![]() all hell's awaitingA Story by scribe?![]() first chapter in a mash up of several hell related characters throughout comics![]() Characters: Ghost Riders Johnny Blaze (JB) and Danny Ketch (DK) John Constantine (Hellblazer) (JC) Vengence (3rd Spirit of Vengence) (V) Lucifer (Ex-Lord of Hell) (L) Hellstorm (Son of Satan) (SOS) Spawn (Hellspawn) (S)
V - howd you find me? how do you know who i am? JC - This V - Thats! - where? JC - an old man. i did him a favor. he was homeless. couldnt pay me. so gave me that V - do you know what that is? JC - not really V - doesnt matter. its a replica anyway, though a very good one JC - ok w/e it is it gave me a dream vision (flash back) you see the old homeless bloke wanted me to seal up a demon door thatd opened up at his favorite bed under a bridge. he payed with that and i accepted (old homeless man turns into L w/o JC seeing) that night i had the dream of lady liberties tablet on fire, teh rockies, burning, goldengate bridge ablaze and the mississippi and its tributaries also alight. those symbols lead me to the good old u s of a. and in searcg of a spirit of fire. (sprinkles a mixture of ashes and gunpowder on ground and on eyelids while making a spell, lights mixture on ground, trail of fire leads to V) and here i am (flashback ends) V - thats all very interesting and im gonna beileive you cause i can feel that genuine fake pulling towards someplace JC - Really? i didnt feel that V - well i wld be more sensative to it for reasons we can leave undiscused JC - alright then partner put it on and lead the way V- right, but if youre lying and leading me into a trap youre the first one i drop JC - agreed (shake) (JC follows V to 1st atomic bomb test site) JC - so why here? V - i dont know. you tell me mystic man JC - hmm. lets see. i guess all teh testing could have weakened teh barier between this world and the next. give me the medallion and lend me your powers V - and how do you suggest i do that? JC - just power up and put your hand on my shoulder. i should be able to do the rest (medallion in hand, pointed out toward test site, as he speaks ribbons of fire creep along him) i, john constantine, endowed with the spirit of your very own hellfire comand you, reveal yourself! (fire shoots from 5 points hiting a barrier in mid air, from five impact points a pentagram is drawn and a portal appears ther ringed and fire. on the other side is the gates of hell gaurded by 2 cerberi. they seem to spot the 2 men and gebin charging at them) V - close it before they get through! close it now! ( JC cant because hellfire is taking him over) V - ok i didnt want to do this (elbows JC in chest, sending him flying into side of car above passenger side frondst tire. portal closes, dogs pounce on hell rodents, never knowing the 2 men could see them) V - sorry about that. (helping JC up) JC - thats alright. probly yje only thing that could have brought me out of that trance i was in V - so what do we do now? JC - we get help V - no! we cn handle this! JC - really? we can handle the whole of hell coming through that doorway? V - wel cant we just close the door? yu said you did something similar for that homeless guy JC - that was a simple demon door. thsi is far greater. bigger. opened and made by someone or something with real power planning a total invasion V - right (gets on bike, VVRRROOOOMMM!!! powered up) 10 DAYS. BE HERE (rides off) JC - i see youve got a friend or two that could help. well ive only got one of my own butt itll have to do. ten days it is. see you then (collects medallion, drives away) (3-5 days later) (empty highway, 2 bikes ride side by side. in the distance they spot another diker approching fast. it looks like he and his bike explode but he just keeps coming fast. so fast he passes bewtween them before they can get out of the way. they both stop their bikes to watch the 2rd turn and head back toward them, swining a firey chain above his head. with a look at each other they rev their bikes and transform and toward their adversery) (around the same day) (rooftops of NYC above backalleys full of the homeless JC searches) JC - knock knock? anybody home? S - leave before i make you. you dont want me to make you. JC - no i want you to coem with me S - and why should i do that? (stepping out) JC - oh a little thing like stopping hell from invading earth (on the specified day) S - ive waited long enough. my city needs me JC - wait! just awhile longer. i know theyll be here S - 2 more hours JC (under breath) come on guys i need you here to show him im serious (familiar rumble in the distance) JC - ah! and here they are! (ghost riders and vengence pull up) ghost riders, spawn. spawn, ghost riders. vengence, spawn. spawn, vengence. S - enough! use one of them to show me what ive come here to for! JC - right then. vengence if you would be so kind V - my pleasure (medallion in JCs outrstreched hand, Vs hand above JCs shoulder L - wait! ( all heads spin around) next time you do that you might not be as lucky as the last V - and what do you know about it? JB - let him speak S - why should we? DK - without him we would all be nothing L - smart boys. and they are correct. my name is Lucifer Morningstar, Ex-lord of hell S - ex-lord? L - quite right. some years ago i emtied hell of all its denizens, shut its doors and handed the key over to the Lord Of Dreams who in turn gave it up to a couple of angels the lord our father sent to observe the power struggle that ensude when i stepped dowm JC - thats all well and good but how do we know youre who you say you are? abd for that matter how did you know we would all be gathered here? L - you mean you dont recognize me? (for an instant JC sees L as the old homeless man under the bridge, JCs eyes go wide) good, now you believe me. JC - no, wait! thst just proves you were him L - more than that. i opened teh demon door i asked you to close just so i could give you that trinket so you couldbring the 3 riders together. spawn here is a welcome surprise JB - what do you need us for? L - as i was saying, those 2 angels took my place but by no means do i want it back. what i want is to stop them from starting armegedon prematurly. Johnny Blaze. youve heard the voice of the one true god. would he be so cruel to allow humanity to be wipped out if they were not yet ready to be? JB - i agree with him. this cant be right, we have to help him. this must be stopped DK, JC, V - agreed S- hold on! if youre whi you say you are then why cant yo handle this yourself? L - when i gave up my throne i lost much of my power. power that has been transfered to the pair of angels ruling in my stead. together they are as strong as i once was. seperate them and we have a chance at victory S - so you brought us together. the most hell-knowledgable super dudes on earth to back you up L - percisely. and it looks like we've got another unexpected guest SOS - stop! he is not to be trusted! the great deciever will undoubtedly betray you all! L - normally i would listen to the boy but today i am being honest. this must be stopped and i need all of your help to do it SOS - lies! go back to where you hide and let us close this door L - they will just open another and another until the succed in your duties- S - his duties? DK - he's the anti-christ S- then why should we trust him over his father here? L - he is not of my seed (bitter stand off/stare between L + SOS) JB - he's the son of satan. a lesser entity than his ex-lordship L - so boy do you stand in our way or do you join us? SOS- join. but only to protect the others from you L - fair enough, however unneccessary. John! Open her up! but be warned: this gateway functions as a one way mirror. once it is opened we can see in and w/e is on the other side cant see us. we can pass through our side and they cant theirs. once the medallion is through itll close so John youre last through V - ill yank ya in if you go all tranced out again JC - thanks...(JC + V open gate. Ghost Riders ride in. Spawn jumps through. L + SOS walk in) V - you all tranced out? JC - no, im good V - then hop on the back and we'll do the cowboy thing JC - are you going brokeback on me? V - no idiot. riding into the sunset, cept or sun is a flamming portal to the one and only hell itslef JC - lets do it! (when they are through nothing remains to show the seven were there except an abandoned pick up truck) © 2012 scribe?Featured Review
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1 Review Added on May 10, 2012 Last Updated on May 10, 2012 Author