Fat girl

Fat girl

A Poem by sarah

My mother always told me
People wouldn't give me certain chances
Because I was overweight
But I have spent so much time
Trying to disprove that

I kept telling myself
"Next time"
"Well they had their reasons for leaving me out"
"They forgot to invite me to the mall with them"
"It has nothing to do with my weight"

For so long
I had hope
That maybe
Just maybe
My mother wasn't right about people

But no matter how long
 Or how hard I wished
People left me out
Abandoned me

Because I wasn't a stick
I couldn't fit in a size 12
We couldn't share the same cloths
Which must mean I was also emotionally numb

I help out hope for people
But believe it or not
Just because i'm heavy
Overweight even

That doesn't mean i'm incapable of doing
It doesn't mean
I don't get hurt
Or feel alone

Is it really too much to ask
To just be seen for me
And not seen as that fat chick
The blimp

My mother always told me the skinny girl
Would always be chosen first
Over the fat girl
In every single case

And no one
Not one person
Or could disprove her theory


© 2011 sarah

Author's Note

People don't give me any chances because I am fat and no matter how long I think people will change they never will I will always be picked last

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I am so proud of you to write this down , you must express the feeling of so many Fat children and people , your honestly is amazing ... sadly I can say that your mom most be right , in modern life , fatness is usually connected to un healthy life, neglected way of life that cause the fat child look like that , in reality , its not always true .... some want to get thiner, but just can't . But , I also dont understand , why you can stay fat and be happy , if you will be skinny , would you feel better.... what if you feel good now? is the fact that you are fat will make you feel bad with yourself? .... I wish you understand , that not all people love skinny girls / women (me for example).... be a good soul ... smile alot ... and your love will find you ... no matter how fat you are .. xx Yossi

Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


I do not normally do this... but I read your words, and was reminded of someone else's words, a woman who fought back against the label of "pretty." It is powerful stuff. One of my students is a gorgeous, talented, intelligent girl.. whose mother keeps telling her she is not good enough because she is a size 14... same size as me. I wish I had answers for her. For us both, as I have grappled with health issues and subsequent weight gain. Then I saw this slam poet holding her mother accountable for the enslavement of women to "pretty." I doubt there is anything more difficult to acknowledge in our society than being found physically unattractive by your peers. Or judged so by family even when, in the case oy my stuedent, it is only a perception. Yet life goes on, even for us. We find joy.

so the link is here... and it is worth watching and listening to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6wJl37N9C0

Posted 12 Years Ago

What I see is a very talented and brave writer with a beautiful face. I understand the challenges you are subjected to and you describe them well in the poem. But you are the authority on you and it's clear to me that you should be first in line for most things. I'm sorry some people don't "see" you. That is their failing and never yours. None of this probably makes you feel any better - but it is never the less true. Remember that when you feel down and forgotten. One day those who did will wake up and and regret that their chance has passed.x

Posted 12 Years Ago

It's twisted, but true. The skinny girls will be picked first for everything... including jobs. I've seen it happen. Great poem, although quite depressing. You're a pretty girl, don't forget it. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thank you!
What a great concrete poem. Dealing with a personal problem that a lot young people have to deal with everyday. This issue was brought to light in such an imaginative way that I can not see any person who reads this will not think differently the next time they think of something awful to say to someone.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

I hope this write does make people think twice thank you!
The moms are concerned for their the demand of male dominated society and advertising campaigns of the slimming products companies.They really love their children and sincerely feel that their children can compete with others.Their
way of expression might not be as sophisticated as spoken by professional or diplomatic people.
However,I appreciate the poem.It is an epic piece.Only a gifted poet can create such a wonderful work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thank your your review is greatly appreciated.

12 Years Ago

You are welcome.
Great composition...nice selection of words :-)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thank you so much
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It's very gutsy of you to write this, this is definitely a problem that fat people face but in my opinion judging someone based on their looks alone is just pathetic; it's what we do and what we are inside that defines us and should define us. Great heartfelt write, I liked it!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well you must be surrounded by all the wrong people. There are people out there who don't give a f**k what you look like and what you wear or this or that. I'm one of those people. So the next time some a*****e leaves you out because of your weight, bring them to me. *cracks knuckles* >:i

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Hahaha wow that means so much, thank you for the review
I know how you feel about not fitting in and all, I've always been the tallest girl, &i've never been small. All of those people are wrong though, you're beautiful on the inside &out, your size shouldn't matter at all, society is just screwed up. If those girls judged you based on that, they weren't true friends or people worth sticking around to talk to anyways.

This poem was beautiful &i really like the flow of it. Also, the feeling it gives me, I can really relate to, great job (:

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you so much!
1. People are stupid, The fact that someone has what "society" calls a few extra pounds doesnt mean their not any less of a person. Hell If thats your pic in your profile, you are a knockout! Society really pisses me off.
2. Your mother is wrong, you are a person, you have a soul, and your beautiful. Allot of people may be b*****s and leaves you out, but not everyone is like that. Hell I know I would pick you because you are diffrent, and us together as "Society's underdogs" would kick major a*s, because Society has no knowledge of the Spirit and desire to accomplish.
3. Also note, I love the Johnny Diaz Song "Their culd never be a more beautiful you" You may not be what everyone else wants you to be, but your you, so be the best damned you you can be and screw those who are brainwashed.
4. your a wonderful writer, I felt the emotion in this piece. I felt the pain and the lonliness, and really judging by your profile, your pic, and this poem, you are definately someone i would like to see on my friend list and later in my inbox!

Wonderful job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Jordan's Back

12 Years Ago

i was saying, you should message me sometime :P I was being playful, i am sorry.

12 Years Ago

Oh hahahaha sry I'm half asleep abs didn't get that lol
Jordan's Back

12 Years Ago

Its okay I am used to people not knowing what the hell im talking about :P lol

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 25, 2011
Last Updated on October 25, 2011




My name is Sarah just another Sarah, to go along with the millions of other Sarah's hehe anyway umm...I am really bad at spelling C and grammar it's a pain in the a*s so...yeah I won't U review books .. more..


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