A Journey to the West

A Journey to the West

A Story by rush

A Journey to the West


Columbus travelled west from Europe to find the land of the golden bird, the land where there is plenty of everything, the land of festivals, the land of colours, the land of gold, the land of tea, the land of spices. Many centuries later, when the world knew that the earth was round, one more journey was undertaken. This journey too started towards the west. But this time it was from the golden land to the west – to Europe. It was my trip. My trip to Europe. The first time I travel west of India……


………..I had my bath and came to know that the taxi was already here. Though there still was time when I had called for him, I was glad to know that at least some things are punctual. I got ready and picked my luggage and hopped into the cab. “International Airport”, I instructed him. This was the beginning of my Europe Trip. The distance to the airport wasn’t long and we reach the airport area quiet quickly. But it took us another half an hour to reach the gate. I got out of the cab and was wondering where all these people are going? Is everyone leaving this country? But no, no all were leaving. Only 20 % of the crowd was actually travelling the rest 80% had come to see them off. I was such a crowd. Made my way in and to the baggage screening area. Was only wondering how convenient it was at other international airports where the bags are screened later and while I was thinking over it I was told not to screen the bags as for that flight they had adopted this procedure. Thank god, I said. Already had my boarding pass so moved to immigration. The girl at the counter kept smiling and asking questions – why, where, when, how and what. I was getting more attention I thought. (ok ok enough of flattering yourself, Rush, she is just doing her job). Now time for security check. Was asked to take off my pouch, my jacket (glad not my clothes) and through I was like a breeze. Met an old neighbour, we used to play together as kids. HE was on his trip to Hongkong. Wow, Wish I get to go there too. Officially. Ooh! Am I obsessed with South East Asia? I bid him a happy journey and looked at the watch. Gosh! 2 more hours to go. If only the procedure had taken longer or my friends flight was later, I wouldn’t had to kill this time. Sat, reading but felt sleepy. It was 12.00 way past my usual bed time. So just kept observing people. Kids playing, parents worried about the flight and tickets and arrangements. Was trying to keep my mind from the thought of y own trip and arrangement. Ya, felt a bit nervous. This was unlike any other of my trips where I am taken care of. Here I was firstly in a different country and then also I was to plan and prepare everything. Just kept thinking – Did I miss anything? Not now Rush. Too late. Just go on.


These are horrible games. 2D, slow almost zero graphics games. Rush,. Stop cursing. However bad I was thinking about the games I was still playing and moving to the next level. Gosh! My neighbour in the next seat would be thinking I am a kid. So what. Let him think. It was 2.30 and they were serving snacks. And I was eating. Why Rush? Is it compulsory? But I still ate. And then? Bed time. Naaa. I wasn’t in any mood to sleep. While I was surfing the system I saw that they had two movies that I wanted to see for a long time. Vantage Point and 10000 BC. So started with Vantage Point. It’s a nice movie. The entire movie happens in half an hour. Though it takes 90 minutes to see it. It ended and it was 5.00 in my watch. I had to sleep now or I will certainly suffer from something if not jet lag. Its not the best of the ways to sleep – to sit and sleep. Had a very disturbed sleep. It was 9.30 when I woke up, they were serving breakfast. Quickly brushed my teeth and started the other movie, 10000 BC. I was half through it and the announcement disturbed it. We were landing in 15 minutes. It suddenly came to me that I am flying to an unknown foreign land. And not just that, I had planned to do some sightseeing before going to my destination. Rush, will you be able to do it? Do that? Of course. I am me. That got me some more courage.

My flight had so many Indians and now in this queue for immigration there are not many to be seen. Its such a long queue. Let me try my sim card in the mobile. …. Gosh, its not working. Damn those guys. Someone’s going to get sued for this mess. I had to tell office to get it corrected. But how? “where are you going?” I heard someone asking me in a familiar accent. I turned to see who that voice belonged to and I saw an Indian young chap right behind. We spoke for some time as the queue moved slowly and I got him to sms home to tell them to ask my office guys to get things straight. It was my turn at the immigration. I was asked for documents which I showed. And then he asked, “You work for Gulf?” How does he know that. There is nothing in my documents to say that. Technology? I replied “Yes” with an expression of million questions. And he just pointed towards my plastic folder which had a Gulf Logo. Aha. Glad to be recognised. Next stop – Luggage. Ooh, nice airport. “Impressive” – first impression. The luggage belts were inclined. Never seen that before. “Modern”. “Aaha, my bag”.


This train ticket is just like a boarding pass of a plane. Seems like I will be on a bullet train. But its just a short distance – Brussels Airport to Brussels Central. The train leaves in 3 minutes. Rush Rush Rush. I climb downstairs and this? Its not a bullet train. It looks antique. Ok not so old but not modern too. Moved to the front (later came to know that it was rear) and as I got to get into one of the cars I was told by the guard that its first class. So moved back to another compartment. Is this Discrimination? Am I being thrown out of the first class compartment like Mahatma Gandhi. “Stop being foolish Rush. Gandhi was THROWN out from the first class even when he had the tickets for it. You don’t have tickets and that poor guard told you so politely. You would be kicked out of first if you don’t have a ticket in India as well. So stop making a mind frame that you will be discriminated against.”


“oh, let me get down. Stop, wait. Let me get down first and then get in.” and I jump off the train with all my luggage. Finally! Brussels – here I am.” “But wait, is this a central station as in a CENTRAL station? It looks so shady. May be its just his platform. I go up and I will see a super modern station. I will find a counter where they will help me find lockers for my luggage and give me a city map and guide me how to tour around”. And I climbed and climbed and I was straight on the road. What? Where is the station? At least a ticket counter? Rush, there’s not a person here. Deserted streets. Hope you are at the right place. Just get to the other side and you will find something. As I walk back, a guy come walking to me and starts doing weird hand signs and faces and pointing at my back. I turn to see nothing behind me. One thing I understand is that there is some s**t on my jacket. Ok ok I get you, stop making those faces, you can panic a normal man. Just tell me where the toilet is. “Can you please guide me to the toilet?” and he pointed back into the station where I went to. Damn there is noting here. Not a person to be seen. Where am I? Ooh! That same guy is coming back. He’s got me some tissue and is also helping me to clean, oh so kind of him. Aah! Let me leave it like this, I got to first find the locker. So I moved on to search one. And this one is automatic. And what language is this? Oh! How does it work? What am I going to do? It works on coins. Where should I get the coins from? Should I really get out of the station? Or should I go straight to Dordrecht and go and sit in the hotel? Its not a good start at all. Don’t want it to be worse. And this jacket? Not this Jacket. Not this. Stop it Rush. Since when did you start to panic? Calm down. Lets figure out the lockers first. I remember that there is a manned locker as well as automatic locker. SO there has to be some one around. And there was. Got to him go a change and went to the machine, understood how it works and wallah! One thing settled. Now the city and before that the toilet. Let me just take a walk around. Aaha! Here it is. The station and the ticket counters and the tourist information. Got clarification from the tourist centre on the ticket and located the toilet. Paid 40 cents – around 30 INR (remember paying 2 INR in the best toilets in Mumbai). Got the jacket cleaned. And went straight into the city.


The first Impression? Good. Interesting. But where are the people. Asked directions. Under the bridge right and second left. Where is the bridge? Oh ya! The underpass under a building. I forgive that English. I am in Belgium. I follow – the lanes outside the grand place and I see people and I see the restaurants as well. Good sign. And a left and AM at the Grand place. Grote Market as it is called. And there it was the GRAND Place in true sense. The buildings were great example of the European architecture. Not that I am an expert of architecture, but I liked what I saw. Beautiful and articulate. I had read that on Sundays there is a flower market at the Grand place. I saw people putting up stalls of flowers. I think I am too early. But its 10.00 am already. Ok! May be I should move on. So I do.

The next on my list is Manneken pis. Why are all the tourists so obsessed with watching a naked boy pissing? Well, I am going there to see the same. So may be there is something. I stood right in front of the fountain. Ya! The pissing fountain. The first impression? He is so small. But a closer look give a better impression. Of course not a closer look at his private parts but a look at the statue. He is well made and made in granite and was imagining how they drilled that hole for the water, it had to be so accurate. Engineering. Ok! Let move on.


What else was to see? There were not many things but then why not just get lost/ So proceeded further. Nice city, I thought. Nice cars. But few people. The roads were made of stone and a few of them were paved even in circular layout giving it a very artistic look and so very retro. Smaller streets to bigger streets. Looks like people love graffiti. There’s graffiti everywhere. And there was this sweeping car. Good engineering. A car with a broom to sweep the roads. Had see n the bigger version in Mumbai (though it made more dust than it collected). There was a sweeper whom I passed as he swept and continued doing so but he did pause when a local passed. I believe he should had stopped even when I passed. Anyway! Just an observation. I started on my way back and more observations. Went to a smaller church. Its Sunday and service time. Shouldn’t be disturbing. Get out Rush.


Moved on and came to the chocolate museum. Well, three stories tall, the chocolate museum had huge statues made of chocolate. Yummy. But I was old that they are all dark chocolate. Ok! Not interested. But there was something more interesting. A demonstration on how the chocolate is made and formed. Well, interesting I would say, but got to taste the chocolate as well. GOOD.


Moved on and came back to the Grand Place. That’s covers one direction of the city time to move to the other direction. But some rest at the Grand Place and visit to the city hall. They have a “walk through” in the city hall, but don’t have the time for that. Its time to move to the Cathedral and then the Royal park and Royal Palace. Walk walk walk.

I passed the narrow lanes outside the Grand place and it was a food street. With hotel on both sides of the street and then another bigger street with more shops for food and benches outside the door right on the street. Its not very difficult to find places in Brussels. Just look at the skyline and you see the tops of the most prominent buildings. So you can see the cathedral from a distance and so can the City hall in the Grote Market (Grand Place). The cathedral is a big structure a really big on. The service was on there too and so couldn’t take many pictures inside. Was a bit tired so I went and sat inside. And it was so soothing. A lay sang some chorus and I found it very melodious (though I didn’t understand a bit of it).

In the cathedral there is a way to go down where they have maintained the relics of the cathedral. Couldn’t understand much as it was not in English. Time to go on. The roads and the direction are given very well, but I still have to use my sense of direction. Glad it is good. Came to the gardens and then to the Royal palace. Good architecture. But the garden was not like royal garden. So checked up in the map and of course it was not the royal garden. It was further ahead. But now I neither had the energy nor the time. SO returned to the Grand Place.

Time to have lunch. Went to the streets and didn’t find anything interesting but yes, the sandwich. It was a long piece of bread and there was a choice of filling. I choose eggs and tuna paste and green vegetables. Tasted good. Had it right in the Grand Place. Then moved out to the old style Mall. Its called The Gallerie St. Hubert. Its was a beautiful sight with a glass ceiling and shops on bother sides. Shoes and lace and chocolates. It was all there. I checked the time and I could now move to the station. I can now take anyone to Brussels and take them around.


Collected my luggage and went to the station. I was not at all impressed by the platform. Anyway, my train arrived and hopped into it. international train. Saw the European country site and such wonderful houses. With Gardens outside them and those plastic foldable swimming pools. Great road and lush greenery. Wow, I love this place. Time to get down at Dordrecht. My destination for the next two days. I could feel my legs tired. So hopped into the cab and went straight to the hotel. Another thing that I had heard and now experienced was that all the cabs were high end cars (Indian High end). SO I was in a Mercedes. came to the hotel and collected my keys at the reception. There also met another Indian who was in Dordrecht for a couple of days. Rushed to the room, had a HOT water bath and laid down for a while. it was evening and thought I should take a walk around. Went down and asks what’s to be seen nearby. And got the reply – NOTHING. This is a industrial area and there are not my things to be seen here. Rather nothing. So just moved out to stroll around.. there was a McDonalds’ right besides the hotel.  So went there and wow. There is a long queue. May be I should have my dinner here itself. So got in the queue. I had a young coupe standing infront of me an. While I was looking around, I heard some sounds and turned to see what it is. Oh my god. They were kissing right infront of me. Gosh! I turned red felt so shy and embarrassed. Just pretended as if either I wasn’t there or they weren’t there. Is this called as culture shock? Well, it wasn’t a shock, but yes there are cultural difference. The boy at the counter was trying to ignore me. He even took order from another guy in another line. I think if he wished he wouldn’t had served me at all. Why? I later came to know he didn’t know English and he was shy to speak in his English. I spoke to him and he looked he is now going to run for cover. Fortunate for me and him his other two colleagues came to help him as well a lady in the other queue started to prompt to him. Its was a hard earned Chicken Burger and Chicken nuggets and Coke.


Came back to the room and had a good night sleep. Next day training day. My. John came to pick me up at the hotel. I was in a dark suit and tie and shoes and he was in a t-shirt and jeans. O! am I over dressed? Cant do anything about it. Mr. John had retired from  the Navy and was with Gulf for a long time now. A very nice person. Never let me feel that I am a stranger. It was great talking to him and he taught me a lot of new things as well. I could also meet the other people with whom I had interacted on e-mail but I was seeing them in person. Took a tour of the plant and the QC facilities and all and all was treated very nicely. I had taken some Indian sweets for tem which they found too sweet. But they all appreciated it. That night I said to myself that I will try a Dutch dinner and so went to the restaurant. I was handed the menu card and it only ad 6 items. It was in English but I still couldn’t get a word of it. Ok! I think I had enough. Went out and straight to McDonalds’. Got my dinner and returned to the room. I had by then began with his document. Wanted to write on page on each day, but being a qualified chatter box I have over shot already.


This was my last day at Netherlands and today I was going to meet the LISAM Expert. He tried to resolve some issues that Mr. John had. He was learning himself. Cause he kept making calls to the office to ask clarifications. On both the days we had sandwiches for lunch in the office itself. Time was precious. Me, John and Mr. Leo had a few good discussions as well. All and all as per my expectation. It was time for me to leave. And Mr. John said that he has arranged a drop for me to the  airport. That’s nice of him and at 3.00 the CEO of the company, Mr. Robert came to us and said that he was going to drop me at the airport. Oh my god. The CEO himself. I we took a good cushion and we left at 3 for 620 flight. Was expecting to reach in one hour. But Mr. Robert gave me the fastest ride in my life he did and average of 140 kms per hour. Dropped me in 30 minutes. It was a very small airport, as small as any smaller airport in India. But it was more organised and systematic than any big airports in India. Now that I had a lot of time I started my laptop and checked if I had connectivity and there it was. After which I had a great time. The flight was announced and I was checking the entire airport to see where is the plane. There were just those small planes an not international like plane. I now understood that I was flying in the same 50 seater plane. Gosh! Its so small! Will it fly? ………


But it did and I was in London City airport. I was very much prepared for London. I just had to get to the tube. That’s it. But as I was coming closer to the time I thought, If you don’t understand anything just take the Cab. Naa! Wasn’t going to give up so easily. SO I went to the counter, got a oyster card (Travel card) and set off. On the rail then one tube then other tube and there I was at St. James Station. I found the Tube to be so very convenient. I think I was going to fall in love with the system. Not in the literal sense. Now the task of finding the hotel. London has so many lanes that a newcomer can really get confused. But of course they have a good system of marking locations. SO some how, getting lots and asking people I reached the Hotel and checked in. The hotel is like a old palace with so many rooms. Its owned by the Taj Group of India and was rated as a 4 star hotel.  The design as well as the layout is so much like a palace. I was expecting a treat and didn’t get disappointed. The room was good. Not the biggest ones but had everything – a bed, a TV working table, cupboard, locker, trouser iron, and a bathroom with a bath tub. Wow. Suddenly I felt my body is aching and I was tired and exhausted and I NEEDED to soak into the bath but. No no its not an excuse. I could be really tired. Or may be it was an excuse. Whatever. There I was laying in the water – hot and seaming. Feeling the heat soaking into me the waves of splashing water massaging me. Was feeling sleepy. And a little hungry as well. So after 30 – 45 minutes being a fish I planned to be a human again.


While walking out of the lobby towards the restaurant I was preparing myself for some English or continental food but seeing me the manager asked if I was interested in Indian food and that the hotel also had a separate Indian restaurant. I was more than glad to accept the offer. And found myself going through the menu. Ordered my dinner had it and rushed ac to the hotel. Before going to bed I prepared my bag for the next day visit. Revising the maps, action items and agenda. And of course nearby places for sight seeing.

Got up early, my office was at Piccadilly Circus right behind the Trafalgar Square. From the hotel it was right across St. James Park. So, it had to be a short walk and an easy find. So I set off. Crossed the St. James ark and I thought the taste was done. But it was far from that. I came to the New Zealand House and even till that point I was right. I passed the street where I Should had taken a left but went straight and there it all began. I asked someone to guide me and he pointed to entirely opposite direction. So walked, didn’t find it asked and walked back and some how stood right under the building. And wallah! I was inside. Got up to find that there wasn’t anyone in the office. It’s a nice cosy office, but small. Nothing like one might expect of a head quarters of  multinational company. I was there at 9.45 and the meeting was at 10.00. after some time Mr. Richard also came in. And he took me round the office and also introduced me to the others who had come by then. We were waiting for the consultant who arrived and we proceeded wit the meeting. Its right opposite to a theatre and the office is on the 3rd floor. SO from the window one could see in the make up rooms of the theatre. Don’t remember the name of the play, but its was “ the something something of Opera”. Anyways we went to the restaurant right under the office building and it was specially for Spaghetti. Richard ordered for Crab spaghetti which was recommended by the chef there who knows Richard. And when the dish really came we all were amazed. It was a huge crab and we had to open it up, of course it was cracked. And lots of spaghetti. Well, without worries we finished it. I used my hands and so did the others, the guys there also gave us a finger bowl. English mannerism. Was worried I might scare them, so eat as decently as I could. We went back to the meeting. Richard then left me with the consultant for me to ask all the question I had. And I usually have a lot of them. We actually terminated the meeting as I had another meeting and the guy had already come there. We had paid a lot to this consultant. It was at 170 Pounds per hour + vat. The second meeting started and finished by 5.30 and then it was time for me and Richard to discuss a few things that were to be action taken on. We had a good discussion. What impressed me was that Richard showed a lot of concern for me. HE suggested that he would first check my travel arrangement and guide me how to go there. Once he told me all he wanted to we sat for our discussions. I asked a few questions on which I needed action from him and also those where he could give the decision. Some related to my Dordrecht visit. After all that I left for the day.

While I was leaving, I thought that I might not come to this side so why not roam around a lil bit before going to the hotel. So, I move back to the Trafalgar Square and check the activities there. There is the Trafalgar festival going on and they have put up a huge screen there where they plan to project the Olympics games live. There are also many activities going on. Music and all. Right at the Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery. I went in there and had a walk in there and saw all the huge paintings as old as 1200 AD. So it was interesting but since I am not that very interested in pictures I brisked through the majority of them stopping only to read about a few of them. Came out and moved towards the Mall street and then to the St James park. I had another route in mind so that I cover and see a few more things. Came to the Horse guards and the war cabinet rooms and then to the ‘residence of the prime minister of UK’ and the Westminster museum of war. And of course “10 Dowing Streer” where the president stays. But unfortunately it was all closed. It was already 8.30 and I decided that I should go and have dinner. I had to wake up quiet early next day as I had to catch a long distance train – to derby. Went straight there – it was quiet a walk and ordered biryani. Well yes! I still went to the same hotel. Came to the room and made things ready for the next day’s meeting. Had to get up at 4.30 am. Was planning to leave hotel by 6.00 am latest so that I had sufficient time even if I got lost. I was advised by Richard that there are two stations – one for international and one for domestic and had asked me not to go to the international as it is for going to continental Europe – The Eurostar.


Woke up as usual before the alarm. I came to Kings Cross St. Pancras station by tube. No problem. But then I was looking for the domestic terminal and there was none. All direction boards just mentioned St Pancras International. In the morning the stations are so empty (unlike Mumbai). SO I thought may be I will follow that; I still had time. I was really at the international station. Booking stations for Eurostar, Immigrations check, people with passports. “Rush, I think its time to ask someone. You still need to get the ticket too. You just had booked it online, the ticked needs to be collected. So stop experimenting.” “Just a little distance ahead, I saw a board showing towards East Midlands Trains, Will check out”. I was talking to myself as I walked. And yes! There it was the ticket counters for national rail. So went there and collected the tickets and moved to the platforms. The Eurostar and the national rail lines are adjacent to each other separated from each other by a huge fence and surveillance. Ok! Time for breakfast. I still had 30 minutes before the train departed. Picked up my chicken sandwich and a bottle of water, eating it waiting for the train. Train was comfortable, had cosy seats and I had enough time to open up my laptop and continue with my trip diary. It was a 90 minute journey to the Derbyshire County and Derby city station. I would be picked up from there by a driver arranged by the company I was visiting. The England countryside is a lot different than the London city. There was greenery all over and vast farms. UK may not be an agriculture economy but I did see a lot of farms around. Probably many of them are used only for grazing. Probably! But I Have to admit that it was a wonderful sight. I could only imagine and envy the life style that those people living in those cute houses would be living. At least not waking up at 4.30 in the morning and travelling far away places. Aah! Next station is Derby. Ooh! Am 5 minutes late. Its Europe Rush. Your Indian Standard time wont work. Heard that drivers wont wait as long if someone is late. Well, I am (supposedly) an important person for them.. SO I will be picked up for sure. One of the cultural shock is the punctuality of the people there. Well there were other shocks as well, since I am talking of those here let me list a few more of them. The other was – God! There are so few people. There is rarely somebody to be seen. And during all the travel I did, even at so called busy hours, I never happened to even brush my shoulder in crowd (not that I missed brushing people!!!). Well, the other one was the way a car would stop if it sees someone standing on the footpath wanting to cross the road. Even if there is a green for the cars. This one was impressive. Very impressive. What cultured people. And here back at home raise their accelerators when they see someone crossing the street just to scare him and stop him from crossing before or rushing before he crosses. the other one was the quality of roads. Ok ok ! I Think I am being more of a driver. There were other shocks as well. Other topics. Like food. Not spicy at all even the Indian food made there required me to add some pepper. And the way there were more cold stuff than hot. People ate many things cold, where as here most of the things are hot even desserts are at times hot. Ooh! The train’s stopped. Let me get down. I just hope its not a big station and I find the chauffer quickly. Well, as usual its not a bit station and lesser people and so very easy to find my man. I get a good ride to the office. Its through country side. The houses in the country side are so beautifully built. The roads are so narrow. Even the main road is just one lane each side. Its almost getting into a very remote place. Like in a jungle. As if you have lost your way. More so when we moved near to the destination it was a narrow lane and I was there. Since I was going for the first time on the premises I was being showed the security tape and then my host for the day was there. He took me in and then began a long day. Meeting, me asking questions, me getting answers, me having English lunch, me going around the facilities me on my way back. On the way back, it was a different driver. This chatter box is never quiet so I was asking questions about the city and the drive being happy with my questions decided to take a detour and take me around in the city. Well, it wasn’t a long detour but I did see a lot bigger part of Derby as compared to if I Had come straight to the station. Time to get into my train which arrived after a few minutes of my waiting.

I met an interesting character on the train. He was a Pakistani. He had settled in England, Leicester for last 2 years. He studied and worked and on that day was travelling to London, had his interview next day. I don’t talk very much to strangers on train, but he kept talking and chatting and I replied. He was a chatterbox like me. May be more. The journey passed quickly. I had to get down at St. Pancras and then take tube to hotel. But I decided otherwise. I got down at Victoria station. The aim was to go to the Buckingham palace and also see the queens mews. And as I read at many places the Queens State rooms were open for general public. So thought if I could get in, it would be an EXPERIENCE. Well, but to my disappointment I came to know that the palace is open only till 4.45 and the last entry was at 3.45 pm. So I decided that I will catch it on Saturday - the day I get off. Walked a bit around, took some pics of the palace, and of course the hairy guards. The palace is really majestic and those gates making it much more majestic. ROYAL. Its such a different life. Well, I can only imagine. The queens memorial right opposite the palace is as beautiful as the palace itself.

I strolled back to my hotel. It was late so I thought I will have food first. The restaurant was part of the hotel itself. It served south Indian cuisine. Of course a welcome from me. Had all my dinners at this restaurant. Today I had Biryani – the special rice preparation. I like this hotel. They make good authentic food there. Of course it had to, its owned by an Indian chain of hotels – The Taj Group. My hotel pics and the restaurant where I had my dinner.


Back to the room, preparing for the next day. Papers and road map and instructions. I had to go to Bracknell. The train leaves from waterloo station. I had the option of travelling by tube train or I walk there. Its not very far but the walk is through places of tourist importance. So I decided to walk. Rush, you have to go to bed as early as possible its going to be an early day and a long day and a hectic day. My eyes closed……

These days I have been waking up before the alarm. Its not like me. But this is also not new to me. It usually happens when I am on tour. Got ready and was on my way to waterloo. As I left the hotel I was in two minds if I should walk or should I take the tube. It’s a difficult decision, but I think the travel loving guy in me won over the lazy guy. I walked past the Westminster abbey, the big Ben, the parliament, the London eye. Wow, there are so many things to see here. But I cant stop now. Or I will miss my train. The sign on the road said “Shell Centre”, my eyes glowed. Being in the oil industry the name “Shell” has a vivid impact. My feet moved briskly, and I saw a BIG building and there it was. “Shell Centre”. Magnificent. Walk on Rush, walk on. I know you dream to work for it, but for now, walk on. Waterloo station. Feels like home. Its CROWEDED. Great. Got my ticket. The guy at the counter was an Indian. There was a queue too. WOW. Time for breakfast. I still have time for the train.  Got myself a burger and water. And here too I was served by an Indian. I think I got French fries for free. I had to get the 8.10 train to reach Bracknell by 9.05 am.

“English Countryside is so beautiful”. I was talking to myself as I watched outside the moving train having my burger and the French fries. It’s an hour trip through and towards the southwest of Britain.

As beautiful a ride as was the one to the north. To Derby. And on this route there were so many Golf Clubs. Lots of them and so beautiful ones. I was to be reaching Bracknell by 9.05 am and my host for the day was to himself pick me up from station. Hope I reach on time. I reached 5 minutes late. Am sure by UK standards it must be very late. I was at Bracknell station. Got down and it looked so much like out of an English classic. Very few people getting out of the train on an empty station. The platform is wet since it rained just some time back, people frisking out of the station. And old bridge over the platform made from rivets leads to the only way out. A cool breeze blowing. The hero of the movie looking at the platform trying to understand where he is and getting acquainted with the surroundings. Come back to reality Rush. You are not a hero. I moved on and though I had imagined a crowded station and lot many people and I needing to search and scan faces to find the face I was looking for, being lost in the crowd, being pushed around, helplessly asking people if they have seen the person I am searching for and finally helplessly sitting at the bench where some one come and pats on the shoulder and you turn to see that its him. But no, remember the culture shock I mentioned previously? There was just one person standing waiting for some one and it was him. Life is not as exciting as movies. We moved to the parking lot and he took me to his car. IT’S AN ALFA ROMEO. Life is exciting. And my host was a good driver. Happy I am. The day proceeded very well, lots of new people, lots of meeting, going around in the labs, everything that I had planned. We even went to a classic English pub/ bar. It was such a great experience. Not that I drink, but the ambience, the location, the bar, the drinks, wow so much like I Have seen in English classic movies. As usual the waiter recommended Fish curry. An English adaptation of the Indian Curry. Gosh. I wan’t to try something English. We were a big gang and everyone recommended that I should have that and English Food has become very rare in England. So I have it and it was a very good lunch. Not because of the food but the chat that we had. Was dropped back in the same Alfa Romeo, to another station as deserted as the earlier.


I was at the Waterloo station. Felt a bit tired, but it was not time for being tired. I had a lot of places to go today. I decided to walk back to the hotel. I had already seen in the morning that it will be an interesting walk back. My first target will be the London Eye. I said that and there it was, this giant wheel of giant wheels, soaring straight into the sky. From now on to the end I will be sight seeing and since its more of seeing from now on it will be more of pictures and less of me talking. Comfort for you too? Ya. Less of me blabbering. But it wont be a complete relief.


Views of the London Eye. And from London Eye.

Moved on to see the Big Ben and the parliament.




What amazed me is the architecture of this building as well as the Westminister Abbey.

That’s me sitting infront the gate of the parliament. Walked to hotel. Next day was off and I decided to do as much of sight seeing as possible. Starting with the guard change as Buckingham Palace. Not to mention I passed across the new Scotland Yard office. I wonder how the guards could be so still with that heavy gun in their hands. But they did move.


I them moved on. Tower bridge here I come. But then I got the experience of the quickly changing weather of England. The Mediterranean climate. It started raining. And I didn’t have anything but my jacket which kept me dry and warm. Extra warmth. Passed the London Dungeons which is getting popular these days.





Since it was raining I decided to not wander around and to see something where I don’t have to get wet (though I was wet already). So I went to the British Museum. The Museum was a great experience. The entire world was there. Egypt was my favourite section.


And Rome. Consider this as art.

Asia, Africa, US and China of course.

There was so much to see but I Was running out of time. And travelling by the tube took its own time. SO rushed to the hotel, it was 5 when I reach there took a small bite (my Lunch). And moved out. The journey to Heathrow Airport through the tube again. I like this system. The journey took and hour giving me time do a flash back onto my journey. From my travel to the airport in Mumbai. I was travelling back. Bidding bye to a city. Bye to a city which gave me this wonderful experience. To the city that’s truly global, truly modern yet so much rooted in the past. Bidding with a promise to come back again. Thank you London……


So that’s it. My journey, your journey …… our journey to the west comes to an end. Or as I always say… comes to the beginning of the new journey.










© 2008 rush

Author's Note

DOnt think i could paste the images here. Let me know how I can upload a PDF and I will do that. its more intresting with the pics

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Added on August 31, 2008
Last Updated on August 31, 2008



Mumbai, India