Politicians and humans love their wars for one reason or another.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
I agree wholeheartedly. Big business plus many other factors. Thank you kindly for sharing your thou.. read moreI agree wholeheartedly. Big business plus many other factors. Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us
Unfortunately Religion and cultures clash because they are so different and one must dominate the other causing terrible strife... over the years...including now when again religion plays a big part in this warfare...that doesn't mean the slaughtering of tens of thousands should occur, but it does, because each side hates the other, once it starts, it's difficult to call a cease-fire.... there is no good solution....
Important points...
Warmly, B
Wow! So true and well said. Sad but true. I hope their will be ways out of this, that situation. Tha.. read moreWow! So true and well said. Sad but true. I hope their will be ways out of this, that situation. Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us
Today it seem everyone is attacking everyone Sami. I can't keep up. I saw dead cities that were once great ancient cities. I believe. No-one is keeping body counts. It would be difficult to do. Powerful and worthwhile poetry shared my friend. I worry for my world. What will I leave for my grandchildren?
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Wow! So true and well articulated. I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you kindly for sharing your thought.. read moreWow! So true and well articulated. I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.
anger can be a powerful, driving force. twisted as it is, "mortal" being the key word. as they say, hindsight is 20/20 but not enough people are looking in the rearview mirror before they step on the pedal or turn the wheel and know the "right" way to go... :)
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Wow! So true and well said dear poet and friend. Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts and exp.. read moreWow! So true and well said dear poet and friend. Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us...
I hate war so much, I never understood why fighting is the answer to everything.
I like to think in my world war is not answer, Loving each other is.
This is powerfull.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
I agree wholeheartedly. I share your sentiments. Thank you kindly June Bug for sharing your thoughts.. read moreI agree wholeheartedly. I share your sentiments. Thank you kindly June Bug for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.
God help us from wars and in wars.
Hatred runs deep right down to the core. How it manifests and feeds on war to enrich the hatred. I cannot see peace just a superficial compromise that will break easily. Nice work Mr Sonnet Specialist.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Wow! I agree wholeheartedly. You have summed it up marvelously. Thank you kindly sir Andrew for gra.. read moreWow! I agree wholeheartedly. You have summed it up marvelously. Thank you kindly sir Andrew for gracing my page and for your grace.
Ah. The ravages of war. I gave up on the idea of peace long ago. It is a lovely but wholly unattainable dream in this world. Life is conflict, whether we like it or not. And it is a shame when that conflict escalates to taking lives, whether it is in a home or in a country. Your spouse, your neighbor, your ideology, can become your enemy. All we can do is pray for strength to fight on when attacked. This poem gives much to think about, and speaks to the sorrow shared by all who are unjustly attacked.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Wow! So true and well articulated dear poet and friend; sad but true. I have been contemplating the .. read moreWow! So true and well articulated dear poet and friend; sad but true. I have been contemplating the idea of might makes right lately.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
How candidly this speaks of the brutal reality of a so called civil world that is long rooted in violence and bestiality. Amazing how just a few warmongering ruffians can clear way for full scale war. Herd mentality runs that deep, and when guided by the cyclical lust for vengeance and narrow-minded hatred, spells trouble for all.
The governing powers promoting war take full advantage of this, and sugarcoat the cause enough so that even war crimes, let alone war itself seem justified. Reactionary corrective action is one thing, But flat out going bonkers doling out mass inhumane torture and bloodshed with gross indifference to those caught in crossfire, is a whole different matter. Holier than thou, was and is, no one, definitely not in war. The victors don't win at all, the losers lose it all, and the survivors stir vitriol.
May salvation arrive in due time sooner than later.
You have done a great poetic service here my friend. Kudos.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
OMG! This is a thesis of truth on this subject and poem: I cant' help but applaud you for your wise .. read moreOMG! This is a thesis of truth on this subject and poem: I cant' help but applaud you for your wise take on this human problem since the dawn of time. It is getting worse by the day, given the mass weapons of destruction and the mass media, couple with the mass hysteria and madness on both sides; The extremists on each camp want to annihilate the other for historic, religious and land grievances and so forth. God help us. On the Russian, Ukraine side, it looks like it is headed to a nuclear Armageddon.
Thank you so much dear poet and friend for this marvelous review.