Catz rule! That is such an adorable picture. It almost does not look real with the angle of the head, but I suspect that it is no fraud! Cats are just cool like that.
What did dogs ever do for us besides slobber on us?
Great write!
Posted 17 Years Ago
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Cats! Big fan out here. I adore your poem, just like I adore cats. I know where my cats sit by the fur they leave on all my things! It was such a good portrayal of kitties if I do say so myself!
seems so cat like, almost as though the little puss puss sat and wrote this before deciding to pursue some other goal like chasing his tail or something!
This is adorable and its simplicty really reflects the simple, lazy life of a cat. I do think, though, that the second to last stanza is the weakest and is a bit tangential to the poem's subject matter, so you might want to consider editing or even cutting it out. This definitely reminds me of my two little kittens (cat now, but they'll always be kittens to me!) at home - the lucky kitties sleeping in the sunlight while I slave over my ethics homework. Sometimes I wish we could trade places for a couple days!
A great way to start off a Monday morning, reading this poem. With its humourous and free flowing verse. Although not a cat person, myself, cats love me. Can't explain why. Hoping your Muse is reward for his/her patience in writing this poem. Say a fresh slice of tuna or trout for dinner. Thank you for sharing this fun poem with us.
Hi I'm single and new to poetry, am just browsing other poetry at the moment before plucking courage to upload my own. I am a hopeless romantic, cry at the silliest moments. I work in an office and my.. more..