Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Selena Cane

            Addie rode harder and deeper into the forest. The sky grew darker as the sun disappeared behind the mountains in the distance. Storm clouds had been making their way from the east and were now spreading above the trees. Addie kept her face serious and hard, she had never possessed so much anger in heart. Queen Zora had already taken her parents and fiancé, she wasn’t about to let her take her best friend too. There had to be some way to protect Kristine from feeling Queen Zora’s wrath.           

            The brightness of the sun made its final appearance and the world around became dark. The smell of rain was found in the air as miniscule droplets of water gently fell from the sky. A slight rumble of thunder roared through the clouds causing Artemis to jump slightly. “It’s alright girl,” Addie reassured her. “It’s alright, just a little thunder.” They continued wandering through the trees when a much louder clap of thunder sounded causing Artemis to jump up on her hind legs. She whinnied hysterically and Addie lost control, tumbling off of her back and onto the hard ground.

            “Artemis!” she exclaimed with worry. Addie tried to approach the spooked horse and calm her down, “Hey girl, it’s okay. It’s just a little thunder, it’s okay.” Refusing to listen, she brought her hooves down and dashed deep into the dark leaving Addie behind.

            The rain transformed from a light sprinkle into a hard downpour. The ribbon that had originally held Addie’s hair up was now hanging onto one small chunk. She reached up and untied the ribbon letting the remaining hair loose. Bending over, she tied it around her ankle and began to walk in the direction Artemis had gone. Mud squished under her feet as the dark surrounded her, still having no idea where she was or where she was going.

            Not knowing how long she had been walking, Addie’s feet began to ache and she let herself rest on the sodden ground. Water seeped through her dress causing her to shiver and shake. Grasping the sides, she wrapped her cloak around her tightly in attempt to keep warm. “I’ve got to figure out where I am and how to get home,” she told herself. “Come on, on your feet,” she tried to convince herself. “On your feet. Go. Walk!” No matter how many times she told herself to do it, her legs refused to move.

            A flash of white light glimmered through the trees. It happened similar to that of lightning, accept, it was on the ground. I figure emerged from the darkness and a small white light followed came with it. “Hello?” a deep voice called. “Is someone there?” Unsure if whether or not she should respond, Addie kept quiet. “I know you’re there Adelaide,” the voice confirmed.

            Slightly frightened now Addie leapt to her feet and backed up against a tree, “How do you know me?” she asked.

            “There’s no need to be afraid,” the voice said. “I don’t bite.”

            “Who are you?” she asked again in fear.

            The figure continued to move forward until it was close enough that she could see with assistance of the white light. The figure was that of an old man. His face was wrinkled and his chin was covered with a long, white beard. He wore a dark blue robe that fell to his feet which bore large, pointed slippers. Looking carefully at the light she was able to notice, that it wasn’t coming from a lantern as she had originally thought. The light shone from a blue ball resting on top of a silver staff. The man smiled and she could see his eyes crinkle, “You really don’t know who I am?”

            “I’m afraid not Sir.”

            The man only nodded, “I can’t say I’m surprised, not many do.”

            “Why is that?”

            “I’m afraid I can’t be sure,” he confessed. “I use to be very well known, especially in Camelot.”

            “Unfortunately, Sir, this isn’t Camelot.”

            “Don’t you think I know that? This is Grimmland, I haven’t been here since Queen Zora came into power.”

            Addie nodded, “I understand. I wish I could say the same for myself.”

            The old man looked at her concerned, “Oh my dear, don’t say that. You are needed here Princess Adelaide. I’m afraid it’s all part of the plan.”

            “What plan, and how do you know who I am?”

            “Pardon me dear, I got so carried away I forgot to introduce myself,” he chuckled. “I am Merlin.”

            “Merlin?” she asked, then coming to sudden realization. No wonder he knew who she was, he was a wizard, and a well-known one at that. “Of course, Merlin, I have heard of you. My apologies, I didn’t recognize you.”

            “It’s quite alright dear, it happens all the time. Now what do you say we get you back home and out of this dreadful rain?”

            “I would Sir, but I’m afraid I don’t know exactly where I am or how to get home.”

            “Please, Sir is not necessary, call me Merlin.”

            Addie acknowledged his request, “Merlin, I’m afraid I don’t where I am or how to get back home.”

            “No worries Dear, I know how to get there. In fact, come to think of it, it may not be the safest place to go right now.” Merlin made a gestured Addie over, “Come, we will go back to my place. We have some things to discuss regarding your friend Red, or should I say Kristine, huh?”

            Cautiously, Addie walked over to the wizard and the world warped. Before she knew it, she was standing beside a hearth, her toes already gaining back feeling. Merlin set his silver staff up against the wall and took a sit in a large comfortable chair. “Take a seat,” he encouraged. “But before you do how about we dry you off?” Merlin snapped his delicate fingers and instantly Addie felt the water disappear from her dress, stockings, shoes, and hair.

            “Thank you,” she said in awe. There was another chair just like the one Merlin sat in on the other end of the fire. “So what about Kristine?” Addie asked.

            “What about her?” Merlin asked back.

            “You said we had things to discuss about her,” she explained.

            “When did I say that?” He asked confused.

            “In the forest, right before you brought us here.”

            Merlin was puzzled for a moment and then his eyes widened as it all came to remembrance, “That’s right, Red. We had things to discuss about dear Red.”

            Merlin leaned forward in his chair and looked intently at Addie, “I am afraid your dear friend is in grave danger. I assume you recall what happened in town earlier this evening?” Worry overcame Addie’s face and she nodded. “She’s currently being held in a cellar underneath the castle. There she will stay for the night and when morning comes she is to be executed for defying the Queen.”

            “Executed?” Addie’s face flushed. “All she ever did was protect me, and I left her there in town so she could be dragged away to her death?”

            “Protecting you was the very thing the Queen found unforgivable. Young Red has already gone through torture to find out where you are, she never broke, and now she will be hung for keeping vital information from the Royal Guard.”

            Addie couldn’t bear it anymore, “We have to save her! We have to! If she dies tomorrow morning it will be because of me. I can’t sit around here while she rots in a cellar waiting for the moment she will meet death.”

            Merlin put his hands out in a calming motion, “Hush now Princess Adelaide, hush. I know exactly what to do. Now listen carefully…”

© 2015 Selena Cane

Author's Note

Selena Cane
I haven't edited it yet so try to ignore the grammar mistakes. What do you think of the dialogue? Is the story moving to fast? Is it interesting? What should I change about the story?

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Added on March 27, 2015
Last Updated on March 27, 2015


Selena Cane
Selena Cane

Gilbert, AZ

Hi, my name is Selena Cane and I am writer like the rest of you. I have been writing since third grade when I wrote my first story, The Flying Penguin. I enjoy drawing, reading, games, and of course w.. more..

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