![]() Meant To BeA Chapter by ruefinaAfter we woke up, we had my cooks cook pancakes, sausages, eggs, and bacon. We carried it to the Jacuzzi in the basement, we sat in and relaxed. “I’m actually starting to like you.” Raven said turning to me as she bite into a slice of bacon. You could hear the crunch. “So you’re saying you never liked me?” She laughed. “No, I like you, but I just thought you were a rich b….” I looked at her shocked. “Really, wow.” After that, Drew and I froze the pool then I created skates for everyone. I handed out to Raven and Drew, when I got to Trey he shook his head. “What?” I asked. “I don’t skate.” “Why not, you think since you’re a football player means ice skating for girls.” “No, ice-skating always has been for girls.” “So why don’t you ice-skate then.” I joked. “Oh, you think you funny now?” “Yes, yes I do.” We had fun ice skating, well Drew, Raven, and I had fun. Trey sat on the benches watching us. I tried making him join but he pulled back. So after that we got ready to go. I put on my gold sandals, since its 90 degrees today, my gold skirt, my silver and gold pattern spaghetti strap top. I even manage to put gold and silver in my hair. I also let Raven borrow something. She picked out a pair of denim jean skirt, a pink and white around-the-neck-back-out blouse. And since we are the same shoe size I let her wear my white sandals. We then met the guys on the main floor. They were both dressed in shorts (which I created). And Trey had on a blue polo, and Drew a shirt that said “LMFAO” in red (which I created, and love). Richard drove us there, we all fell asleep then woke up there (it was the same way going to Rockwood the first day). We all got out after Richard woke us up. Drew got out and rushed to the hotel we were parked near to use the bathroom. “Richard. You staying or would I be calling you to pick us up?” “I’ll stay, I missed this place.” He answered, Richard has been are driver for almost 16 year (which means he was there when I was born). Trey, Raven, and I walked over to a tall hedge. “I’ll go exploring.” Raven decides. “Cool, just don’t go far.” I told her. “Ok mom.” She commented turning the corner of the hedge. She suddenly came back with a nervous expression on her face. “When I said don’t go far, I didn’t mea….” “I just saw him.” “Saw who?” Trey suddenly asked. “My... my husband.” “Where?” I asked enthusiastic. I ran around the hedge, and then paused. I pointed to a light skinned, dark hair, brown eyes, wearing shorts, and a white T boy.”Him?” “Yea.” She said now excited. “You mean my cousin Lewis?” I assured her. She looked at me surprised. “Cousin?” “Yea and this isn’t going to work.” I assured her. “Wait why?” she asked confused. “Because I know Lewis, and he never stays with the same person for long. And the fact he marry you is really surprising.” “Oh.” Raven pushed her hair behind her ear. “I'm sorry. You know what, I’ll introduce you.” I closed my hands and created 2 chips. ”Just wait for my queue.” I walked toward Lewis, who noticed me quickly. “Hey cuz.” He said getting up to greet me. “That’s big cuz to you.” I joked as we hugged. We then sat on the bench. “So what's been going on since I left?” “Well, you remember before you left you said I could never go through those woods. Well I got the scars to prove it.” He answered taking of his T. “Oh my god he's hot!” I heard Raven in my ear. “Shh.” I said out loud. “What?” Lewis looked at me confused. “Nothing, I mean you probably cried the whole time.” “No.” He said looking away from me. “Really?” I gave him a look. “Fine, I cried for two seconds after I got out.” I smirked, and then I burst out laughing. I then heard a loud cough. “Oh yea, the reason I'm back is that I have this friend.” I then saw Raven and Trey walking up to us. “This is my boyfriend Trey and my friend Raven.” “Hey.” Trey commented. “You sure it’s safe here for them?” Lewis joked putting his T on. But Raven took it serious. “What...What do you mean, wh…?” “Oh I'm sorry, black people humor.” He reclined. “And I'm assuming he's a football player, right?” “Yea.” Trey answered. “When you were here you didn’t even know anything about football rather about anything, now you’re dating a football player.” “Wait, you were a dumb.” Trey said looking over to me. “Like totally.” I joked. They laughed. “I don’t see it. You don’t strike me as dumb.” “You don’t know how much that means to me.” “So…” Raven said giving a hint. “And my friend Raven could use a tour guide. And since Trey don’t want to do his job.” “If you’re not busy.” Raven quickly added. “Sure, why not, I was just cooling off. I could use a walk.” Lewis said getting up. They started down. Raven (still) long hair flowed behind her. Trey sat down next to me. “Aaah they look so cute together.”I said leaning back.”That’s going to be my cousin-in-law in a couple of years.” “I'm going to have two cousin-in-laws in a couple of years.” Trey said, I pretended I didn’t hear that. I suddenly heard Raven voice in my ear. I sat up. I think Raven still got the chip in. “So I assume you’re not from these neighborhoods.” I heard Lewis say. “What makes you say that?” I heard a little flirtatiousness in Raven voice. I closed my hand and created another chip. “Here” I said handing it to Trey. “I don’t think we should get involved.” He said shaking his head. “Maybe their marriage happen because we got involved.”I shrugged. He shrugged and took the piece. “So this is my friend Sam’s house. He's very nice when you get to know him, but just never call him that. Or you’ll regret ever meeting him.” Lewis explained. Raven give off a nervous laugh. Do you think I can get into Raven mind from here?” I asked Trey. “No, you need to advance your mind reading to telepathic. And that’ll take training.” “I got 31 powers. I think my powers advance quicker. I said concentrating. “You can try but I don’t think it’ll w…” “Got it.” I said cutting him off. Then I thought to Raven. ”You need to calm down and just enjoy the tour. And talk about….” “Please don’t interfere, I got it.” Raven thought. I looked at Trey shock. “What she say... or thought.” He asked. “She doesn’t want me to interfere.” “I told you not to get involved.” “But that’s my cousin she getting involved with.” I assured him. “And that’s her future husband.” “Lewis and I are like twins even though I'm two days older. We were joined at the hip when I used to live her, not literally but you get the point.”I said then heard Lewis say something. “And this is my girlfriend Rosy.” He finished. “Girlfriend!!” Raven, Trey, and I yelled out. “Okay, Raven stay calm, and ask how long they’ve been dating.” I said into the chip. “Why?” Trey and Raven asked but Raven thought it. I turned to him. “Just ask Raven .” I then turned to Trey.”Because my cousin doesn’t stay with the same person for a long time. He's over with her in a month and 9 days, usually. And that’s why I think Raven really special to make him stay with her.” “Um, yea Raven is special. She has powers.” Trey clarifies. “A month and 9 days.” Raven thought to me. “Did Rosy just say….” Trey said startle. “Okay Raven step back, and let them think that they are the only one. Is anyone else there?” I commented. “No.” she said with a flat voice. “Good. Lewis hate breaking up with people in front of other people.” I explicate. “But make sure I can still hear them, because Lewis as sign that acknowledges if their still dating or it’s over.” “Okay.” Raven reply. “Rosy we’ve been going out for a month and 9 days. That’s a long time.” I overheard Lewis say. “Not really but okay.” Rosy responded. “And we’ve been able to know each other better.” Lewis continued. “Ha, it’s okay. He said “we’ve been” in two sentences. Okay Raven, Rosy about to storm off, and since Lewis is never the dumpy but the dumber. Go up to him and say something funny but not laugh out loud funny. He should respond with a stare and a chuckle...” I elucidate, and then realize how much information I had on Lewis love life. Raven did what I told her to do and I hear a chuckle in the background. “My work here is done.” I said sitting closer to Trey and putting my head on his shoulder. As soon as I getting comfortable, I hear clicking getting louder. I got up and blocked the sun with my hands. I almost fell off the bench. There stood Jesse Silver. “What are you doing here?” Trey asked her. “What am I doing here?! What are you doing here with no powers, when you’re supposed to be taking me to ballet practice early?” Jesse remarked folding her arms. “No powers, I’ll show you what power I …” Trey cut me off. “Why didn’t you just call one of your friends to drop you off?” “Its Saturday, their all busy.” She argued. “Then how you get here?” “Mom found me home alone and realizes that she let you come here, with her. So she let me use the portal to come here.” “Why didn’t you just use the portal to go to ballet class?” I said getting irritated. “Because no one asked you to talk.” I jumped up, but Trey pulled me back down. “Jesse don’t f…” I started, but Trey once again cut me off. “But seriously why didn’t you use the portal to go to ballet practice.” “Because I don’t know the address, you do.” “Okay, Lisa can we use the limo.” I shook my head roughly. “Okay thanks.”He leaned in to kiss me, but I shifted my head. He pulled away. “Well, I’ll see you later.” He remarked as they started walking away. I folded my arms, I'm about to be alone. Raven hanging with my cousin, Trey is choosing his sister over me and Drew is….. Where is Drew? And speaking of Drew, here he comes running out the hotel. And following him was something indescribable. “Lisa it’s looking for you.” Drew said gasping for air when he reached me. Trey and Jesse…. Or Jesse, enraged, followed Trey back to us. “Is that thing after you?” Trey asked, while the monster started sniffing. “What's it doing?” I asked. “It’s a sniffer, and right now Jesse is protecting us.” Trey explained. “Wait, if I have all 31 powers 7, why can’t I protect myself?” Trey shrugged. “Wait! You’re the 31.” Jesse exclaimed. I nodded pleased.”Why would they give something important to a Dixon, again?” Okay that really hurt. “Jesse come on, you guys need to stop this.” Trey said coming between us, because he can tell I was ready to kill this b…. “You know what I'm just happy they didn’t give powers to a dog…. Oh wait they did give you powers.” “You know what, I won’t fight you. Cause unlike you I'm a lady.” I rolled my eyes at here. “Whatever. Raven you heard?” I said into the chip. “Yea, Lewis and I are headed back now.” Raven thought. “Okay we need to wait for Raven, she’ll be here….” I said as Raven and Lewis started walking toward us, not noticing the monster. Then Lewis finally looked up, he looked ready to scream his head off. But Raven kissed him before anything came out. I awed they pulled away 40 seconds into it (yea I'm amazing like that.) Lewis was speechless. “I had an amazing time on our tour.” Raven commented.”So see you around.” “Like tomorrow.” I jumped in. “Bye.” Lewis managed. We started to walk toward the limo, while the monster thingy sniffed. “Why did you say we’ll see him tomorrow? He's boring.” Raven said looking serous. “Wait Lewis? I think we’re talking about two different people. Because Lewis is the most interesting person I ever met. And I met a lot of people. If we weren’t cousins I would consider going out with him.” “Wow, you know he's just joking.” Trey stopped me. “I don’t even need mind reading to figure that out.” “I know, I'm acting.” I lied. “I think you need to take lessons from Raven.” Jesse remarked. © 2015 ruefina |
Added on December 20, 2015 Last Updated on December 20, 2015 Author |