Most days I go to the local woods I love to walk around seeing what's new , sometimes I even stop there before I go to work just to put food out for the birds, squirrels and whatever else comes by. I like to take photos of them too. I was inspired to writ
Went for a walk in the woods today First thing I saw was a beautiful Jay A quick flash of blue And then away it flew
Next I saw something yellow it was a Brimstone being mellow Fluttering by and up to the sky I didn't even get to say Hi
I heard it sing with puffed out chest then I saw the red of it's breast A robin on the branch above me sweetly singing for all to see
High above I heard a rustle I wondered what was all the bustle It was then I saw a blur of white A woodpecker was in my sight
All of a sudden something grey, Something else to see today A squirrel gathering nuts to hide There it goes, over to my left side
Went for a walk in the woods today Plenty to see any time of the day The sun is down now, out of sight I leave the woods and say goodnight
I love the poem. It was very good. It has good rhythum and rhyme and the imagery was brilliant. But the thing that really caught my attention was the colour scheme. The idea of putting each stanza in the colour mentioned about in it was good. Once again I enjoyed reading this poem alot. I am inspired by your words.
Posted 16 Years Ago
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Wow. So beautiful. Takes the reader with you into those beautiful woods and their eyes follow yours to capture all these wonderful sights of nature. Amazing poem! :)
My first comment - why the color difference? It makes it stand out, but it's always going to distract me the entire time I read your piece because I may not understand why each individual color is picked and why it is chosen. Second comment (before a read through), the four sentence stanza structure is very easy to stick to, but I presume that one can go above and beyond and create a unique front. Okay, so the color thing makes sense. "I didn't even get to say hi" -- too much pressure on the author to rhyme. Awkward gap in syllables. Forgot an "a" on stanza 3, first sentence. Too many words: "A woodpecker was in my sight." I think it would more simplified, better, if it stood alone as "a woodpecker, in my sight." Same with "over to my left side." And same with "The sun is down now." I think you have a great concept. There's a few grammatical comma's and periods missing, but it's preferred by style, of course. Look forward to another.
I can definitely relate. I'm from the city, and every now and then I get to go upstate NY. The woods are an amazing place to be and amazing things within.
Your poem is very cute. You use great imagery, which makes the reader feel and see wxactly what you are describing. I liked it a lot.
This reminds me so much of a poem my mom wrote for me when I was little. It was titled "My new friends in the woods." I really liked you poem. It had a very nice flow but I think your rhyming scheme is a little simplistic. I do like your writing though! keep it up!
I like the color differentiation per stanza. This offers more of a visual, as if your words alone weren't enough. I like the imagery here, and the rhyme scheme is simple, but it flows very nicely with this natural poem.
Hi I'm single and new to poetry, am just browsing other poetry at the moment before plucking courage to upload my own. I am a hopeless romantic, cry at the silliest moments. I work in an office and my.. more..