My Love

My Love

A Poem by Samantha Grace

We are analyzing poetry in English... you'd think I enjoy it, but unfortunately I only write it, rhythm, rhyme, meter and such are NOT, repeat, NOT my thing! (Haha!!!) So this is a Japanese tanka, another assignment.


Your arms are alive

A comforted resting place

for my weary head

I love you more than the world

Half of my heart and my soul


© 2009 Samantha Grace

Author's Note

Samantha Grace
Any and all critique! :)

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You intrigued me. I didn't know what a Japanese Tanka was, so I googled(I swear that should be a verb) ^_^ From my now knowledge of the form you seem to have done it perfectly. It lacks a rhyme which is actually considered a fault in Tanka poetry. You kept the 5-7-5-7-7 format and still stayed on your topic of love. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing. You've inspired me to try this myself sometime ^_~

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 16, 2009
Last Updated on February 28, 2009


Samantha Grace
Samantha Grace

Simpsonville, SC

I'm Samantha. I'm 18. I don't remember not writing or reading. I have a little boy born 9/13/2007 [Shawn]. He is my heart, my life, my everything. I'm engaged to his dad [Dustin]. I also love art, mus.. more..
