think about other things too, like the conversation, but most of my thoughts in a situation where people are talking to me, or even when I just want to reach out to start a conversation, are about what to say. I scour my mind for conversation topics, but I don't know how to bring them up. So sure, maybe talkers can be accidentally offensive, or not entirely think things through, but the amount of thoughts they think must be amazing. And I know, if I said everything that came into my mind, every third word would offend somebody. So thinkers, next time you start to look down on a talker, think about their thoughts, and how things would sound if you had the bravery to speak all your thoughts. Talkers, try to slow your mental process down a bit, because while you probably want to speak all of your thoughts, sometimes they accidentally come out offensive. But most of the time, it's just because if you don't slow down, nobody will hear your thoughts because nobody can hear your thoughts. I don't know how you do it, but I'm constantly amazed by you, talkers.