![]() The 4th DayA Chapter by ruefinaTrey, Raven, and I stayed with the nurse until the end of the day. This was cheer leading tryouts, which means Jesse. Trey, Raven, and Drew gave in to me begging, so they come with me. “I'm so scared right now.” I whispered to Trey, as we walked into the gym. “Just don’t think you’re scared and you’ll be ok.” He said. I spotted Jesse karate kicking and punching the boxing bags, which were in every corner of the gym. “Is this ‘training to kill Lisa tryouts’ or cheer leading?” “Why are you scared now, you were all in her face during you guys smack talk.” “That was different. I now know she has powers that could destroy me.” I answered. “Stop thinking she can read your thoughts.” “I have to think.” I said while she started toward us. Oh my, she's going to hurt me, I thought on accident. “Yes I am.” She said. “So bro, your girlfriend try stealing my squad knowing she has no powers.” “You told her?” “I didn’t…exactly.” He said. “I read his mind.” She commented. I groaned. “You three to the judging table, skank you’re first.” When we were all seated I got up and went between Drew and Raven. “I want Jesse to fail the tryouts and since you guys powers can’t be used far away and there’s no visible water. Raven I need you to steal Trey powers, so you can move the water filter over there so it can spill. Then Drew will freeze it when Jesse starts. Cool? Cool.” I explained. Raven was sitting next to Trey, so she reached over and touched his arm. But she gave a reaction I was not expecting. After she let go off him alarmed flashed across her face. “Wait why didn’t you faint?” I asked him, but he didn’t answer. “Are you guys ok?” “I think my powers just advanced, I'm a preminator.” He finally answered. “A what?” Drew asked. “A preminator is a person who sees gleams of the future when touched by stuff.” “And that wasn’t a good future? What you see?” I asked. “Us, me and Drew in a tornado.” “What!” Drew almost shouted. “When, where? “I really wish ….” “Okay I'm ready.” Jesse said interrupting. After cheer leading tryouts, which 20 people got in including Jesse (Cause Trey said she really wanted and deserve it.) “So we off to the park?” Raven asked, (yea I invited her (I didn’t want to be practicing alone with two guys at the park) “Wait, Lisa when you told me that you hadn't gotten your powers yet, I resolved that you needed to talk to Professor Dun. I’ll go find him.” Drew said. “He's in the café.” Trey said. “Wait, you can still see the future without touching?” I asked. “No, he told me he always goes to the café after school.” “Um . . . Thanks. We’ll meet you guys in his class room.” Drew said before turning the corner. “So follow me ladies.” Trey commented as we started walking. “She's a lady I'm a man.” Raven joked turning into a fat guy with no shirt and hair all over him. Trey and I laughed. I shield my eyes. “Turn back.” I said between laughs. She did. “So you never told how you discovered you had powers.” I said. “Since it is your first day.’ “Well it’s not that hard to figure to something wrong with you, when you touch someone and they faint. And now you have all this info about them in your head. And I thought this only happened with my hands, so I tried kissing my boyfriend. Big mistake that was, he fainted for a long time and now I know he still keeps a blankey.” She explained, we laughed again. We finally reached Professor Dun room. “Have you tried kissing someone when you shift into someone else?” Trey suggested. “I haven’t, I sort of just figured out I was a shape shifter.” She said turning toward him. “Can I?” “Um... Boyfriend.” I said stepping between them. “It’ll be really quick.” “Promise?” “I haven’t even answered yet.” Trey said stopping us. “So….” Raven said making her tone softer. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. Only because you guys are friends and all.” “Wait, what you mean ‘only because’. So if we weren’t friends you’ll kiss her?” I interrupted. “Fine how about a kiss on the cheek?” She pleaded. “I really just want to know if I can have a boyfriend again.” “Fine, go ahead. Trey this is for a good cause.” I said moving from between them. “I’m going to try changing one little thing about me, so I don’t have to lie to anyone just to go out with them.” Raven said making her hair really longer, it now touched the floor. “Really? How is that a little change?” I joked. After she chuckled, she then looked over to Trey. He turned his head and Raven leaned and pressed her lips on his cheek. The same expression that she had when she touched Trey before is here on her face again. She slowly pulled away. “What happen?” I asked, going over to her. “I just saw my future.” “What was it?’ “I have two kids, twins, and I'm married to your kind except the white part.” She said breathing softly and walking over to one of the desks. “Wait, you can’t say black? You don’t like blacks?” I gasped walking over to her. “No! I'm your friend, and I'm apparently married to one.” “So, just ask yourself one thing, do you want that future.” I said wrapping my arms around her. “Yea, we looked happy and those kids looked beautiful.” “Then do everything to make that future stay the same.” I advised her, she hugged me then parted to wipe her eyes. Drew finally walked in with Professor Dun. “So who’s the person with no powers?” He asked with a deep booming voice, which for a skinny man sounds awkward. “That would be me.” I said raising my hand. “Oh miss Dixon. Okay let’s get to work.” He said taking a book out the desk and putting it on the podium. “So you never had powers?” He asked. I shook my head. “So what was your childhood like?” He flipped through the book. “Well I'm rich, so pretty good. Except that I moved a lot and I've been to 5 different schools. I also picked a personality for each one. I called myself a changer.” I answered sitting on top of a desk. “Why changer, and what was your personality here?” Drew asked looking over to me. “Well because my emotions keep changing and I did mean, well I did it for a half a day.” “So you never get really mad you just want to do something.” Dun asked looking up at me and giving me a stern look. “Nope.” “Wow, she doesn’t get angry, she's rich, she has a boyfriend, a castle, a school. What don’t you have?” Raven joked slightly bumping me on the side. You could tell in her voice that she was half joking and a little envy. “Powers, a high school diploma.” I answered grinning, she laughed back. We then notice that Dun had stopped turning the pages. “This can’t be possible. Is it the 16th year already?” He said as more of Dun popped out of him. “What the?” I said backing up. Trey grabbed my elbow. “Don’t, he's a copier. He can copy himself.” He said, while the copiers walked out the room. “Trey, you could totally be a tour guide. You’re great with information.” He just smiled and shook his head. “Lisa you’re the 31.” Dun suddenly said. “The 31?” I asked. “Yea it’s…” Trey started, I gave him ‘you’re a tour guide’ look. “Dun will explain it.” “Um...okay.” He said while the copiers came back with the other teachers. Including the teacher I think deserve to be in a male magazine. I stared at him mesmerized. “He’s hot, am I right?” I whispered to Raven, while the teacher discussed. “Boyfriend.” Trey said to me. “What... He’s gay?” I asked serious. “No I think he….never mind.” Raven said flatly. “Dang, why do sexy people have to be gay?” I commented whispering. Seconds later Trey noticed what I said. “So you mean non-gay people aren’t sexy?” “Sh... Dun is talking.” I rushed in. “Okay, apparently it’s the 16th year which means one of the students is chosen to hold all 31 powers. And Lisa is getting close to it. If she answers this correct, how many days have you been in this town?” “3.” I answer nervously. All of a sudden all the teachers started yelling: “She's the chosen one!” I stopped them. “But I don’t have 31 powers, let alone one.” I retorted. “Well that all comes on the 4th day…. This is tomorrow. We’ll start training teaching and training on Monday.” And with that they were gone. “So park now?” Raven asked. I jumped of the desk. “Yea.” Trey answered grabbing my hand. “You guys go. I’ll meet you guys there. I have to go change. You know black girls can’t go wearing the same thing all day.” When I got home I was really tired. I changed into a denim Capri and an orange blouse. I also put on my black heels, but then decided to wear my orange and white Jordan. I finally got in the limo with a yawn. “You sure you can’t wait till tomorrow?” Richard asked looking back at me before turning the engine on. “I'm good.” I answered. On the way there I couldn’t keep my eyes open, but I tried. Finally I let in and just fell asleep. I then woke up in a pitch black room. I reached over and turned the limp on, it shown on my alarm clock. The clock read 12:20. Dang my friends. I got out of my bed, and realize that I had my nightgown on. I grabbed my robe and ran downstairs and woke Richard up. He wasn’t happy that I was waking him at 12 in the morning but he got up still. On our way there he kept telling me they weren’t going to be there, and I also realized I forgot to put on shoes but didn’t want to make Richard drive back. When we finally arrived I jumped out the limo. First I saw no one, but then spotted three figures by the bench. I raced toward them and surprisingly the grass was comfortable. “Guys I'm so sorry. I was coming then I fell asleep and woke up at 12. I'm really sorry that …” Trey cut me off. “Did you say 12?’ He looked from me to Drew to Raven, who smiled. “Yea twelve.” I answered confused. They stared at me, and then I got it. “Oh my god...I'm the 31! Ahhh! And thank you guys for staying and waiting for me even thought it’s twelve in the morning.” “I really didn’t even think we were out this long.” Raven commented. “Same here.” Drew and Trey agreed. “Thanks for throwing my ‘thank you’ down the drain.” I said rolling my eyes and folding my arms. Trey wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in. “But if I knew, I still would have stayed.” He said kissing me on the cheek. “Yea, no you wouldn’t have.” I said chuckling. “Yea, but it’s still the thought that counts. And by the way love what you’re wearing.” “Shut up…. Did you notice I don’t have any shoes on too?” I said, he looked down at my feet and laughed. “You must really love us to leave without shoes.” “Okay enough of the cutie couple stuff. We got stuff here to do.” Raven jumped in. “Yea, okay I brought a list of every power. This was supposed to take all night, but it will take all morning.” Drew said pulling out a sheet of paper with written on the front and back. “Do you know what pusher is?” “Yea.” I answered giving Trey a look. “Okay, try it on Raven.” “Why me?” Raven complained. I notice that she still had her hair long. “Come on.” I grabbed her by the elbow and pulling her away. When we were far away I looked at her in the eyes, she looked back like she was hypnotized, and whispered. Raven walked back over to the guys and stood in front of Trey, who looked confused. Raven swung her fist toward his face. He ducked and backed up. “Whoa, what's wrong with you?” Trey said blocking a shot to his rib cage. “He's not that bad.” I whispered to Drew, who stared and laughed. “Lisa call her off!” Trey said trying to block hits to the face and the stomach. Soon Raven tripped him and he went down vigorously on his back. She then pulled her fist back ready to finish the job, but then she froze (dang, is it already finish). “What's going on?” She asked looking back at me. I shrugged innocently. “Check, how about seer.” Drew commented with a grin. “You can’t make her see stuff, it’s random.” Trey said as Raven help him up.” You’re really good at fighting you know.” Raven tried not to smile, which wasn’t really working. “Wait! I think I'm seeing something.” I stepped closer to Trey. I pushed my lips up to his. “Come on Lisa.” Raven said pulling me away from him by my waist. “Mm... you really saw us kissing?” “Naw.” I answered, he chuckled. “You cool for that.” “You think I'm cool white boy?” He wrapped his hands around my waist. “You know I'm part French.” He respond, I gave him a “you sure” look. “Okay I'm a little bit part French.” “Come on, you guys. You’re ruining this friends bonding thing for me.” Drew cuts in rolling his eyes. “I'm….” I had this unexplainable felling. It was like everything shutting down in my head and a TV coming on. I saw a blurry blue sign. Then it turned off. I looked around and saw clear blue signs everywhere, but there was this one sign that was blurry. I tried turning invisible and went in front of a blue sign. “Can you guys read this sign clearly?” I asked. They all looked around. “Where are you?” I turned visible again. “Over here.” I responded. They looked toward me, so I turned invisible again. “Can you read this sign?” “Actually, no.” Drew answered first. “What's this about?” Asked Raven. I turn visible again and raced to them, gathering them into a huddle. “We’re in big trouble. I think we are being watched.” I whispered in to the huddle. “Why you say that?” “Because you see over there” I said slightly pointing to the blurry street sign. “I don’t see anything.” Raven assured. “Exactly, I think the thing/person is invisible. But I don’t know why the interested in watching a bunch of high school reunions.” “Well I read that there are monsters coming after the chosen one. And that’s you.” Drew said. “I guess you shouldn’t have shouted out that you were the 31.” Trey commented rolling his eyes, which startled me because of all the things we did. “I shouldn’t have what? Maybe I shouldn’t have…” I hissed before Raven cut me off. “Stop Lrey, I didn’t tell you this but when I had that vision of my future family. I saw you guys too, married with three kids looking happy.” “Lrey?” I said avoiding everything she said. “Why does her name go first?” Trey asked folding his arms. “At least you get 3 letters.” I carp. “You guys really don’t want ….” “Nope.” We said together. “Anyway about the monster.” Drew said. “Oh yea, we should probably run, I think it’s getting suspicions, who brought their car?” “What, you didn’t bring your limo?” “I don’t see it anymore, he probably left. Wait how did you guys get here?” “We walked.” Raven answered. “Trey, what happen to your ‘baby’?” That’s what he calls his car (eye roll). “You know that class I had to pass, well I blew it big time, so my dad took my car away for 2 weeks.” He explained. Then I heard Drew voice in my head. “Ok, so Drew doesn’t have a car, how about you Raven?” “My parents dropped me off. But I can turn into o….” All of a sudden we were all knocked down of our feet. I landed on the ground really intensly. “Ouch!” “OHH MMY GGOD!!!” I heard Raven yelled, so I looked up. I almost lost my breath, In front of me was a 6ft tall greenish yellow with red spots monster. “Raven, hurry up, turn into a car!” I shouted over to her. But I doubt she heard me because she and Drew were up in a tornado screaming. I pushed my hair out my face as the wind stared picking up. Trey crawled stiffly against the wind toward me. “You have to unconger the tornado.” He said when he reached me. And from movies I know what conger means, to make something come to life from a picture. “But I didn’t conger it.” “I learned that other people can unconger other people congers. You just have to concentrate and think about it backwards.” He explained fast. “Think about it backwards, so odanrot.” I joked “Actually exactly like that.” He retorted. “And put out your hands toward it. I hesitated but did and repeated odanrot in my head over and over again. The tornado slowly faded down. Raven and Drew dropped down like pancakes in a frying pan…. (I'm hungry now). “Sorry guys!” I apologized. Then the monster growled. “Raven!!” She jumped up and a yellow light glowed surrounded her, then when it faded I saw a white BMW with the hood down. “Everyone hop in!” Drew yelled getting in the back seat. Trey and I ran for it before the thing figure out what was happening. Raven quickly raced down the empty road. It started chasing us on four and growling pretty loud (I'm surprised no one came out there house. They are probably used to this.) “Lisa, you have to blow it up.” Drew said turn to me. We were in the back while Trey sat in the driver seat ready to help Raven if she gets off track. Since of course, he's the only other person, who has their driver license. “Do what?” He turned me around, now facing the monster who was gaining up on us. He grabbed my arms with each hand and pointed it at the monster. A little shock went through my body. I smiled. “Just relax, find a target, and then blow.” He explained. I turned my attention back to the monster, so relax. Target, I said in my head looking at his chest. Blow up. I finally said opening my hands wider. Bang!! Before we know what happened, yellow slim flew everywhere. “Ahhhhhhhh!!” I screamed, sitting down right.” This is so gross. OM mother Fing G! My hair.” I complained while the slime dripped from my bang to my lip. I screamed again. Trey laughed. “Come down black girl.” “Oh you haven’t seen black until… “I paused. “Why aren’t you guys screaming like I am”. “Because, I've fought monsters before.” Drew announced. “And I live with Jesse.” Trey sort of joked. I laughed trying not to let the slim go in my mouth. ”You guys doing anything tomorrow?” I wiped the stuff of my face. “No.” “I don’t think so.” Says Drew. “Cool, call your parents. You’ll be staying at my house today. We’ll have breakfast in the Jacuzzi….” “Then we’ll ice skate.” Drew added hyper. “We have an ice ring?” Raven asked. “No, but we got Lisa’s swimming pool and two freezer.” “And then we’ll go to my last neighborhood.” I said, they shrugged (Trey and Drew did.) “It’ll be fun.” We finally rounded the corner to my house. I guess we took the long way there. “Hey Lisa.” Drew said I turned toward him. “You know were both mind readers, do you think we can talk. Through I minds I mean.” “I don’t know, let’s try.” -Ask me something. - Drew thought. -If you were a king for a day, what would you do? - I asked. -I’ll get the entire king’s money and buy me a lot of stuff and a mansion. Then I’ll store the rest everywhere in the mansion. I’ll then make a rule saying ‘that if your ever chosen to be something for a day and you spend all and still have some left your allowed to keep it.- “Nice thinking.” I complimented out loud. “So it works?” Trey asked turning to look back at us. “Yup.” I answered as soon as we pulled in front of my house. “How you know where I live Raven, since you just moved here yesterday?” “Well you told me you live in a castle, and I spotted this tall thing far away.” She answered sarcastically. I just shrugged. We tried to walk in the house quiet. When everyone got in the house I closed the door slowly... “Do you know what time it is?” My father voice made me jump. I turned around slowly. “Yea, its 1:12.” I retorted. I knew that wasn’t the right way to answer. “Who are they? And what happen to you?!” My mom said coming over to me before my dad could say anything. “These are my friends, something happen in the park, so we ca...” “Where are their clothes to change into?” My dad cuts me off. I stopped dead. Crap, I put my hands behind my back thinking about shopping bags full of clothes. Then I felt something tug at my hand. Did it work? “Right here.” I said moving it from behind my back. “And since I'm their host I decided to carry it for them.” “But as gentlemen, they should carry it themselves.” Drew and Trey quickly grabbed a bag. “Where’s Richard?” My mom noticed. Another Crap, I hesitated. But all of a sudden the door opened. “Sorry, I had to wipe something off the car.” Richard said. I totally owe him now. “Yup, there you go. Goodnight.” I said about to run to the elevator. “Lisa.” I my dad called. I groaned a turned to him. “Those two are sleeping two stories below you.” “Daddy.” I said embarrassed. “What did I say?” I showed Raven here room first, which was next to mine on the fourth floor. “So the bathroom is next door to you, so take a shower and grab a robe or a towel, which are in the closet in the bathroom. Then come in my room to pick something to wear to bed.” I explained to her, she nodded and went into the bathroom. Next I showed Drew his room which was next to the pool two stories down. “The bathroom is 3 doors down. And I hope those clothes fit since I did it with presser.” Then lastly was Trey, we walked to the guest room next to the bathroom on the same floor. Before I left Trey stopped me. “You remember, about our future. Well when we kissed our third kiss, I had a vision about us.” He stopped for a sec. then I heard the rest in my head. “We were at Raven wedding, we both had a ring on and you were one of the bridesmaids, and I was in the audience with three kids. Two girls and a little baby boy. You kept smiling at me. So I assume we were together.” “Wow, what a future.” I commented after. “Reading my mind is kind of annoying.” He joked. “Well, goodnight.” I said slightly kissing him on the lip. © 2015 ruefina |
Added on December 20, 2015 Last Updated on December 20, 2015 Author |