The Patients

The Patients

A Story by sam2es

Scientists begin their experiments, but at what cost?


The Patients

Entry #1 


4:30 AM

The first child, or Patient Zero, is currently undergoing task one. We have observed that this isn’t a very efficient way to do these tests, but we don’t have any other choice until LesTeR can complete the technology that is capable of our...arrangements. 

As it seems Patient Zero is confused and scared. He is immobile and won’t respond when talked to. Panic attacks are going to be very often. As the patients go through the tests they will experience many levels of trauma that will be eliminated after the serum is perfided after the test results. 

5:13 AM

Patient One in the midst of discovering the first door. If Patient Zero is able to get through the hall on the other side then he will have completed the test. Due to technological reasons, we may have to do the test again when LesTeR completes the technology. He will be accepted into the school for now. But we will soon see what he is capable of.

Entry #2 


2:43 AM

The council is already questioning our work, I didn’t think it would be so soon that we would have to worry about this. Patient Zero was successful and the serum worked, he doesn’t even know he had undergone and test. But the council is saying that they change their minds. That it was crueler than they had originally anticipated. They want to shut us down...this can not happen. Executing Plan Axe is risky this early on in the stages. But no matter how dangerous it is we must do what is necessary to keep this plan underground. 

Entry #2 


5:49 PM

Plan Axe was executed and was reasonably successful. Going up against that many men was not smart, but in the end water beats fire. We only lost a few of our agents. But it was necessary to keep LesTeR moving. We are very close to having Patient One start his test. He is unaware of the situation that will occur. As for the rest of the patients. For this to work we need it all to be anonymous. Plan Apple will now commence. 

Entry #3 


4:30 AM

Patient One is currently observing the apple. He is thinking of eating it but is skeptical. He thinks it may be poisoned or even have a blade shoot into his mouth. Or bugs will crawl in and eat his insides. That is, of course, what he has been whispering to himself. He doesn’t know it is a test. With Patient Zero we told him that it was a test over the intercom but this time we let their imagination run.

He reached for the apple a few times but resisted. He is dead set on thinking it is poisoned. The real test is that if he doesn’t eat the apple a gas will spill into the room and he will choke to death. Once again that is what he just said out loud.

If he eats the apple the door will open and he will get to leave. If he doesn’t than he will be stumbling around for as long as we are willing to let him until we can tell that he is not going to pass the test. 

5 minutes later

After thinking over it for a long time he eats the apple. After he sits there for another five minutes waiting for himself to die, he walks over to the door in one last attempt to open it, and it does. We are retrieving Patient One now.

Chapter 1 

They call me Patient Zero, even though my real name is Johnathan. People just call me John though, wait, this is not important. Sorry my head is a little foggy, they gave me this recorder to talk into, they probably use it to keep track of my mental state. I’m not going to give them what they want anytime soon. I won’t break. 

Assuming this is some kind of new found torture method, they knew I had some valuable information so they found me as soon as possible. Which is weird because I had just installed the backup USB when they had burst into the house. I had a feeling something was wrong. Well, if they haven’t already found it then good luck. I have hid it somewhere and will find it. Not really afraid if they listen to this because I know they know about the USB drive. Oh, and the disk, but I made sure to hide that somewhere far away from the USB to make sure that there wasn’t any way they could get their hands on both too easily. 

“Your a smart kid!” My mother always told me, well look where my intelligence ended up. Probably a research facility several miles into the ground in the middle of a desert. And between you and me...whoever may listen to this… I’m going to get out of here. Every prison and military grounds has some way to get out. Just got to look in the right places. 

For now though I’m stuck in this room, four by four and seems to be made of solid steel. Almost a little bomb shelter, it has blanket on the floor and a bucket. Only can imagine what that is for. 

There doesn't seem to be a door, I’m still puzzled on how they even got me in this room. But at the very top of the ceiling there is a ridge that goes a few inches into the wall where a long led light wraps around the whole room that lights it up just enough to see what is around me. 

Besides the fact that I am locked in here, I feel rather calm, they must have drugged me in the food that they fed me earlier. I want to freak out and scream but it's almost as if my body is forcing me to think logically and be reasonable. 

A few hours later 

A voice seemilly from nowhere just said that another test would commence in half an hour. This means nothing to me, I have no sense of time considering there is no clocks or windows, so I guess I’ll just sit here as usual. 

Oh, and while I’m at it might as well mention that there are scratch marks all over the walls, but very faint, as if a animal was in here before me. I’m starting to wonder if they are watching me as well. But I can’t see any cameras so I think I am fine.

And as for the lo- OH! Geez, sorry they finally gave me my food, since there are no walls, the food just seems to fall out from the ceiling, it opens up and they drop bread and cheese onto the ground as for a water bottle. At I know that it isn’t aliens, unless for some reason they are aliens giving me human food. But I’m pretty sure it is just humans. 

Half an hour later

Well they are hanging a rope from the whole they throw the food down so I’m assuming they want me to climb up it. So I guess I’ll just put the recorder in my pocket, hopefully whatever they want me to do isn’t going to end up breaking this thin- GAH! I’M COMING! Ok I have to g-

Two minutes later

Well, they definitely are human, but have gas masks on and lots of gear with big ol’ guns. Kinda freaky, which is the first thing here that was able to make these drugs dull down a little. They don’t seem to react to me talking to them, If I step to far away they may give a grunt as if to tell me I to get back but that is about it. Anyway, I am inside a test chamber now. I know they are watching me, but from where? They certainly can hear me.

Ok, there is two doors, one has a hammer looking symbol carved into it and the other has some kind of nail sticking out of it. Well obviously I can’t use the hammer to hit the nail, because it’s just a carving. Maybe I pull the nail out with my hands? Oh, ouch, no that just hurts my fingers. That’s really in there. Well I guess the test is to take the nail out. 

Now, now how else can I take this ou- oh crap, how did I not see that? There’s a desk over here with a cabinet.

Are you kidding me? THANKS A LOT GUYS! They left a screw driver here,  SCREW DRIVER? What am I going to do with this? Dig the nail out? Wait...dig...the nail out. 

Three minutes later

Ok so I have been chipping away at this door, and now I am finally able to pull the nail out, I just gotta...pull...GAH! Ok finally its out now. Great, it left a gaping hole in the door, maybe I can look through to the other sides. 

Sure enough, but all I can see is...great another door on the other side. Ok well, the didn’t do much. Maybe I have t- OH GOD HOL- 

Chapter 2 

Entry #4


5:00 AM

As it seems, Patient Zero is attached to the recorder we gave him. We assume that it gives him a sense of sanity, but our drugs seem to be working for the most part. Besides that he has just now found his way out of door one, we had to give him some help my slamming on the walls to scare him into make a decision but over all he has been doing it much faster than Patient One. In fact it worked so much he just kicked the door open. The original plan was that the hammer symbol door would open after he used flipped the switch on the other side of the nail door, which he did right, with the cloth hanger under the cabinet, than inside was a key to open the door. But this seemed to work anyway. We may as a test take the recorder away from him for a while to see how he’d react but this isn’t confirmed yet. We want him to feel as at home as possible. 

End of Entry #4


There is very few things that catch our eyes enough to stand up from our hiding, and this is one of them. Stripping kids from their lives just to try and erase what horrible memories you stain in their minds. We are sickened. You will pay for this, LesTeR. We will make sure of it. 

ChAptEr the THIrD

We will give you a fair warning. Give up the children now and we won’t start the plague. We aren’t afraid and we can prove it very, very fast so give them up now. 

Entry #5



Patient Zero is back in containment after an emergency lock down. After Patient Zero entered the second room we received a transmission from a unknown region requesting that we let Patient Zero through Seven to go or they will supposedly attack. We highly doubt that they know our location but we must take every threat seriously. So we but Patient Zero back into his cell. We will wait 48 hours to continue the test. For now we will conduct a experiment on Patient Five, it will be easy and won’t need to be taken out of his cell. We will come back with results explaining further. And...everyone is a little on edge despite our major security, we have never had a threat before so some people are a little freaked. Anyways, we will be back with more information at around 8:00 PM


Hello?              Hel…          o           

Ok I think it is on, hi, I am Luke or Patient Two. I was curious to turn this thing on, not sure of it was a some bomb or something, but it is just a tape recorder. Eh. 

Oh, right, the screaming. It never stops...ok let me elaborate. Ever since the day I got here there was a screaming from the room over, well assuming what is next to me is the same as the room I am in, or some torture room. I mean, the screaming is really loud. At first I was scared, I mean I still am, but I am starting to think that it is just fake, to trick me into getting scared too. But I won’t! I’m never scared! I AM NEVER SCARED YOU HEAR THAT YOU ALIENS! I WILL ESCA- AHHH! 

My gosh, whatever is screaming in the other side just slammed into the wall and I heard glass shatter. Maybe...maybe...there is a actually something happening… SIKE! I WON’T LET YOU IN MY HEAD!HAHAHAHAHA

Entry #5


6:30 AM

We had to enter Patient Two’s room because he was starting to yell, of course Patient Four who was right next to him fell out of his containment. He woke up again without the mask and started to drown, I guess it scared him so bad that his adrenaline allowed him to kick the glass right out! It shattered and he slid into the walls of Patient Two’s room so we had to go in and tranulize him, listening to his tapes we decided to keep them away from him from now on. Also the test on Patient Five was successful. He was able to remove the electric collar just in time. Unfortunately Patient Seven is still in the medical bay awaiting the proper treatment. His tests will soon begin. For now, of course, Patient Zero will have to begin his last test.


Whatever they told you is a lie, this isn’t a school, this isn’t a test. I know EXACTLY what and where I am. Don’t let them tell you otherwise I am the truth, I am the one who made it out alive! I will free my brothers and will stop you wicked monsters from hunting these souls again! We will harvest your souls and feel on your suffering. I am Patient Three and I won’t let you do to them what you did to me. We are on the edge of revolution, be ready. Because we may of given you a warning, but we won’t come with one. 


Hello, Patient Five here. We have not much time to talk, Patient Four is roaming outside my walls and he is eager to know what is happening. Sadly I was given the unfortunate ability to know everything, I could say it but this is just some dumb tape recorder that they will listen to then destroy twenty four hours from now, just as they told me. 

If you haven’t caught on my quote on quote test is to be given all the information of what is happening, which makes no sense. They just come into my cell, tell me what they have been doing than leave. I mean, it does piss me off a bit but I still don’t see how they gather any data from this. 

Maybe this is a build up to some bigger test? I don’t know, this is all way to confusing for me. But I find it funny how they openly admit to drugging me to feel calmer, it is still pretty nerving somehow. It is almost like I feel fear, but it doesn’t affect my train of thought and how I react to my surroundings. If they discovered this drug than this could be a absolute breakthrough in technology and medicine, I guess they are using it for a more sinister reason anyway. I said there isn’t much reason for me to talk to this recorder so I might as well stop before I start to think it is a actual human.

A few hours later…

Patient Five again, I have found out what my true purpose is here in this lab rat cage. I am supposed to make these tapes about the other patients here. I know everything about them, considering they come in here every hour to tell me about what they have been doing to them. 

They told me that everyday for an hour I am to talk about each patient and who and what they are. I asked why they couldn’t just do this themselves but instead of a straight answer they just closed the door. 

Well I have all the files I need here about each Patient, so why not start with Patient Zero? 

Chapter 4 

Patient Zero, despite the name, is the fourth patient to have brought here. This was due to that fact that one of the Patients had escaped, that being Patient Three. Patient Zero’s tests are mainly based around pure observation skills and utility. His first test consisted of being in a room with several planks of wood which he used to make a ram to escape the room. It was impressive but not as impressive as his next test. He was placed in a four foot by four foot glass cube that started to fill with water, and at the bottom was a plug. But the plug was connect to a wire that if tripped would fill the room instantly and he would drown. But he managed to use his teeth to cut the wire out safely and pull the plug. It was...interesting.

Patient Zero is young, about to join high school, specifically Wildwood. Patient Zero’s real name is Jonathan Kelly and is a straight A student and does many, many sports. He was once in a car crash with his mother and sister...which I don’t see why this needs to be in this file...and he even was shot? this can’t be right. How would he have been…? Well anyways he was in Vietnam? Ok this is bullcrap, is this some kind of joke to you? This is a load of...oh wait this is his own description of himself from when he was in elementary school. How did they get a direct quote from something so obscure? Right, right, just read and don’t ask questions. 

Sorry...ehm… Patient Zero was last seen before taken into the facility as a junkyard screaming at a broken T.V. Later in his cell he was asked why he was screaming and his response was

“My demons told me too.” And that marks the end of Patient Zeros file. Personally I think that this file is useless and gives no context to anything HAPPENING! These illiterates think I’m going to put myself through this? I WILL NOT LET YO-

Entry #6


8:00 PM

Patient Five has finished his first tape on Patient Zero, the whole file is as he put it, bullcrap. Most of the information is fake besides his name and the quote, expect the quote was directed to something much more confusing than a broken T.V screen. 

We will continue to give Patient Five these fake files until Patient Seven in which we will stop him and see the results. He still has no idea what the point of the test in and frankly no but myself does. Everyone is doubting me, but I will make sure that they understand… I know I will 


The last time, the very last time. I remember being locked inside that by day going by being beat and RIPPED AT! I remember the day you dropped in a smoke grenade and let me scream and pound on the walls in horror as I choked. I remember when you through down ticks and sharp needles at me that landed into my head and ok my arms. I couldn’t get a wink of sleep as you blared loud sounds of metal on metal no stop. And when I went out, I went out with a BANG and now I have come to do the same for those other patients.

My name is Patient Three no longer.

I am Rico and I will end LesTeR and I WILL END ORGANIZATION WILDWOOD

© 2022 sam2es

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Added on March 10, 2022
Last Updated on March 10, 2022
Tags: thriller, horror, physiological



Saint Louis, MO

I'm 17, I've been writing since the 4th grade and have written several novels (none of them being published). I wanna share my work and also check out young authors like myself! more..

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