![]() Send My RegardsA Story by ShelbyLanai![]() I wrote this for My English Short Story thing![]() Send My Regards Phoebe and I walked down the hall to our next class; we glanced at each other and laughed. Phoebe walked through the door of the class and I followed soon after and wandered to my seat. I pulled out the note that Jace had given me and began to read it. The note read: Dear Luna, Please understand that I, as your best, most loyal guyfriend, love you like a sister, and I would never hurt you in anyway. If at anytime I do hurt you, I am and forever will be your slave… ha ha, that reminds me of camp, good days good days! Well I got to go before I get in trouble from Mr. Mead. Talk to you at lunch, ok” Love always, Jace To me the note had finished all to quickly. I pulled out a pen and began writing. My response was short, sweet and to the point, it read: Jacey, You know you don’t have to pull that trick on me, I don’t care if you hurt me because I know that you will always be my Jacey Penny and nothing is can or will ever change that. Phebes and I will meet you at the normal spot. See you then Love, L I scratched out the last of the words as the ink in my pen seemed to disinagrate. I folded the note back up and stuck it into my folder. When our class ended Phoebe walked to the lunchroom quickly. I followed behind like a lost dog, my eye grew wide and I opened my mouth into an ‘o’ shape at Sam. Well my friends are amazing in everyway possible, they are loyal, they get along great, and we never have any disagreements. I walked past him smiling and grabbed his arm, handing him the note “Sam, take this to Jace for me please” I gave him a begging look and loosened my grip on his arm “meet us at the normal spot!” I yelled back to Sam. His eyes glinted as I walked away stopping only to look over my shoulder at him, he smiled my smile and I ran after Phoebe. “Phebes! Wait up!’ I called to her. Phoebe looked around and saw me running and began to laugh starting to walk over to me. “Do you always run like a mental patient? I was going to wait for you but I saw you with Sam, I went to get something to eat.” Phoebe drew her brother’s name like it was a long music note and ended with a curious glare. “Oh well, I had to give something to him… f. for Jace’ I said a light blush spreading across my cheeks “I want lunch. lets get some food” I glanced at Phoebe and walked to the line waiting my turn, the blush still reddening my face, making my eyes look as blue as the ocean. I paid the girl at the register and walked outside sitting under the tree we has claimed as our own. Phoebe was already there and she sat up to pick the food she wanted off of my tray “Phebes, cant you just buy your own lunch? I have to eat to, i'm living still you know” I said playfully “Well I’m saving my money! Hey ok I have a secret to tell you, L” she said with a silly look on her face “I like Jacey Penny!” she whispered into my ear “Me too” I whispered back to her. My face had a look of rage as my words flowed like syrup out of my mouth and into phoebes ear “You do? You cant!” she yelled back at me and smacked my arm. “Free country! I can like whoever I want to!’ I retorted and pushed her back into the tree. Phoebe cried out in pain and charged at me. Jace and Sam were close by luckily and restrained Phoebe. Jace looked at me and mouthed the word “what is wrong with her?” I looked at him and screamed “Get her away from me!’ I yelled at the boys. Sam took his sister’s hand and dragged her away; Jace strode over to where I stood. I glared at him, fury clear in my eyes as I began to cry “L, what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” he asked and then made a mistake of talking “hey L, you know what I really like Phebes” Jace said quietly, but I had picked up her name and socked Jace in the mouth. I was jealous and I knew it. Over the next few day Phoebe and I drifted further apart, until I asked her to come hang out at the school as friends for a little while. When she arrived I smiled and waved as her mom pulled out of the parking lot and drove towards their house. “Sorry Phebes” I said quietly as I hugged her smirking slightly. “Its ok L, we all get jealous sometimes. I understand and it’s no problem,” she said hugging me back happily “Come on I’ll race you to the tree!” I yelled back at her as I ran and climbed to the top of the tree. Phoebe was there in no time breathing heavily and smiling. “I remember doing this every summer until tenth grade,” I said smiling. My plan was working perfectly; everything was falling exactly into the right place. “So what did you bring me up here for L?” Phoebe questioned “Oh, just for this!” I yelled as I pushed her out of the tree and sent her tumbling to the ground screaming “That’s what you get for stealing Jace from me!’ I screamed at the dead girl lying on the ground beneath me. I had just killed Phoebe Leanne Bristol and no one was around to watch her die. I laughed as I climbed down the thick trunk and dragged Phoebe’s body behind the school. “No one will know,” I said as I walked home. I walked through the front door and ran up stairs to my room, I saw a letter on my desk and opened it curious to see what was inside. I was a letter from Sam and Jace it read: L, We both know you like Jace, but so does my sister. If you could just let her have this one thing, I would be forever grateful of you! So please think it over. Sammy Snuggles The rest of it was from Jace L, I do like you but not like that, I’m sorry, but if we ever dated I think I would die! I’m so sorry, Jacey Penny I cried when the note was finished. A few days went by and Phoebe was never found. I couldn’t take the pressure anymore, so I confessed to Jace and Sam. Sam nearly killed me for what I had one to his sister. I pleaded them to forgive me, but it was useless. When the school year ended still no one had found Phoebe’s body and my family moved out of state. When I told the story of how I killed Phoebe I was in court and was incarcerated for three years. When I was telling you this story did I ever mention that I was also pushed out of a tree and killed by Sam? The End © 2009 ShelbyLanaiAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on January 17, 2009 Author