Best Birthday Ever ???

Best Birthday Ever ???

A Story by WanderingMind

A group of friends decide to spend one their own's birthday at a Farm House. What follows next is the story...


It’s an old and ghastly looking farmhouse with creepers wrapped around it. A loud noise grabs our attention and we see a guy, Ron, locking the door and running out of building gates. His face is all sweaty and he looks like as if he met the devil himself. He runs till he sees the general population on the city main road. He hails down a cab and rides away.


Sid is sitting on his desk and working on something serious. He is occasionally taking a sip from his coffee and looking at his computer screen with undivided attention. Suddenly he remembers something and pulls out his cell phone. He calls a number “Hey Ron, what’s up?  I was calling in to get the keys of your farm house buddy. Remember, you promised to lend it to me when you are done this weekend.” The voice on the other end says “Sure bud. I’m not feeling well today but I’ll send the keys over today with someone.” Sid hangs up the call happily and gets back to his work.  It’s almost the end of the day and the keys never arrive. He tries calling Ron again but the phone is switched off.


A group of 4 friends, Tony, Rahul, Harry and Aditya, are sitting on a hotel bench waiting for Sid. They are getting restless and start asking questions about his whereabouts. Sid finally arrives and the group starts shouting on him. “Where the f**k were you?” “We’ve been waiting our asses in this scorching heat” “What the f**k is wrong with you?”

Sid gets pissed off and says, “I went to get the keys from Ron you a******s. He was feeling sick and wasn’t able to send them over. I got them finally” He pull the keys out of his pocket and dangles them in the air. Group apologizes to Sid and they get moving. 

The group finally reaches the destination, an old ghastly looking Farm House. Tony says “Whoa, this one looks like it came straight from a horror movie.” Harry adds - “It gives me the chills and I love it.” Aditya climbs out of the car and says “Where is the f*****g booze?”


They start settling down. The old building is a regular farm house with complete wooden interior 2-storey duplex. Straight opposite to the door, is a splash pool, which is smaller for adults and slightly bigger for kids. The gang gets excited and they get ready to start their weekend getaway with a swim.

The music is on, they jump into the pool and start playing around. Sid is arranging booze in the refrigerator. He finally finishes the task and carries a crate of beer to the pool. Its 4PM in the evening and the weather starts to cool down. The group is dancing to the music and the drinks are going down one by one.

Time is now 7PM. The group is hungry now and they forgot to order the food. Sid blames himself and call the nearest dhaba (restaurant). He is heard pleading the dhaba staff to deliver the food to the farm house and it looks like they are refusing. He finally hangs up the phone and turns to give the hungry group the news. “Looks like the dhaba owner can’t deliver the food and wants us to come and pick it up” 

The group looks pissed off but Harry and Tony volunteer to drive to the dhaba and get the food. Rest of them agree and send them both off. 


Scene 7:

It’s been a an hour since the two left but there is no sign of them anywhere. Sid tries to call them but their phones are unreachable. Finally they hear the gate opening. Tony walks in whistling a tune and carrying the food inside. He walks in and says “What’s up gang?”  The gang starts their profanity shower on him and he finally apologizes for the delay as they lost their way finding the dhaba. Sid asks Tony, where is Harry? Tony says he is speaking to his GIRL and pissing outside. He says okay and the gang continues to ransack the food package. 


Gang is burping their hearts out after eating the grand meal. Sid comes back from washroom and sits his a*s down on the couch. He leans back and then he asks where the f**k is Harry. Rahul says, “Chill the f**k down and I’ll go get him. I’m sure his girl is screwing his happiness for coming with us.” He gets up and walks out of the room. 

Harry shouts, let’s play cards. Sid, Tony and Aditya agree and they start the game. Almost 45 minutes into the game, Aditya is looking irritated as he isn’t winning a single game. He gets up angrily and grabs the pack of cigarettes and says “I’m going for a smoke.” Tony also gets up saying “Let me come with you, this game isn’t working for me” As they start walking out, Sid laughs out and shouts “Sore losers”. He then pulls out his mobile phone and starts playing a game.


Time is now 11:00PM sharp. Sid starts wondering where all the guys are and starts to walk out of the room. He starts calling out names “TONY, HARRY, ADITYA, and RAHUL” No response from any of them. He feels weird and slowly starts walking towards the exit. He comes out and finds the lights of their car still on and muffled music playing. He thinks the gang is sitting in the car with full volume on and are unable to hear him calling. He starts cursing them and walks towards the car. He angrily opens the car door and the muffled music becomes damn loud BOOM BOOM BOOM.


He finds no one in the car, but the music is playing. He switches off the engine and just before turning off the headlights, he sees something in front of the car. He slowly walks down to the place and picks it up. It’s the half lit cigarette and the smoke is still coming out. But he finds something sticky and turns the cigarette to find BLOOD smeared on it. He throws the cigarette away frantically and starts shouting “TONY HARRY ADITA RAHUL”. No response. His mind starts racing away into wild thoughts. Where did the blood come from? What happened to his friends? 

He pulls out his mobile phone to call for help but there is no reception. He is in complete shock and fear. He had them few minutes ago and now they are gone. He starts to sweat down and is thinking hard about what to do next. He switches on the flash light on his mobile phone and starts to look for any more blood stains or any clue about what happened to the gang. 

He finally finds a blood trail leading away from the house and towards the dense forest. He is confused and scary and is in two minds whether to follow the trail or no. He finally musters up the courage and starts following the blood trail. His mind is still baffling with so many questions and he is scared of what he may find at the end of the trail. 

He looks at his watch. Time is 11:50 and he still walking along with the blood trail. He lifts his head to see around him. He is like a lost soul in pitch darkness. He resumes following the trail and then he hears a screaming voice which cut through the silence of the night. He recognizes the voice as Tony’s and its coming from the farm house. Sid is shocked and turns around and realises he came too far inside the forest. He forgets everything and starts running frantically towards the farmhouse. He finally reaches its gates and pushes them wide open. He starts running towards the house and finds someone in the pool. He runs towards it and finds a body turned upside down. By the shirt he’s wearing, he recognizes the body as Tony’s. Tears start to roll down and he kneels down to pull the body out of the water. He catches hold of the shirt and turns over the body. Tony lifts his head smiling and says “Happy F*****g Birthday, you a*****e”.

Sid is shocked and his heart skips a beat. He is between the emotions of confused, shocked and surprised. He looks at his watch and its 12:00AM, his birthday. He hears loud cracking laughs and he sees his other 3 friends carrying a big cake with candles lit all over. 

Aditya says, “Happy birthday to my bravest friend. No one else would’ve followed the blood trail in this pitch darkness just to find his friends. You’re a man with some serious balls.”

With Sid’s shocked expression, we come back to the first day where Ron was locking his Farm House and running towards the main road for a cab. The earlier night, Ron had a party with his friends and he slept with a huge hangover. By the time he woke up, his car was gone and his friends took it away and left him all alone. He had to get to office, therefore he locks up the farm house in a hurry and starts running to find a cab to get to work ASAP.

***THE END***


© 2015 WanderingMind

Author's Note

Please pardon my English, I'm really not good with words. I just put the thoughts on paper as they come to me.

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Added on July 28, 2015
Last Updated on July 29, 2015
Tags: Thriller, Birthday, House, Friends