The Great Misaduenture

The Great Misaduenture

A Poem by Todenpuhuja

'Twas a notorious voyage.

Draft'd I was bye the Grande Olde Navy
To fight the Japs wyth patriotick brav'ry
I kiss'd me lass for the wone last tyme
Travell'd to California wyth not even a dime

In the haven of herberwe was oure shippe dock'd
Her shape was perfect, not-a-thing to be mock'd
The horne was yelling, 'twas tyme to leave
Such aduenture waiting I couldn't beleeve

The crew was jolly, even Cap'n himself
A fine man he was, the name: "John Delph"
Determin'd, fair and alwayes alert
Knew how to lead, and when to blurt

Just wone bunk alow me slept Steve Doe
A humourous fellow alwayes eager to go
Olde Rick Jenkings beside me on a shift
Shar'd me tast in smoke, a fine man to lift

Many a mate I had, worthy maryneres all
Now resting on sea-bed, had their final brawl
What happen'd, then? Of what kind was their end?
Witnessing it all, this is what I did comprehend:

The course of our voyage was Australian shore
Location: Southern Pacific, I know not-a-thing more
The skie was black; not even stars could be seen
'Twas a depressing atmosphaere; vicious, mean

Unawaringly we sail'd towards the storm's eye
Whenas radar stopp'd working, we knew troubles were nigh
Furious waves were pounding the craft's sides
But wyth them onely engine failures brought despair'd cries

Ineptly drifting in the mercy of drizzling wind
In our metallick prison were we innocuously binn'd
Amyddest the huge lifely monstre that enjoy'd our agony
We idly pray'd God to shrink our misfortunes to atrophy

The daies went bye wythowte the sea calming down
Frustration crept forth, dress'd in deathly gowne
And soon were we to notice, despite the offreing ocean
Not wone water-drop left to drink, nor a saving potion

Our strenths were drain'd, our morales subsid'd
I would've had all me precious mates kill'd
For being able to speak once ageyne
Draught now was forcing me efforts to go in vain

Not wone had pronounc'd it, but we all knew
The chaunces of survival were in few
And, to further encrease our desp'rate misery
We soon were to find we had devilish company

The superfice was shatter'd; arizing from the depths
Came a daemonic form of distort'd appearaunce
Much I did not see, and even less do I remembre
Let alone of how well am I able to rendre

This spawn of utter horrour wyth ententions pure evil
Arous'd incomprehensible mixe of terrour and marvel
I meself was stunn'd, unable to think clearly
Wyth drugg'd eyne I perceiv'd the sight afore me warily

Above all, the horrendous Thing was enormous in size
Swarming tentacles abowt the head, accentuating its vice
Its forbidd'n anthropoid abomination of a structure
Was cover'd wyth scaly, slimy, rubber-like texture

The Thing was colour'd wyth ghastly seaweed-green
Leather-whings at the back; appearaunce far ayond mean
Eyne deep and dark as portals ayond division
Its motion was slow but 'twas carried out wyth precision

The panick soon spread in most uncontroll'd manner
When it began bashing the shippe as wone giaunt hammer
The crew, me mates, were flaying in the ayr
Like weak-will'd rag-dolls in diabolick affair

Many a fine sailour did the unholy creäture devour
Abowt twenty can I verify, but most definitely more
Quight a few disembark'd to the freezing water
To which the Thing react'd wyth amus'd laughtre

Considre me a lucky wone, for abowt me breast
I had found meself an inflatable Mae West
In the surrounding chaos I stumbl'd towards the bulwark
Gether'd all me determination, and left the accurst barque

Weaken'd bye dehydration, stiff'd bye cold
I clumsily stroggell'd amyddest the sea so bolde
Alyaunte sights afore me, alyaunte events behind
Acknowledg'd most certainly I was losing me mind

I then awoke, finding me limbs utmostly numb
Next perceiving a figure chewing a bubble-gum
Aftre it descending to ravings so hideous
I prefer not to reveal imagery notorious

I lay in bed, enjoying the graunted solitude
I was far too weak to express me gratitude
I dwelt in darckness, under the Black Sun
I still was unsure abowt was it all done

The tyme came when I finally talk'd
Soon afterwards I had me fyrste waulk
When I enquir'd abowt the events recently ywent bye
I was told the nigh occurrences were not that nigh

The Warre was over, I soon learnt
We emerg'd victorious, I also heard
What caught me attention wasn't of politicall natuer
But the period of tyme that I had been in leisure

What I was told I did not beleeve
Wythin me it caus'd intolerable grief
What had felt like a few daies at most
Was in fact five years ywent past nos'd

© 2013 Todenpuhuja

Author's Note

The poem combines elements from H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere" in a more modern setting.

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1 Review
Added on January 2, 2013
Last Updated on June 17, 2013
Tags: lovecraft, cthulhu



Vantaa, Finland

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A Poem by Todenpuhuja