1: Me & My Fake Boyfriend

1: Me & My Fake Boyfriend

A Chapter by sammyjones57

Gracie wasn't expecting to run into her ex-husband...or his new fianc�e. In a desperate attempt to win the "ex game", she tells a little white lie and throws in a random stranger to make it believable. No big deal right? Boy was she wrong!


There is nothing worse than a random winter storm. Everyone gets cranky when mother nature throws us this kind of curveball. Has something to do with the wind shoving up against our backs and ice and snow pounding on our heads. For those of us that have to rely on public transportation and our feet to get us from point A to point B, it’s quite the pain in the a*s. But nothing tops actually getting caught in a random winter storm. Especially if you’re wearing a red sequin flapper dress and reeking of tequila from the night before. How I even get myself in these situations is beyond me. I can tell by the other people huddled around the bus stop that I stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone else is bundled up in winter jackets, hats, and scarves. People keep casting me looks like, ‘What an idiot!’ I’m half way tempted to ask if this storm was expected. I know it’s the beginning of December and weather is supposed to be like this. But just yesterday it was in the fifties. Of course if I open my mouth, I’m going to get more odd looks, and probably a few eye rolls. Maybe even a lecture from the old guy that is staring at me with stern eyes. So I decide to keep my mouth shut, making a mental note to watch the weather channel more often.


Tapping my half way frozen foot against the sidewalk, I let out a sigh of relief when I see the white bus coming towards my stop. Finally! Just twenty more minutes and I will be at my apartment taking a nice long hot bath. The bus slowly comes to a halt and people start to spill out onto the sidewalk, taking their ever so dear sweet time. C’mon people, let’s move it along here! While I’m jumping back and forth trying to stay warm, I notice a guy stepping off the bus. There is something strangely familiar of how he’s walking. Smooth and confident strides like he think he’s somebody. Oh no. No freaking way! I blink my frozen eyelashes a few times not really believing what I’m seeing. But there is no denying it. It’s Stephen, my ex-husband. S**t.


Maybe I can take a nose dive into the bushes and wait for the next bus to come along. But then again, it’s really cold out here, and I’m pretty sure I’ve already caught pneumonia. Oh great, now he’s waving at me! S**t! S**t! S**t! Guess it’s time to put on the big girl panties and wave back at him. Okay deep breathe. And one, two, three, I raise my hand up and give him a slight wave. Not a huge hello-how-ya-doin’-so-glad-to-see-you-wave. More of a stranger-on-the-sidewalk-top-of-the-mornin’-to-ya sort of wave. Although I really want to just give him the finger, but I’m trying to be mature here. As he comes closer, a very self satisfying smile creeps across my face. He’s gained a few pounds. And when I say few–I mean thirty. I’m so happy that I decided to wear my gut sucker under my flapper dress now. My best friend Vicki told me not to wear it just in case I met the right guy last night, and possibly ended up at his place. But as I informed her, I was not that type of girl anymore. (Even though I did make sure that it would fit in my purse, ya know, just in case Mr. Right just happened to be at this costume party.) After all being that type of girl is how I met Stephen two years ago. Believe me, lesson learned!


Why is he still waving at me? I quickly place my hand down feeling slightly embarrassed by his enthusiasm. I mean, yes it’s been six months, but I didn’t think he’d be this happy to see me. I know I sure as hell ain’t happy to see him. S**t, he’s coming right up to me! I quickly try to smooth out my light blonde hair because I know it’s a wild mess. I’m flashing a big smile, making my cheeks burn. I notice a slight change in his face when he gets closer. His eyebrows shoot straight up and he looks a little dumbfounded.


Grace!” he says stopping abruptly. He doesn’t say this in a happy tone either, more like in a surprised utter shocked tone. Who did he think I was?


“Hey Stephen,” I say casually and throw another half way wave.


“Oh…I uh…didn’t recognize you.” Before I can open my mouth an elegant voice comes from behind me. My gut tells me that Stephen was never waving at me in the first place. Taking one quick glance, I see a gorgeous brunette that might as well be a Victoria’s Secret model. She’s tall with almond color eyes and wearing a fluffy black jacket and jeans with heels. I don’t get how anyone can wear heels when there is snow and spots of ice out on the sidewalk.


“Stephen we’re going to be late,” the girl says in a huffy voice. She takes on quick questionable glance at me. “Oh, hello.”


This is horrible. I want to crawl under a rock and die. Why the hell does she have to be pretty? Thirty pounds and counting and he scores a girl like this? I could barely even get a guy to look at me last night and I’m dressed like a f*****g hooker!


“Yes I know, but–” he casts me a glance then looks back at her. “I’m sorry, where are my manners?” Manners? Pfft. “Sandra honey, this is Grace.” I notice that he doesn’t call me Gracie like he use too. Good. Because if he did, I’d probably vomit. It takes Sandra about 1.5 seconds to realize that I’m that Grace. I know this because she looks like she’s about to s**t herself. Then she starts to smirk once she eyeballs what I’m wearing. I wrap the extremely thin black jacket around me a little more as if I can really hide the dress. I know she’s going to make fun of me when I walk away. Don’t really blame her. I’d make fun of me too. “And Grace this is my fiancée Sandra.”


Woah, back the truck up! Did he just say fiancée? Oh my God, he did! That rat b*****d is already getting married again!


“Ni-ni-nice to me-ee-et you,” I stutter because now I’m about to s**t myself. But my words come out sounding more like I just said: nice to eat you. How was it even remotely possible that he was already engaged? The awkward silence is consuming us and I see the bus start to lurch forward. Great! Not only am I freezing to the bone and my ex-husband is engaged, but now I’ve just missed my bus!


“Where you waiting for that?” Stephen asks as if he can still read my mind. Which apparently he can, but I’m not about to let him know this.


“No,” I say with a laugh. “I don’t take the bus!” This is my weak attempt at an insult. “I’m actually waiting for someone.” His eyebrows raise and I feel the need to push my boundaries a little more. “My boyfriend. He’s going to meet me here.”


“Your boyfriend?” he chokes out. I’m so glad I divorced him. He’s such an a*****e. And what is up with his hair? It use to be a nice shade of brown. Not too dark, but not too light. Now it’s all spiked up and dyed blonde in the front. He looks like a jacked up porcupine. “Is he late? You look like you’ve been standing out here for a while.” Well thank you Captain Obvious! I’m sure my face was beat red due to the wind. There was a good chance that I had snot built up in my nose too. Why didn’t I wear a real coat out last night? I know it was kind of nice weather, but it was still chilly. But a better question was, why in the hell did I decide last minute to dress up as a f*****g flapper?


“He’s just running a little behind. Big business meeting,” I say with a smile. “With Tokyo!” I have no clue where this pathological lying mouth is coming from. Oh wait, yes I do, it’s coming from my inner bitchy jealous side.


“Tokyo,” Stephen repeats.


“Yes, as in the country,” I state.


“Tokyo is a city,” Sandra corrects me then politely smiles.


“That’s what I said,” I quickly reply then give Stephen a look like ‘Pfft, what’s her deal?


“Well we’re about to go grab something to eat. If you want, you can join us to warm up while you wait for your boyfriend,” he says the last word with a cocky smirk. F**k. He knows I’m lying. That’s the only reason why he’s being nice to me. Because he knows he’s winning in the ex game. You know the game everyone plays to see who has the better life. And since I’m standing out in the freezing cold looking like a prostitute waiting on a fake boyfriend–well, I do believe I’m loosing.


“Oh no,” I reply gritting my teeth. “Actually he’s right there! It was nice seeing you again!”


“Where?” he asks cranking his neck around. I can see Sandra is a tad bit irritated and quite frankly I don’t blame her. If she was smart, she’d kick him in the balls. I think I might just do it for her if he doesn’t move his a*s along this sidewalk.


“Oh right there!” I say pointing at the crowd of people walking towards us. Most of them are guys, so he can’t really tell who I’m pointing at. Good thing because I’m not even sure who my fake boyfriend is either. I wave my hand around then let out a sigh. “He’s so blind sometimes! Well it was nice meeting you Sandra.” I start to walk off towards the crowd of people when I hear Stephen’s voice again.


“We’re actually going this way,” he says. “We’ll walk with you.” If there was ever a time for a piano to fall from the sky, now would be excellent! But since I’ve made this huge deal about my big time rich corporate lawyer boyfriend named Ethan-yes that’s his occupation and his name, I just made it up-I need to actually grab one of these schmucks.


“Stephen really we’re already late,” Sandra says and I can see in her eyes that she knows I’m lying too. Great, now she’s giving me a sympathetic look. As if she has any possible idea how it feels to be in my shoes right now. But I know when they go to eat at that nice warm restaurant, they’re going to drink wine or some s**t, and laugh their asses off at how pathetic I am. There is no way in hell that’s happening.


Okay time to strap on the thinking cap! There has to be a guy out of this crowd I can just grab by the arm and walk with. It’s the city for crying out loud, he won’t even notice at first. By then Stephen and his fiancée with the fake b***s will already be on their merry little way. All right, so who should it be? Not the old guy, he looks too much like my dead Uncle Arty. Wow that’s a little freaky. I mean he looks just like him. Suspenders and all! He did die, right? No time for that, I’ll ask my mother later. What about the guy with the yellow hat? Okay no, that’s a girl. My mistake. Oh, what do we have here? Tall, jet black hair, chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, gorgeous drop dead smile…that is holding hands with another guy just as gorgeous. Damn! Do I know how to pick a crowd or what?


“Gracie, are you sure you don’t want to just join us?” I hear Stephen ask. Oh hell to the no he did not just call me Gracie! It’s on now buddy!


I open my mouth to say something–more in likely to cuss at him–when I see my fake boyfriend. He’s almost six foot tall, medium built, with messy light brown hair, and sporting a five o’clock shadow on his face. Wearing a tan colored sports jacket that has a hole at the bottom pocket and underneath is a faded black Rolling Stones t-shirt. He doesn’t notice me, because he’s too busy talking on his cell phone. He’s cute in that dorky kind of wanna be rocker way. Okay so maybe he doesn’t look like a big time rich corporate lawyer, but desperate times call for desperate measures.


“Ethan!” I yell and quickly walk towards him and lightly grab his arm. “There you are! I’ve been waiting out here forever!”


Excuse me?” the guy asks narrowing his eyebrows. Thankfully he’s got a light voice, because I glance over to see Stephen and Sandra coming towards us.


“Listen, I’ll pay you fifty bucks to pretend to be my boyfriend for the next two minutes,” I whisper harshly. I definitely look like a crazy person right now.


“You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?” he asks slowly.


“What are you dense? Do you want the fifty bucks or not?”


“Dude!” I hear some guy’s voice yell through on his cell phone. “Do it! She sounds hot!” I don’t know who this guy on the phone was, but I like him! Too bad he wasn’t standing out here on the sidewalk.


“Yeah listen to your friend,” I say pointing at the phone. Out of the corner of my eye I see them approaching. “F**k! It’s too late, just play along.”


“Wha-what but I don’t-” I cut him off by belting out in the wildest laugh I could possibly get out of my chest.


“Ethan you’re soooooooo funny!” I say then slap–probably a little too hard–his arm.


“Ow,” he grumbles then mutters something to the guy on the phone.


“Oh Stephen, Sandra, you’re still here?” I ask in mid-hyena laughter. My fake boyfriend Ethan is staring at me like I’m f*****g nuts. Which by now I know I am. Vicki would be so proud of me.


“Stephen,” my d********g ex-husband says then extends his hand out to shake. “And you are?” Okay, like I hadn’t just said his name. Was he trying to test me here?


“Ethan,” I broke in grasping his arm. “We’re barely going to have time to get that thing for your mother. Don’t you have to go back to the office soon?”


“Uh…I guess so,” he says then grabs Stephen’s hand and shakes it anyways. I hope he has a firm handshake. That’s one thing Stephen always had. He could break someone’s damn hand in one grip if he needed too. “Ethan Scott her…uh…her boyfriend.” Score! Who says you can’t make friends in the city? My mother told me that once, but now I have proven her wrong.


“Where do you work?” Stephen asks and now I can tell Sandra is done being irritated. She is now just plain pissed the f**k off. I do believe that I’m climbing up the point scale on the ex game though. My fake boyfriend shoves his hands in his pocket and glances back and forth between Stephen and I.


“He’s a big time corporate lawyer,” I cut in then flash Sandra a dazzling smile. I have no clue why I feel like I have to rub in my fake success to her. Especially since I have no clue who she is or what she does. Mainly for that sympathetic look she tried to give me earlier. I hate girls like that.


“Really? For what firm?” Stephen inquires.


“Sanford and Son,” I blurt out. Wait, was that a TV show? S**t. By the looks everyone is giving me, I’m going to say it was. “I’m kidding! Geez!”


“You always were a jokester Gracie,” Stephen says wrapping his arm around Sandra’s size two waist. Now he’s pissing me off. My couple minutes are almost up, and I’m pretty sure my fake boyfriend is going to spill the beans any moment. Plus I’m hung over, freezing my a*s off, and not to mention absolutely starving to death. Does Stephen take any of this into consideration? No! He just has to keep on talking to my fake boyfriend. Oh no, they’re talking and I have no clue what about, because I’m too busy cussing Stephen out in my head.


“What’s up with the twenty questions Stephen? Did you become some sort of integrator or something?” I snap and toss Sandra a look like ‘Pfft. What’s his deal?” She’s looking at me very suspiciously then starts to roll her eyes. I dunno if that was for me or Stephen–but my bet is on him. “If you don’t mind, I’m a little under dress for this weather. Ethan really has to get back to his meeting with Tokyo.”


“Tokyo?” my fake boyfriend asks making me stomp his foot. Hasn’t he ever played along before? I know it’s random of me to approach him like this, but if he keeps this up I’m going to start knocking off his pay. “Ow!”


“Really, this has been great! Do call, we’ll have lunch sometime!” Stephen opens his mouth to say something else, but Sandra is already pulling on him away.


“Okay, yeah,” Stephen yells out towards me. “I think that is a fantastic idea!” Oh now he says words like fantastic? Who the hell was he really trying to kid here? Does he not remember that I was with him for two years, and lived with him for basically all of it? I know he doesn’t say words like fantastic. He doesn’t wear nice shirts like the one he has on and that I apparently hadn’t noticed until now. The porcupine hair got me all sorts of mixed up.


“Fabulous!” I say throwing a hand out. “Okay well tah-tah for now!” My fake boyfriend starts to wave too and shouts out a goodbye. Since he’s being polite maybe I won’t dock his pay any. I start to drag him down the sidewalk, because I don’t want Stephen to break loose and start talking again.


When we get at least a good block away, I let go of his arm and lean against a store building. “A*****e!” I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair glancing over his way. “Can you believe him? Making us stand there and talk to him and his stupid fiancée like that? Like we really give a s**t!”


“Who are you again?” my fake boyfriend asks as I continue to rant my head off. Something suddenly pops up in my mind. I never got a glance at Sandra’s ring!


“You didn’t happen to see if that brunette had a rather large diamond ring on her finger, did you?”


“Umm…well it was kind of big.”


“S**t!” I squat down–which is kind of hard to do by the way–and start to dig through my purse. Grabbing the ring box out of the bottom, I rip it out and open it. “Was it bigger than this one?” I know it sounds pathetic that I have my engagement ring along with the wedding band just right there in my purse. But I have a good reason for this. I’ve been scouting out pawn shops to see who would give me the best deal. So far no one was willing to fork what I’m willing to hawk it for.


My fake boyfriend grabs the box and stares at for a moment. His irises–a light emerald green nervously glance at me then back at the box. I tilt my head to the side and stare at him. He has gorgeous eyes! When he looks right at me again I can see them twinkle, creasing at the sides, then they dart away. “Uh…no,” he says shaking his head. “It wasn’t bigger than this.”


“You’re lying,” I state ripping the box out of his hand.


“What? You just met me! How can you possibly tell I’m lying?”


“I can hear it in your voice,” I say with a shrug. “That son of a b***h! Where the hell did he get the money to get a bigger ring than mine? What did it look like? Was it a princess cut? If he got her a princess cut, I’m going to kill him!”


“I have no idea what a princess cut is.”


“Well good. I’d really hate for you to be responsible for the death of my ex-husband.”


“Wait, that guy was your ex-husband?” A gust of wind picks up and I quickly push down the bottom of my dress down not wanting to flash this guy my gut sucker. Although I think it’s the only thing that’s keeping my thighs and my stomach warm at this point.


“Yeah. Why else do you think I just had you pretend to be my boyfriend?” I ask raising an eyebrow. “Or do you think I just randomly like to give strangers fifty dollars?”




“Exactly,” I say then open my purse to get my wallet out. I hear the song Like a Virgin by Madonna start playing and I glance up to see that it’s coming from his phone.


“It’s a long story,” he says quickly. Suddenly it all makes sense to me. My fake boyfriend is gay! Great! Oh well, the odds of me running into Stephen again were pretty slim. I mean, I hadn’t seen him in six months. Considering that we do live in the same area of the city for that long of time, I doubt it’ll happen again. But really it’s a shame that Ethan–or whatever his name is–is gay, because he’s kind of cute. I think if we would have met under better circumstances and he was straight, we’d probably date. Or at least make out.


“It’s okay, my cousin is gay,” I reply then bite back my lip because I know I sound incredibly stupid. Why did I just say that? I don’t even have a cousin that’s gay. Am I just trying to make him feel okay? But why does he need to feel okay about his sexuality? It’s really none of my business. Good grief I need to shut my mouth sometimes.


“Wait…what?” Like a Virgin is blaring again and he holds up his finger telling me to wait a second. “What Derk?”


Derk? That’s an unusual name. Sounds Swedish. I wonder if that’s his boyfriend. Glancing back at my wallet, my eyes grow wide. I only have fifty bucks left! Well there is an extra five, but what’s five bucks now a days? I can’t get home, grab something to eat, and buy a pack of cigarettes on five bucks. Okay no wait, no cigarettes. I’m trying to quit for like the millionth time. I wonder if my fake boyfriend will take an IOU. He seems to be a nice guy; I bet he’s understanding too.


“Yeah I’m still with her,” he says to the phone and shifts his eyes at me. “What? No I don’t know.” Pause. “Well yeah, kind of.” Pause. “Red.” Red? Was he talking about my dress? Maybe his boyfriend is a drag queen. I love drag queens! “I’m not asking her that.” Pause. “I’ll call you back in a bit.”


“You’re such a p***y!” I faintly hear a guy’s voice yell through on the phone as he snaps it shut.


"Ask me what?” I ask completely curious.


“Huh?” he asks.


“You just said–I’m not asking her that. So what is it that your boyfriend wanted to ask me?”


“My boyfriend!” he practically shouts. Oh there I go again, assuming things. His eyebrows narrow at me and I think I’ve just pissed him off. “I’m not gay!”


“You’re not? Then what’s up with the Madonna song?”


“I lost a bet.”


“With the Derk guy?”


“Yeah, I was talking to him when you offered me the fifty bucks.”


“Oh!” I yell feeling my cheeks flushing. Well that explains it–I guess. “I like him! What an unusual name. Is he Swedish?”


“No. That’s his last name, but that’s what we call him…um…” he throws a hand out then stars at me. Did I have something on my face? Why is he not talking anymore? Oh wait, that’s right, he probably wants his money. I should give him the money, but it’s the only cash I’ll have until tomorrow. The only thing in my apartment to eat is leftover Mexican food from a week ago. Or maybe two weeks ago. I could go to Vicki’s to get something to munch on, but she’s on one of those diets again. I don’t really like grapefruit. Or hot sauce mixed with water. That girl will do anything to shed two pounds. Not me. I just wear my gut sucker.


“Are you hungry?” I ask him.


“What?” he asks then blinks a few times. Is this guy deaf? Or am I just talking to fast? It’s probably me. I’ve been known to talk too fast and a little too much.


“Listen, I’m going to shoot it straight with you. I’ve got your fifty bucks, but it’s basically all I have until I get paid tomorrow. So if you don’t care, I’ll take you out for breakfast or something.”


“It’s almost one o’clock.”


“Are you freakin’ serious?” I grab his wrist and look down at this watch. It has a black leather band with some comic book face in the center. What a dork. But damn, I didn’t realize I was passed out that long on Mark’s couch. He was the one that threw the costume party last night. Leave it to Mark to throw a Halloween party in December. But that’s cool because I love dressing up. Plus it helped that I work at a vintage store with a fortune teller in the back. It’s an awesome job and pays pretty good. Considering we hardly do any business. Well at least in the clothing part of it. Everyone is a sucker when it comes to psychics. That’s where the real cash flow comes from. “All right, so are you down for lunch then?”


“Wait. So you’re not going to give me the fifty bucks?” he asks slowly. Geez.


“I will. Just not all of it…right now.” His eyes are completely narrowing at me again. I’ve defiantly pissed him off this time. “I’m not one to lie, but–”


“But you said fifty bucks when you yanked me off the street.”


“Okay first,” I say throwing my hand on my hip. “There was no yanking involved. And you didn’t have to say yes! I didn’t realize I was this broke, okay? But if you want the last of my money then here.” I push the wadded up bills towards him. “Take it!” He doesn’t say anything, just stares at me with his mouth hanging open. I take this as my golden opportunity to convince him to go out to lunch instead. “Or you we can go grab some grub. Then I’ll get your number and tomorrow I’ll give you the rest of the money. Sound like a deal?”


Like a virgin, hey! Touched for the very first time. Like a virgin, when your heart beats


“Seriously you have got to explain to me what’s up with that ring tone,” I say making him smirk a little. Wow, he’s got a really cute smirk. Taking one step back he flips open his phone and starts talking to Derk again. I do feel like a major asshat for trying to stiff him on the fifty bucks. I really do. Because I’m a pretty generous person. Just ask my ex-husband. I paid all the bills for seven months while he sat on his a*s and watched TV. Granted he did fall off a building, but it wasn’t like it was eighty feet in the air or anything. The doctor said he would be fine after a couple months of physical therapy. But Stephen milked that s**t for all it was worth. Funny how his back hurt too bad to work, but never hurt when he was trying to get some from me.


“She wants me to go get something to eat with her,” I hear my fake boyfriend say in a low voice. Anyone else probably wouldn’t have heard him talking. Luckily, I’ve got super sonic hearing that I inherited from my mother. “What? I’m not telling her that!” He glances over at me and I flash him a smile. By the way his cheeks are flushing he knows I’m eaves dropping. What is this Derk dude saying to him? “Where? I don’t know. I’ll call you back.” He flips the phone back again and looks my way. “Sorry he’s just-”


“Are you sure you’re not gay?” I ask. He does that eye narrowing thing again, but this time I think he’s more amused than pissed.


“Pretty sure,” he says with a laugh. He has a really adorable laugh too.


“Well your boy sure does call a lot.”


Like a virgin, hey! Touched for the very first time. Like a


He doesn’t get a chance to greet Derk again, because this time I’ve taken the phone out of his hand. Really, I’m not this bold. Okay I am, but I don’t even know this guy’s name yet. For some reason I feel the need to hang out with him a little longer. I think it’s because of his eyes, oh and that laugh.


“Yo Derk!” I say as if he’s one of my best friends.


“Whaddup–whaddup?” he says back in a loud squeaky voicethat makes me giggle. I instantly like Derk all over again. I bet he’s built like a football player. Don’t ask me why, something in his voice.


“So listen, me and your heterosexual life mate are going to go get something to eat, you game?”


“You’re serious? That p***y is going to go out to lunch with you?” I glance over at my fake boyfriend and flash him a smile.


“He hasn’t exactly agreed yet, but I think with some persuasion–”


“Tell him if he doesn’t go, I’ll tell you why he has that ring tone!” Derk says with so much enthusiasm that I have to rip the phone away from my ear. My fake boyfriend has apparently heard him because he’s reaching hastily for the phone. I, being the pest that I am, hold it over my head and start backing away. Not like he can’t just grab it considering he is about eight inches taller than me.


“Excuse me,” I say pushing my hand against his chest. “I’m talking to my friend Derk here.” Rolling my eyes and flashing a tiny smile–my attempt at flirting–I get back on the phone. “I dunno D. I think he likes that ring tone too much.” Derk starts busting out in laughter and now my fake boyfriend is rolling his eyes.


“Fine!” he yells throwing his hands up. “Let’s go to the lunch!”


“HELL YEAH!” Derk screams on the other end. Okay enough talking to him. I’m pretty sure my ear drum is going to bust if I do. I dunno how my fake boyfriend handles it. I hand the phone back and lean against the building to try and block the wind. My toes have to have frost bite. I really should have worn panty hose with this outfit. But I always get a nail caught on them when I try to put them on. Or get the wrong shade, so my legs are all nice and tan while the rest of me looks like one of those albino kids from Village of the Damned.


“I’ll call you when we get there,” I hear him say before shutting his phone. Pushing myself off the wall, I tug on my jacket.


“Ready?” I ask through chattering teeth. He nods his head, hands stuffing back into his pockets, as we start walking down the sidewalk. He tells me to choose the place after all, I am paying. I know there is a small café three blocks ahead with horrible coffee, but it’s close and I’m cold.


“Aren’t you freezing?” he asks after I tell him where we’re going. I want to ask him what his first clue was, but I decide to lay of the smartass remarks for now. “Do you want my jacket?” Eagerly I nod my head, and take the tan coat feeling the warmth wrapping around me.


“I’m Grace by the way,” I say reaching out and shaking his hand. He shakes it back, his hand warm and not scratchy feeling like most guys. Pretty nice grip too. Not pansy at all.


“Dean,” he replies. Ethan-Dean. Hhmm. I like the sound of that.

© 2008 sammyjones57

Author's Note

I would LOVE to hear what you think! And I'm up for any suggestions!!

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I really like the work that you are doing I think that it has alot of emotion and I love that keep writing this story i feel that it is progressing very well.

Posted 16 Years Ago

And there it is! My new favorite girl! GRACIE! =D! Great work and I'm looking forward to this story's progress!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
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Added on December 11, 2008
Last Updated on December 11, 2008