Apropos of Tyrants

Apropos of Tyrants

A Poem by Sami Khalil

Many come to mind in the history of mankind. Many in our modern times.


Apropos of Tyrants     

By Sami Khalil

Regarding or in reference to tyrants even in our modern times…

An English Sonnet

Tyrants shall bask in timed defeat alone

When masses lay beneath their feet arise

Those who stab mercy with a fearsome throne

Fear walled palaces crumble, adjuring allies.


None celebrates those lifeless injustices

Earning people’s wrath and numerous foes

In vain they stop freedom’s rise from ashes

With penchant for bloodshed, in verse and prose.


Hopeless are lands that know not liberty

Where fears follow tyrant hand’s sword and lance

Eagerly steeds break from captivity

Time laughs in the face of despots’ gripped chance.


Oh, forlorn prisoners! Let voices shorn

Hold the truth high for greatness you were born.

© 2025 Sami Khalil

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'Time laughs in the face of despots’ gripped chance.' this line gives me hope. i marched for Black Lives Matter. i marched against revoking article 9 of the Japanese constitution. i was there when the coup d'etat happened in Myanmar - i stood in the crowd, towards the back and i heaard gunshots. tyranny will not win. the people are educated - we know our rights and we will fight for justice. i raise my fist with you brother.

Posted 2 Months Ago

Sami Khalil

2 Months Ago

OMG! I admire your efforts brother for the people of this Earth, their struggles, their need for jus.. read more
The tyrants grip is not touched with love that is for sure. Of course the greatest tyrants we ever face are our own fear and prejudice. The tyrant that robs us of vision and Way. Let' s us not recognize those wolves and svengalis masquerading as lambs and saviours. Those that tell us that work dogs are wolves and sickness is health. People often have the misconception that tyranny is only gained under the boot but it is generally capitulated to because of fears and lies. This was a hard lesson for me to learn.

As always, Sami, you write with the best. Huzzah:)

Posted 3 Months Ago

Sami Khalil

2 Months Ago

Amazing take on this subject and with truth that is right on the money; I like how you go to the roo.. read more
Pryde Foltz

2 Months Ago

Perhaps tyrants could learn they already have enough:)
Sami Khalil

2 Months Ago

You got it. I do hope so
Had the feel of the war of 1776. A ancient feel. I love history and I was a soldier. I know many who had fought and died for freedom. I pray we don't give in away. Powerful and worthwhile poetry shared Sami.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

OMG! Good to know that Coyote poetry. Some kings did act as tyrants in history; their way or the hig.. read more
Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

Those tyrants can get colder than Michigan for their people.
So eloquently penned Sami. We have had our own share of tyrants in our history in the past and even one or two in more recent times. The one that sticks in my mind is Henry VIII. What a butcher he was. You mention three. I feel sure there will be more. What a wonderful world it would be if peace broke out. A powerful piece of writing.


Posted 3 Months Ago

Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

Woozy woo! So true and well said; I agree wholeheartedly about Henry the Vlll. We studied all of the.. read more
Chris Shaw

3 Months Ago

Leave a good legacy. Absolutely well said Sami.
Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

For sure; nothing like it. Gracie Mille.
Powerful and evocative. Great work.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

Wow!,You have summed it up marvelously. Glad you liked this political poem. Thank you for the great.. read more
Reminds me of lots of things Sami. It is easy to see tyranny and tyrants in other countries, but how many see that here in our own country, we are ruled by tyrants?? Perhaps some will be upset by my saying this, but since when has a nation/country ever been a "democracy" when it was founded and codified (Constitution) in genocide and slavery!! And which has all along sent it's mercenaries (army) to invade almost every country in the world (over 800 military bases today) with waging wars either openly or through proxy (Ukraine). And it will get worse if those "forlorn prisoners" do not stop the incoming fascist tyrant. Here is a sobering thought: human beings have experienced a 1000 years of darkness in our history because too many believed in or feared tyranny, even at the cost of great suffering. All the tyrants mentioned by someone below, pale in comparison to what the US has done and continues to do. Do we actually have the time for Time to laugh??

Your last line holds the key to humanity's potential greatness - we indeed can free the spirit from its cell.

Posted 3 Months Ago

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Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

Thank you for speaking truth to power.
"Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!" Isaiah 10:1-2

i think my muse thoreau said it best, "All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable."

you have an eloquence with writing,

Posted 3 Months Ago

Sami Khalil

3 Months Ago

Wow! I love your quotes; so true and right on the message. I'm so glad to see you agree with the ef.. read more
In light of Iraq's Saddam Hussein
Libya's Muammar Al Qaddafi
Syria's Bashar Al Assad
Untold numbers in history, past and present.
Just take your pick...

Posted 3 Months Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on December 15, 2024
Last Updated on January 10, 2025

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