Thought is Energy flowing like Water. The water starts as a drip, then evolves into a Trickle. The trickle dribbles into a clear Mountain stream, which, slowly over the millennia erodes the stoic Rock. Chi flowing in the veins of Gaia becomes a River, and then finally an Ocean. In this Ocean, all Thought, all Energy is intertwined in the Consciousness that is One. Every Molecule, every Entity, is a Point of Light that is Expanding and Contracting. Everything is a Vibration. I expand and contract, Vibrate as I Evolve, as my Consciousness expands. Too much philosophizing; Contemplation fills my Being to Capacity. It is then that I Return to my natural state of Pure Energy. I empty myself of all Existential Anchors. The Vessel is empty, the Block Uncarved. A boy rides an ox, and I continue flowing.
Russell Munroe