![]() Regrets (Scenario one)A Story by Ryley
I couldn't believe what happened that night. I had so many regrets. I thought I had gotten rid of him for good, but I was wrong. This is the story of that night
It was the year 1988, ten years before I made the biggest mistake of my life, but now as I am sitting here in the living room with my kids, I realize this mistake is not going away any time soon. It was a dark and stormy night when I was playing with my two kids, Andrew and Elise. My husband Steve had just gotten a movie for us to all watch together. All of sudden Elise, who was only 4, began to scream her tiny little head off. "Someone's at the window mommy, I saw him, I saw him." We told Andrew to take her to the back room and for them to hide there until we came for them. Him being only ten was scared too. My husband grabbed a flashlight and we began to head outside. I was ignoring his requests for me to wait with the kids. Carefully we walked out the door. It was like each step was taking us from safety out into the storm which was a free-for-all. Each step it was harder to breath. one step, two steps, three steps, BAM!Next thing I knew Steve was on the ground. All I could think was please don't be dead, please don't be dead. That was until I saw him It was Earl from that bar ten years ago. Steve and I had just had our first big fight. Earl had been there to comfort me. Let's just say things went a lot farther then they should have. Steve still doesn't know about it and when I found out I was pregnant with Andrew I got a DNA test. It was Earl's, but there was no way I was going to tell Steve that so I told him it was his. He was happy but unfortunately so was Earl Earl was a loser and wanted to raise the baby with me. When I explained to him that I was happy with Steve he got mad. I mean really mad. He hurt me. I came home that night and had to explain to Steve that I had fallen down some stairs at work. He believed me. Earl still would't leave me alone. Afraid that Steve might find out my big regret, I contacted the police. I told them my story and not to involve Steve Earl was sent to prison and I took the opportunity to move. We packed up our house in California and move to Ohio right before Andrew was born. I thought Earl was out of our lives for good, but here he is ten years later still as crazy as I remember him. I mean he had just taken a bat to my husband. I peeled my eyes away from Steve to look at Earl. He a malicious look in his eyes that I did not one to mess with. I ran back into the house shutting the door right on his hand. I heard him scream. Quickly I ran into the room behind the kitchen with the kids. I told them to stay quiet and call 911. They were trembling with fear. So was I. I ran through the hallway next to the kitchen that lead away from the room, making sure to knock things down as I went so that he would stay away from the room with the kids. "I just want to talk he yelled." I stopped. This would be a good way to keep him distracted until the cops got here. "Fine." I say walking to the room with him in it. "I just came to see him." "Who?" I ask even though I know for certain who. I am just trying to stall. "My son." he says gritting his teeth together. "Oh well that's too bad because I gave him up for adoption. I don't want to know what he would do if he found out Andrew was actually here. I am just praying that the kids can keep quiet. He gets mad when I tell him this. He starts running around and knocking things over. This is not good. He gets close to the room with the kids when the cops pull up. I breath a sigh of relief. Earl tries to run out the back door, but there are cops there too. They take him away in the cop car. Man they work fast! I run in to get the kids and hold them close. Andrew also didn't hear anything which gives me some more time. An ambulance takes Steve to the hospital where they give him stitches and tell us that he is going to be just fine. Now I have a big decision to make. Should I tell him about Earl or just lie like I did for so many years. I don't want the decision to be something that I regret. © 2015 RyleyAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on September 12, 2015 Last Updated on September 12, 2015 |