![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Stars and WhalesI fell into a deep sleep immediately. Oh my, it was unbelievable. I had never slept so fantastic in all my life. I dreamt of crashing waves, palm trees swaying in the wind, high arking mountain ranges that meet the clouds, and relaxing beside a rushing stream. Then, I am flying high, rain drops crashing around me, birds chirping insistently, lightning thundering around me, and all the while I am rising up to the clouds. I am one with nature, and my soul is enveloped in my surroundings, the rain devouring my substance. The sun is smiling down at me,bright and warm, and I am smiling right back. I look to the clouds, engulfed in the air and in complete sync with nature. Then I see a form of a man, Jesus, bright like the stars and shining like the sun. “Go, Wilton. Find yourself.” I hear. “Find what you have been searching for. Be the man you are to become.” I jolt awake, but I am not afraid. I close my eyes, remember the details of my dream, and I wish to go back. The chirping birds, the peace. I can go back. Better yet, I will go back. Next thing I know, the pastor walks over to me, noticing me awake. “Goodness, Wilton! Ha ha, it’s mid-afternoon! I see you’ve slept well! We’ve prepared breakfast. If there is anything you need, please tell us, Wilton.” “Um, about that, sir...if you don’t mind.” “Yes…” “Well, let me start by saying...I had a dream last night. An amazing dream. Ah, it’s hard to explain. The beauty of my surroundings was the very least of it. And the point is...well, I feel like I’m being called. By God. I don’t know what for, exactly...but it was something about it that made me feel like I need to go back. To the place in my dream. It’s hard to explain.’’ Everyone in the room turned and looked at me in a surprised but glad sort of way. “Wow...um, that’s great, Wilton. Truly great. If that’s the way you truly feel, Wilton, then there can be no doubt about it. Have some breakfast while I have a talk with our staff here, and after you eat you can go wherever you please. Have some fun." I eat up fast, then get out of there as fast as possible to get my day started. I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the morning sun. Complete bliss. The first place I decided to go was the beach. I wanted to sit down with the ocean and pray, look out at the crashing waves and believe, feel the warmth of the sun and be thankful, understand the vastness of the water and ignite. I arrived at the beach after not too long, and I walked down the narrow trail to get my first glimpse of the water. I sucked in fresh air, and felt the salty, moist atmosphere against my skin. I stood on the sandy beach and gazed out at the immense beauty. The sun’s brilliant rays beamed down and came to rest on the serene Pacific water. The compelling flames from within it intensely united all things in the area. “This rock represents my goals.” I said aloud as I picked up a rock and threw it into the ocean. “This rock represents my hope.” I threw another. “This, my future.” I claimed, with another, then laid down under the sun and prayed. I then stood and left the beach to continue on my day. I walked along the beach for about an hour, the sand covering my toes. Then I noticed a medium sized building, that looked like some sort of aquatic shop. There was also a large boat nearby. I stopped by inside, and the man behind the counter flashed me a smile. Behind him, I saw a sign. It read “Deep Sea Scuba Diving: Lessons offered if needed.” I grinned and thought to myself, “Why the heck not?” I asked the man and he told me they’d depart within a couple hours. “My name is Don, by the way. You?” he gestured. “Wilton, sir.” “Have you taken scuba diving lessons before, or is this your first time?” “I’ve done it before many times, I’m very good.” I lied, not wanting to waste time with lessons. “Ok, you’re all set then. We’ll provide your equipment. And...it costs $300.” Oh. An explosion erupted in my brain. That would mean all the money I’d been saving up for a long time. I handed over the money reluctantly, trying to remove the concept from my mind. I took a seat to wait. “How hard could this really be?” I thought to myself. I was still considering whether it was a good idea to do this without lessons. Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to find out. “Time to go! Wilton? Sir?” Don was beckoning me to get up so myself and everybody else could get ready to go. I guess I had dozed off there for a while. “Ah, there you are now.” he said once I had stood. “So, those of you going out with me today are experienced and will be ready quickly once I divvy up the equipment, correct?” “Yes!” the group replied in unison, including me. “Ok then! Follow me!” Don turned and ushered us to the ship I had noticed earlier. He then gave each person their mask, snorkel, fins, BCD (buoyancy control device), weight system, regulator, dive light, dive watch, dive knife, wetsuit, photography equipment, signaling device, and the scuba tank. I was amazed by how much was involved in this. Luckily, Don had our suits all set up for us, and he made sure to explain what everything was. I suppose I had imagined breathing underwater would be a piece of cake, but my head was spinning with all this newfound information involved. Most of the group was already dressed and set up, but I was still staring at my suit in complete astonishment. I guess it has been my dream for many, many years now to have an opportunity like this, to really just open up to the world in it’s underwater glory. With this I grabbed my complete suit and changed into it. It felt pretty nice, the soft leather. It really made me feel rich, like I could do anything. Well, anything except breathe underwater. I was actually kind of dreading that part of the situation. I looked up. Don walked over to me, checked my equipment, gave me a thumbs up, and went on to the next diver. When he had finished with the last diver, he addressed the group, “Ok guys, you’re good to go! Whoever would like to go first is welcome to. Be sure to use your signaling device in the worst possible situation, which is highly unlikely, so don’t fret and go out there to have some fun, get some good photos!” The first to get in the water was a slender woman whom I heard was named Ava Samuels, and she dove gracefully in the water. Next was a sort of oversized man who made a large splash before submerging, but I guess I’m not exactly in the best of shape either. Four more divers dove before I built up the courage to go. It was only me and a teenage boy left, and I told myself I wouldn’t let myself be surpassed by a boy three times under my age. I stepped up and prepared to jump. Looking down into the deep, blue water, I told myself I would make it through this, and I would have a good time doing it. I was just about to dive when the teenage boy walked over to me. “I’m Zion. Zion Bartek.” He smiled and stuck out his hand out to me. Bewildered, I shook it, and then he did a backflip into the water. I was angry, but I tried not to show it as I dove in awkwardly, just seconds after him. The water was moderately cold, but since I was wearing a wetsuit it wasn’t too bad. I swam slowly downward, taking a look around. I could hear the song the ocean itself had created, and the mesmeric beauty I witnessed was heart swelling, and meaningful. I swam down deeper now, and beautiful fish came into view, boasting their brilliant colors. I forgot all my worries and absorbed my surroundings, snapping photos along the way. After remaining in one spot for a while, I carried on to my left, drifting slowly but surely. I brushed away some tall seaweed, and what I saw beyond it made my heart stop. A gigantic whale, what looked to be a blue whale, was gleaming above like the king of the ocean. “Well, it is the king of the ocean.” I figured. I never imagined a whale would be this large; I mean, I knew it was the largest animal in the world, but seeing it in person is a whole other story. Even though the water was really cold, I felt like I was sitting in a chair in space, right beside the sun, because that whale, in this beautiful ocean, it lit a fire within me. “Would the whale let me touch it?” I thought suddenly. I hadn't considered that yet, and I imagined how amazing the possibility was. Well, I was here to really live, wasn’t I? I swam slowly towards it, and as I got closer my heart was beating faster than a jackrabbit, and I reached out my hand. When I finally got close enough I realized it was going to allow me to touch it, so I placed my hand down on it’s side. It’s skin was rough, but inside me I felt on top of the world. The next second the whale was singing it’s song, and the noise hummed through my ears and I could hear it drumming through my soul. I closed my eyes, silently thanked the great animal, then swam away. The moment I exited, going through the same shimmering seaweed from which I first saw the whale, a dolphin bolted by right in front of me, possibly inches from ramming me to a watery death. This dolphin was quite a shocker; it should’ve been really cool sighting one in person, but seeing as it almost took my head off...I guess it might not make the highlights in the end. But I suppose this is the dolphin’s home, just the same as it is for all the other aquatic creatures. I’m just a silent intruder, observing the home of dreams, likely the most mysterious home on the planet. I swam onward, hoping to witness more unbelievable wonders. As I swam, I thought to myself, “This is home.” I guess I’ve never really had a home that I could really, truthfully call home. I mean, this isn’t a home I can live in, like so many grateful creatures do, but I can refer to it as home because it is where I belong, where my heart belongs. And I can always return to this home when life is really tough, when the sky is gray and I feel no warmth. This feeling made me happy inside, like I could never be touched, never be sad again, never feel pain. I wish that could be true, but life goes on, and with it, there will always be unpleasant challenges. I kept on for a while until I caught sight of the boat again. I didn’t know if it was time to return yet or not. Then I looked to my right and saw the teenage boy from earlier, Zion or whatever he said his name was. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but obviously all that was released was an arrangement of bubbles and muffled noise. Then he swam over and showed me something he was enclosing within his hands. It was a really miniscule, baby shark, and I smiled when I caught sight of it. It had sharp but tiny teeth, and I found it to be really cute. I looked up at him, and he just grinned, then pulled out a sharp rock. I was immediately alarmed and the smile leapt from my face. It looked like he was going to maim the poor shark! I instantly grabbed him and tried to pull the rock from his clutch. He just laughed, holding the shark by it’s small tail. Finally, I ripped the rock from his hand, and shoved him away from me. He fumbled around in the water for a couple of seconds to regain his balance in the water, then I saw the small shark’s tail rip off as it was continuing to try to escape. A wave of agony washed over me as the helpless shark sunk downward. I mouthed a couple cuss words at Zion, then quickly swam down to catch the shark as it descended. Blood was everywhere on it’s rear, and I didn’t see any way it was going to get better. Next thing I knew, Zion was on me, and he flicked the shark out of my flattened hand, sending it quickly downwards without any chance of rescue. My rage took over, and I didn’t care he was just a kid, because obviously he didn’t care that the shark he killed was just a baby. My horrid past came back into form as I flung my elbow into his stomach, and before I knew what I was doing I grabbed the mask on his face, tore it off, and let it descend to the depth of the ocean, just as he had carelessly caused the shark to do the same.. A look of terror took over his face, and he did a quick turn to hit me in the face with his air tank. Then he swam as fast as he could upward, and instantly I felt ashamed for what I had done. Zion couldn’t breathe without his mask, for with it was his snorkel. I didn’t know if he would make it, because it looked like a long way up to the boat. He let lots of his equipment fall, and, though struggling near the top, breached the surface. Once I realized he had made it, my anger took over me once more. What a rotten little kid. I wouldn’t want to kill him; I wouldn’t want to kill anybody, but what he did was one of the most loathsome acts I’d seen in a long time. Nobody else was around to see what had happened, and I tried to just float there and cool down. Once I had released some of my anger, I too ascended back up to the boat. It turned out everyone else was already returned, and I noticed Zion was sprawled out in the middle of the ship with Don peering over at him. When I climbed up into the boat, Don gave me a glare and demanded me to tell him everything that happened. I did as I was told, as well as explaining my whole situation as to why I came here in the first place, and he looked from me and back to Zion, then said, “Wilton, follow me.” He led me into a small room with a little couch; the only room in the ship. We both sat down, then he spoke. “Listen, Wilton, if you truly want to change your life, you need to lose all that is welling up inside of you. What Zion did down there was something absolutely horrible, but the way you responded could have killed him. You have potential within you to make the better choices, to truly change your ways and, in doing this, change your life. You are not a killer, you are not a cruel being, and you are not a bad man. In fact, you’re a good man. I see it in you. I see hope in your eyes, and I see my hope in you as well. Great things are in store for you, Wilton, if you believe in yourself. You have that kindness about you. All of the universe will conspire to help you achieve your goal, whatever that may be. You see things, Wilton, and you want to help. You feel things, and you are inspired. You love things, and you are the richest man on earth. You yearn not for earthly, corruptive items, but for life. And you inspire others, when you do these things. You have that about you, Wilton. Remember that.” My mind was swimming. Don believes in me. He trusts me. That is what was overwhelming for me. I thanked Don for speaking with me, then left the room. Zion was still lying in the middle of the boat, looking upset and he looked to me like his life was in ruins, and maybe things weren’t so great for him in his childhood. I felt for him as I walked over and gave him a hand to help him up. He accepted it, then began to speak. “Listen, old man, I’m sorry I killed your stupid fish. But seriously, I almost died you...freak!” I frowned sadly, then remembered what Don had told me. “Zion, I regret completely what I did. I lost my temper and was completely out of control. I’d like to offer you my apology, and I would also like to hear one from you.” Zion was looking down at his shoes, and I could tell he didn’t want to apologize to me. Then he blurted out, “Listen, mate, I’m going through something right now! I’m alone and at loss, and I don’t want to talk about it with you! You’re just an old guy that’s a...a killer!” These words from him shook me up, especially when he called me a killer. But I also understood that at times, life can be really tough, and I could tell Zion’s life was far from different. All of a sudden, Zion starting talking really fast again. “Ok, listen, I’m sorry I called you a killer. I’m here right now coming out of death already, it seems. My...my parents were killed. My dad was a killer, a murderer, and he killed my mom, then he was given the death penalty, and I ran away. And I don’t know why I’m telling you this! I’ve been searching for something to escape my misery, but I...I just don’t know. Call me a psychopath, whatever you want. I’m an idiot, a stupid idiot, and I have no purpose in life. You should’ve killed me down there mate! That’s where I should’ve gone. I’ve always loved the ocean...it always made me feel something...like I could possibly have a chance in doing something with my life!” Then he started crying really hard, and my eyes started to well up as well. In an effort to make him feel better, I told him my story, what I went through as a child. He was nodding softly as I finished, then I heard a door open behind me and Don came out. Then I noticed we were back on the beach, on the dock. All the other passengers were exiting, but Zion and I remained on the boat with Don. Don smiled. “I’ve been watching you guys. And guess what? Look at this nice boat we’ve got here. Where would you like to go?”© 2015 Stars and WhalesAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() Stars and WhalesMiddle Earth, The ShireAbout"Even Darkness Must Pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer." -Samwise Gamgee I love to write, and I hope to become a published writer some day. I ho.. more..Writing
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