![]() Truth or LieA Story by Rikita Singleton![]() Cassie has always been the kind of person who lies and cheats to get whatever she wants no matter who gets hurt in the process, but when she is put to the test to tell the truth when her sister is kid![]() “Behind door number one is…” Cassie looked at the stranger who had been giving her hell all day. She didn’t even know how she got here or why these people were doing this to her. Why were these strangers after her and her family, she just couldn’t understand it. I wish I could see who these people were, she thought angrily to herself. They were all wearing masks. Their voices sounded familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on their voices alone. When the door opened she couldn’t believe who was behind the door. His hands were tied behind his back, with tape over his mouth. There was a gash on his forward where he was hit with something. Two people had brought him out and put him in front of her and put him on his knees. When he looked up at Cassie, he screamed out hysterically. The person holding one of his shoulders hit him on his head to make him be quiet. “What is the meaning of this? What the hell is going on, where is my family??!!” Cassie yelled. “This is the last stop of our game my dear. This will prove what your family is worth to you.” The man stated calmly. The man handed her a gun. “Before you think to take the shot don’t bother, I have another gun and there is another person in hiding just waiting for something to happen so he can take the shot. Now, Let us put your love to the test shall we. I want you to shoot this man, if you do that then your family will be returned to you and this will all be but just a dream.” “Why him, I can’t just shoot him.” “Why? Do you know him?” “No, I don’t, but I just can’t kill someone.” Cassie whispered. “All part of the game my dear. Are you going to save a stranger you barely know, or your family, the clock is ticking.” The man stated. Cassie couldn’t believe this, she couldn’t shoot him, she loved him too much to do just that. She was looking down at the gun, not knowing what to do. She looked back up and looked at the man in the eyes, she pointed the gun at him. The man’s eyes went big with fear. “Time is up what are you going to do?” A couple hours earlier 8:00AM Cassie turned on her side in bed, she opened her eyes slowly to a surprise. She sat up in bed and took the rose in her hands and then put it down on the nightstand and took the note that read open me. “Come down stairs and there will be a surprise for you when you come down. Love Vince.” When Cassie finished reading the letter she went to get ready for her big surprise. Vince was almost done preparing breakfast for Cassie, today was their anniversary so he wanted everything to be perfect before he went off to work. He couldn’t believe they had been married for four years now starting tomorrow. When he turned around after finishing the pancakes, he saw Cassie sitting at the kitchen table. She was so beautiful he thought, with her long brown hair, brown eyes. She always had a beautiful smile on her face. She was wearing her leather jacket, a dark blue crop top, blue jeans, and black boots. He went over and put the pancakes and the glass of orange juice right in front of her and kissed her on the lips. “Happy anniversary my sweet Cassie.” “You too sweetie. But it is not until tomorrow. I can’t believe you did this.” Cassie smiled as she took her first bite of the pancakes. “ Call it a pre anniversary. I have another present for you, I have another book coming out soon. I wanted you to be the first one to read it. It will be on the shelves by next week.” Vince said smiling. “I didn’t know you were writing another book, what is this one about?” “That is a surprise.” Vince went to the living room to pull the book out of the bag and went back to the kitchen table and placed the book right in front of her. “I thought since you were the quickest person I know that could read a book, I figured you could finish it in a couple of hours, especially since it is not that long.” “Of course honey, The Lying Game. I am definitely intrigued. I will let you know what I think of it later tonight.” “You should turn to the page after the title page.” Vince said anxiously. “Ok. When she turned to that page she noticed a dedication page and the whole story was dedicated to her. She looked up and smiled. He bent down to kiss her on the lips. She put the book down and put her hands on his chest. “Don’t you have to go into work?” “Well, I was thinking of staying home today you know, so we can spend the whole day together for our anniversary. Those are the perks of being editor of a publishing company.” “I thought you had that meeting with Holly.” “Holly understands it is a special day today, she even encouraged me to take the day off, since I have been working long hours lately.” “What about the meeting with that writer, don’t you need to talk to him about the finishing touches of his story, and plus I thought you were going to hang out with him today.” “If I didn’t know any better I would think you were trying to get rid of me.” Vince said standing back up with his arms crossed. “I just think you shouldn’t take off work just for me, plus Rebecca is coming over today.” “What are you planning with your sister huh?” “It is a surprise for you of course. You won’t know until tonight. I can’t work on the surprise if you are in the house all day.” Cassie said smiling sweetly hoping he wouldn’t notice that she was lying. “Ok honey, I am looking forward to the surprise. I will call Holly and tell her I am coming in. I will cook dinner tonight my dear. I am going to go head up and dress. “Ok.” That was close Cassie thought, she didn’t want her husband to find out the real truth of why she was kicking him out so early. When he came back downstairs she had to admit he was sexy, and very sweet a good combination of why she fell in love with him in the first place. He had short dark brown hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing his red and black plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue jeans and brown boots. Her sexy writer ready to finally get out the door. “So, I will be back tonight to cook us a romantic dinner and we can stay in and watch a movie, I have a great surprise for you tonight, I am hoping this will be one anniversary that you will never forget.” Vince kissed her on the cheek. And as she saw him ride off on his motorcycle she went upstairs to put on some make up to get ready for the real man in her life who she truly loved. She couldn’t wait to see Tyler. Tyler was sexy, muscular, smart funny, so cool. He was her bad boy. He was very sexy with his with dark black hair and icy blue eyes. He looked both dangerous even in his sexy sweaters, blue jeans, and black shoes that he always wore. He was truly a gentleman with a little danger. He also had five silver earrings. Three on his left ear cartilage and two on his right bottom. Oddly enough she didn’t really feel bad about what she was doing to Vince. Soon she would be leaving with most of his money in hand and being with him will be but a memory What Vince didn’t know is that she and Tyler had been stealing money from him for two years now. Soon with the separate account she had she would have enough stashed away so she could leave Vince for good. She went downstairs to wait for her beau, yes she was the only person who would call him that and soon Tyler would be her one and only. She sat down and read the new book that Vince had written, just to past the time until her man arrived. 3:00pm Cassie woke up a couple of hours later, she checked her watch and noticed it was already a little past three in the afternoon, she wondered where Tyler was, he would have been here by now. She tried calling him on his cell phone, but it had went straight to voicemail. She was a little surprised her sister hadn’t come yet as well, or at least called her by now. Cassie tried to call her sister, but it also went straight to voicemail. She left her sister a message and went to go upstairs to get her purse to get ready to go to the cafe to meet her sister instead of meeting her at her house. As she was walking she felt something on her shoe as she walked. She looked down and noticed a trail of gummy bears, her favorite candy as a kid. She looked around looking for someone to pop up at anytime. She decided to follow the trail skeptically, she stopped at the stairs when she saw a note on the steps. “Enjoy the sweets, let the game begin. Love Ty.” She let out a gentle breath realizing that this was all Tyler’s doing. He must have snuck in here to do this, he is very sweet she thought. She went up the stairs and followed the rest of the trail of gummy bears, she stopped when the trail led her to the king sized bed, she saw an iPad sitting in the middle of a heart shaped design of gummy bears. She saw another note that read play me. What she saw on the video made her go weak in the knees. She slowly sat down on the bed with one hand covering her mouth and the other hand weakly on the iPad. She was looking at her sister, but she wasn’t her usual care free goofy self. She was scared, she could see it in her brown eyes as she noticed she was holding back tears, and her long brown hair was tousled, her hands were tied behind her back and her blue dress was unkempt. Who would do this to her sister she thought. “Say what I told you. What do you have to say to your dear sweet sister?” Cassie heard a strange man say, she couldn’t see the man’s face, but his voice sounded oddly familiar, but she couldn’t place it at all, she didn’t know anyone who would do this to her family. “Cass…Cassie,” Her sister said between sobs.”I have been kidnapped, and you are not allowed to call the police or anyone you know, you have to play the game and follow their instructions in order to get your family back, if you don’t then you will be killing your family and they will find your friends one by one until you have nothing left. Please, help me.” The video cut off there. She couldn’t believe this was happening, she dropped the iPad on the floor as she stood up to get to the phone quickly she needed to call someone, the police, Vince, or Tyler. Just to make sure they were ok, and nothing happened to them. When she picked up the phone she didn’t hear a dial tone. “Your phone line is dead, you just got one rule and you are already trying to break it, this is going to be fun. I love when they try to break rules.” Cassie turned around quickly at the strangers voice. He had a bored attitude while standing in the entryway to the bedroom. He had a muscular build, he had short brown hair, and brown eyes, His white shirt was unbuttoned and he was wearing black jeans with black and white converse. He had a tattoo in the shape of a flame on his right arm. He had a gun pointed right at her He had a mask on so she couldn’t really tell who he was. “What the hell do you want, why are you doing this?” “You will see soon enough, right now, the games shall begin. I am going to ask you two questions right now, it is up to you to tell the truth or not, if I know you are lying then we are going on a little trip. Sounds fun right?” “Go to hell, I am not playing your stupid sick game.” “I don’t think you really have a choice in the matter, unless you want to let your sister die now.” The man went for his phone, but Cassie put up her hand. “Wait, fine, just please don’t hurt her.” “I will make the first two easy for you. First question, where do you work?” “I work as a film critic for New York Magazine. What is the other?” “My second question, I see that you and your husband Vince, have a joint account, is there any more than what you have in that account?” “No, there isn’t, that is all we have.” Cassie answered, this person doesn’t know them she thought, so he wouldn’t know about her other account. “It is time to go for a ride. Join me won’t you.” The stranger said. “Why I answered your questions.” “With questions, come the obstacles to get your loved ones back. Lets go. You are driving.” 4:00pm When he finally told her to stop they were sitting at the bank that she and Vince have gone to, to create their accounts. “What are we doing here?” “I want you to take all the money out of this account and put it in another one, come back in the car and we will continue this game.” He handed Cassie a piece of paper, and she noticed right away that it was the separate account that she had created. “Why do you want money out of this particular account?” “It doesn’t matter why, all that matters is that you transfer all the money. I will know if you don’t. If you try anything I will know, someone I know will be watching your every move. You can go now.” Cassie strides to the information desk when she entered the bank. “May I help you ma’am?” The young woman asked with a bright smile on her face. “I would like to withdraw a large sum of money from an account and transfer it into another one.” “This way ma’am.” The young lady leads her to a small office and gestures for Cassie to sit in a chair in front of a desk with a computer and a phone. “How much will you be transferring to this account?” “All of the eighty-thousand dollars.” “May I see some ID please?” Cassie showed her ID and the account numbers. “Wait here for a second please. When the woman came back she handed Cassie the phone. “Tyler Gilbert is on the phone for you ma’am.” Cassie took the phone and let out sigh. She couldn’t let Tyler know what was going on. Or she could try since no one else was in here, he could get help. “Could you give me some privacy please?” “Of course ma’am.” After she left the room, Cassie put the phone to her ear. “Tyler, thank god, are you ok?” “Yeah I am fine, what is going on, this lady told me you were pulling all the money out of the account, what is wrong.” “Calm down sweetie, what can I do? You can transfer the money, you should.” “Can you call the police, I mean they said I shouldn’t, but I will just feel safer if you would, please.” “Yes, just make sure you do what they say.” The woman came back into the room. “Hand the phone back so I can tell her it is ok to transfer the money. It will be ok Cass.” “Thanks Ty.” Cassie handed the phone back to the young woman. After she got off the phone she transferred the money into the other account. Cassie was hoping that Tyler was calling the cops and could find her sister before something bad happened to her. She just hoped that she could keep these guys busy while he did it. She got back into the car and into the driver’s seat. “It is done. I transferred the money, I have the proof if you want to see it.” Cassie said angrily. “So angry, calm down a bit. I believe you. Now we are going somewhere else. I want you to drive to the publishing company that your husband works.” “Why?” “You have no room for asking questions, that is not part of the game. Just drive before you kill your sister.” “Fine.” Cassie started driving to where her husband worked. 7:00pm “Stop right here.” The man said as they parked a few blocks away from the Undercover Between the Lines Publishing company where Vince worked. “Why are we parked right here? And why did you want me to come here.” “All in good time. Just sit back and watch the show my dear.” As she saw Vince walking out of the building, she wished she could tell him what was going on send him some kind of warning. She didn’t want him to get hurt as well. All of a sudden a black van came by and two people jumped out and took hold of Vince she watched how he struggled to get away, but one of them punched him in the face to knock him out, and pushed him into the van. She heard something high pitched, it sounding like an alarm going off, but she finally realized it was her screams. She turned right around to face the man responsible for all of this. “Why??!!!” She screamed hitting the man. He pointed the gun at her and that made her sit still and stop screaming. “You broke a rule. You shouldn’t have tried to call the police, but don’t worry you will have a chance to get your husband back and your sister. As long as you follow the rules and you don’t break them again.” Cassie was too stunned to talk, how did he know she told Tyler to call the police she thought. Now Vince was kidnapped as well and it is all her fault that the man she loved was kidnapped and his life along with her sister’s were hanging in the balance. “Fine, I won’t disobey again.” “Good. Now you get one question at the moment. It is a hypothetical. If there was a chance for you in your company to move ahead, and bump up from just being a film critic would you do anything to get there even steal another person’s work?” “No, I would provide my boss articles so he can see that I am a hard worker. I like to prove myself.” “Ok. We are going to take a drive somewhere. Start driving and I will lead you there.” Cassie wondered where they could be going next, she just had to make sure to do anything he said to get her loved ones back. 9:00 pm When the man told her to stop they were right in front of the New York Magazine building. The man turned to face her and handed her two envelopes. “Now, you have a choice on which envelope to hand your boss. You are not allowed to look in them. Just know that they are both articles that we want to go in the magazine. If you look in the envelopes I will know, just know that one can either destroy your career or lead you to great things. Look at the titles carefully. One is the Number One Lesson and the other is Undercover. Now you can go.” She walked into the building. Destroy my career, she thought, they must have figured out I forge everything and take everything from Rebecca. She didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t look into the envelopes because she knew something would happen. She waited at the front desk for her boss Smith, She had to figure it out before he came. Undercover is too obvious I take Rebecca’s work when she is not looking so I do it like I am undercover she thought. But the Number One Lesson, it may be to not steal other’s people work to get ahead she thought. She looked up and noticed Smith walking over to her, to her he was moving so slowly, like time was slowing down, this could kill her career as a critic for good and get her fired. The time had finally arrived her heart was beating quickly as Smith had finally reached her. “Cassie, what is it? I got a call saying that you had an article for me?” “Yeah, this one.” She passed him the Undercover envelope. “I am sorry Smith, I have to go.” She walked away quickly so she wouldn’t know what it was, she would know soon enough, she just wanted to hurry to get her loved ones back. When she got in the car the man was waiting for her in the passenger seat. She handed him the other envelope. “I see you gave him the Undercover one, interesting. So one last stop to make. It will take a couple of hours, I have already gassed the car up, I will guide you to this last place. Be happy, we are at the home stretch of you getting your loved ones back.” 11:12pm They finally arrived at a cabin, there was no other neighbor for miles. “Go ahead and get out.” Cassie got out of the car and the man came around and led her to the entryway to the cabin. They walked in and the cabin felt familiar like she had been there before. Seeing the white couch and the fire place in front of the couch, with the fluffy white soft carpet underneath her feet. Even the small kitchen to her right seemed very familiar. The man made her sit on the couch and told her to wait there. When he came back he stood in front of her. “Now we have come to the end of the road, for you to choose. Here comes the very last question and obstacle to get your loved ones back. To see if you truly care to want them back.” “What is the hell is the question so we can end this already?” “You are very eager, that is good. Lets play what is behind that door.” He pointed to a room that was close to the kitchen, she could have sworn she had been here before. She couldn’t know what was behind that door, she hoped it was her sister and Vince. “Behind door number one is…” Cassie looked at the stranger who had been giving her hell all day. She didn’t even know how she got here or why these people were doing this to her. Why were these strangers after her and her family, she just couldn’t understand it? I wish I could see who these people were, she thought angrily to herself. They were all wearing masks. Their voices sounded familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on their voices alone. When the door opened she couldn’t believe who was behind the door. His hands were tied behind his back, with tape over his mouth. There was a gash on his forward where he was hit with something. Tyler she thought, that is how they knew that she had called the police, they had already had Tyler, and they heard the whole conversation. Now they had three people that she cared most about. Two people had brought him out and put him in front of her and put him on his knees. When he looked up at Cassie, he screamed out hysterically. The person holding one of his shoulders Hit him on his head to make him be quiet. “What is the meaning of this? What the hell is going on, where is my family??!!” Cassie yelled. “This is the last stop of our game my dear. This will prove what your family is worth to you.” The man stated calmly. The man handed her a gun. “Before you think to take the shot don’t bother, I have another gun and there is another person in hiding just waiting for something to happen so he can take the shot. Now, Let us put your love to the test shall we, I want you to shoot this man, if you do that then your family will be returned to you and this will all be but just a dream.” “Why him, I can’t just shoot him.” “Why. Do you know him? Is he special to you?” Yes, he is Cassie thought, but he couldn’t know how special he was to her, otherwise Vince would know the truth and she couldn’t have that. Cassie stood up slowly making sure that she didn’t show anything towards Tyler to give away that she loved him. “No, I don’t, but I just can’t kill someone.” Cassie whispered. “All part of the game my dear. Are you going to save a stranger you barely know, or your family, which means more to you? Who are you willing to loose to save the other, the clock is ticking.” The man stated. Cassie couldn’t believe this, she couldn’t shoot him, she loved him too much to do just that. She was looking down at the gun, not knowing what to do. She looked back up and looked at the man in the eyes, she pointed the gun at him. The man’s eyes went big. “Time is up what are you going to do?” Cassie’s hand was shaking she couldn’t pull the trigger, she just couldn’t. She lowered the gun slowly and was crying. She lowered to her knees right in front of Tyler. She put her head in her hands and started crying. “I can’t, I just can’t.” She said muffled in her hands. “I see, and why is it that you can’t seem to kill this one person, especially knowing that it would save your family?” The man wasn’t the one to speak this time, it was a woman, her voice sounded familiar but she wasn’t truly paying attention, it was time she said it out loud even if it was to kidnappers. “I care about him, I love him.” Cassie said while tears were streaming down her face. “More than your husband or your sister?” “Yes, I have for a while.” All of a sudden a clap came from the stairs. Cassie looked up startled, she saw the one person that she never thought she would see behind this. Four months ago Vince was getting dressed and ready to go to work. Cassie had been more distant than ever before. He was going to try to come home early to talk about it more. When he went to the closet to get dressed he accidentally stepped on a big box. He looked down and saw it was a present. Maybe that is why she was acting so distant he thought, she was getting him a gift. No harm than for him to take a peek. When he looked inside he saw lingerie, two wine glasses, and a bottle of wine. He noticed there was a card and a teddy bear. “Happy anniversary to the best man in the world, something special is definitely in store for you tonight. To Tyler from your secret admirer.” Tyler Vince thought, who the hell is Tyler? She is cheating on me, if so for how long and was it under his own roof? He couldn’t believe she would do this. He didn’t know what to say. “Vince?” Vince quickly closed the box and put it back where it was and got his plaid shirt out and put it on. “In here Cass, I just needed a shirt.” “So are you coming home late again?” “Yeah I am, I won’t be home until ten tonight. What will you be doing?” “Oh nothing, probably just relaxing, Rebecca and I will be having a girls night.” Liar he thought in his head. “Ok, I will see you tonight then.” Vince kissed her on the forehead and headed into the office. While Vince finished up his book he heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” “Hey, Vince, I need you to check out a few things and also Charlie is here to talk about his book with you.” “Holly, I finally finished my book.” “You did, congratulations, can I read it?” “Of course I sent it to you, I have been working on it all morning. I had to rewrite everything and took a whole different turn to it. I got strangely and oddly inspired today.” “I know Holls, don’t worry about it, I will tell you soon enough. Please just let me know what you think about my story huh.” “Sure, I am here if you need me.” Holly closed the door. Vince had to calm himself down. Maybe there was an explanation for this. He needed help, he couldn’t just do this on his own. He called the one people who he trusted the most. “Hello, Becca, it is Vince I need you to do me a favor that you are going to find weird, I will have my friend Charlie fill you in when he meets you.” A few weeks later Holly went to see Vince after she finally read the book, she went to Bubba Gumps to meet him there for lunch. When she got there she stopped as she saw Vince, but he wasn’t alone, he was with Charlie and another woman. “Holly you are here, now the meeting can begin.” “Vince, I thought we were going to discuss your book.” Holly stated. “We are, what did you think?” “It was nothing you have ever written before, I could feel your anger as you wrote this, and you wrote this in one day, what is going on.” “Well, Cassie has been cheating on me, that is where I got the inspiration from.” “Vince I am so sorry, have you confronted her?” “Not yet, I have been talking to lawyers and I had Charlie and Rebecca here my sister in law to follow her for me while I kept close tabs on her at home.” “Ok, don’t you think you should just let it sink in and divorce her.” “I thought about that until what they found and what I found. Charlie, what did you find?” “Cassie and Tyler have been stealing money. Vince found this first as he noticed some money was missing from their joint account. When we followed her she had been stealing money from that account and transferring it to another account in her name that Tyler had access to.” “She hadn’t just been stealing money from him, but from me as well, my own sister, not only that I found out she has been copying my work and passing it off as her own.” Rebecca said angrily. “That is horrible, what did your lawyer say.” Holly asked. “Knowing the things we do and having proof, she won’t get anything of mine. I already have an apartment I want to move into, I am selling the house. Throughout everything I just want to make her pay. She has been lying to us for too long. I gave her everything and she destroyed it. Even was mean to her own sister.” Holly put her hand on Vince’s shoulder. “I am truly sorry Vince, you too Rebecca. No one should do this to the ones they love.” “Your book.” “My book, what about it Charlie?” “When you were writing it, were you thinking about Cassie?” “I was actually.” “We could do the same thing that the characters do in your book, we just have to plan it.” “I don’t know Charlie, that book was kind of harsh, and someone could get hurt.” Holly said concerned. “No, think about it, we wouldn’t really hurt anyone, just get her to tell the truth, we fake kidnapping Rebecca, fake kidnapping Vince, but we kidnap Tyler, but not hurt him. Make her feel what you felt. To feel how hard it is to lose everything for once. It is the perfect revenge. She has lied to you both, you two deserve the truth.” Rebecca and Vince looked at each other skeptical. “I have always wanted to dabble in acting. I say we do it. She deserves it.” Rebecca stated. “I am in, it could actually be fun, especially to see the look on her face, when she finds out you are behind the whole thing Vince. Whatever you want to do we are behind you, if you don’t want to we won’t. But it is your call.” Holly said reassuringly. Vince thought about it for a minute, maybe it was too harsh, but she has done so many wrong things too many times. “Lets get planning.” Vince said smiling. Present: Midnight. All of a sudden a clap came from the stairs. Cassie looked up startled, she saw the one person that she never thought she would see behind this. “Vince, you are ok, what the hell is going on here?” “It is midnight, my sweet wife, Happy anniversary, I told you it would be one that you would never forget. Did you enjoy my book?” Vince was walking towards her smiling a devilish smile. “You did this, why would you do that? Your book? Why…?” Cassie whispered looking up into his eyes. Cassie thought for a second, she remembered where she knows this cabin from, from his book. This whole thing followed his book. “The book you dedicated to me, the book followed everything you did. Why?” “Why, my dear.” Vince sat down on his legs and tried to touch Cassie’s cheek with his hand, but Cassie moved her head away. Vince chuckled and closed his hand and put it back to his side and stood back up. “I have known for a while what you were doing. Where you were, whose money you were stealing. I first found out when I found that present for Tyler here four months ago. The one with the lingerie and the wine. Thinking it was a gift for me. I had you followed. I planned this. You can remove your masks now.” When they all removed their masks, Cassie was shocked, they all had smiles on their face, she saw Holly standing there, and the person she was surprised to see was her sister. Cassie stood up slowly to face her sister. “Why would you do this Rebecca, my own sister? Why would you betray me like this?” “Talk about betraying, Cass, stealing money from me and Vince. Cheating on him wasn’t enough for you, you had to steal money too, and wait, on top of that since Charlie was keeping a close watch on you and Vince, I had to find out from them that my own sister was stealing my stories and passing them on as her own. Oh, wrong envelope by the way, you just told the boss that you were turning in my stories. He called me to see what was going on and I told him the truth and sent him proof that all the stories you turned in were really mine.” Rebecca said. Cassie had a stunned look on her face she didn’t know what to say, she had lost everything in that moment. She was on the verge of tears. She ran up to Vince. “Vince this is not true, Tyler forced me to do all of it, you have to understand, he did all this to make me look like the bad guy. I have always loved you and only you. You know that.” Cassie stated frantically looking into Vince’s eyes. Vince put his hand softly on her cheek. “Oh my dear Cass, now you know what it feels like to lose everything. I sold the house, we have a couple of weeks to get our things out, and I have already talked to my lawyer, you will not be getting anything of mine. That account your money went into was an account for me and your sister to get our money back. You and Tyler are free to go. The gash on his head is just effect. He is fine, we didn’t touch him, just scared him. The blood isn’t real it is makeup. The guns were never loaded, they were toys. After tonight, I am done with you, I hope you fix your ways unless you will be alone for the rest of your life. The only person you will have by your side is Tyler. Good bye Cass. And oh, in the other envelope are divorce papers, I have already signed them. It is your turn. If you come after any of us, we have proof of everything you did, we could send you to jail if we wanted to.” Vince, Holly, Charlie, and Rebecca all turned their backs to her and walked out of the cabin. Cassie untied Tyler and they both left the cabin. One year later Vince and Charlie were at their book signing for both of their books since they came out at the same time. “Looks like I have a longer line than you huh?” Charlie said smiling. “Of course.” “Now, now boys, why does it have to be a competition. Besides we all know my fiancé will win of course.” Holly said while walking towards Vince. “Of course you would side with Vince, but you are bet commissioner, you are not allowed to take sides.” Charlie stated while laughing. “Oh, she can take my side anytime.” Vince kissed Holly on the lips. “Get a room you two.” Rebecca said walking up to the tables. “Rebecca, I see that you stopped by, to get your copy of my book signed right.” Charlie said winking. “Oh yeah, Holly did say you two had a bet going on. How about this, I have both of your books and you both will be even, one to one.” Rebecca laughed “Party pooper. Oh looks like they are starting to let people in, let the game begin Charlie.” Vince was finally happy with all of his friends and family with him, and he finally found the love of his life who he could trust now and forever. © 2015 Rikita Singleton |
Added on March 23, 2015 Last Updated on March 23, 2015 Author![]() Rikita SingletonChesapeake , VAAboutI am creative, I love to write, I love to watch movies. My favorite food I love to eat are noodles. I want to be a writer and or a book critic one day. I also like to listen to music and hang out with.. more..Writing