Falling as if on a pink parachute
He slips past horizon’s limits
Leaving us in sweet gentle twilight
Where we can appreciate what is close
To us, we deem it relevant.
He is a striking man
Wild eyes that hurt upon contact
Well dressed, well groomed, handsome
A man with such good form
That most find it unsettling
A man who self-contrives
He hides beyond the horizon
Don’t go after him
For he is his father’s sun
After all
His sunny exterior will spin
What lies within
Walk closer and see fists clenched
Fast approach to see his potent posture
Your contemplation renders
The horrible transformation
Of a bonafide Jekyll to Hyde
For too long he has been withheld of heaven
To go ablaze
Become crazed
For too long he has lived in the abyss of hell
Where he was raised
To seek and raze.
If the holocaust was the offense
And Hiroshima was the warning
Then he is more ghastly than a thousand atomic bombs
Face him and auto combust
Crumble away
Return to dust
His followers seek knowledge
They will know nova