Hearth and Home and HolidaysA Poem by Rick Puetter...sing, laugh, be merry...and cherish friends...
Photographer: _cck_ Catherine. License for use: Creative Common 2.0 Generic. The original photo can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/_cck_/3361118773/sizes/l/in/photostream/. Hearth and Home and Holidays Oh, Hearth and Home and Holidays! Now gather friends and let’s give praise! In later years these are the days To which we’ll fondly cling The table’s set and love abounds Around the room there’s ne’er a frown We talk like fools and laugh like clowns These days such pleasures bring! So raise your cup, we’ll make a toast! To all the ones we love the most Now let’s sit down and carve the roast We'll dine and drink like Kings! Remember, too, the poor outside Remember, too, the friends who’ve died Our luck in life can’t be denied-- We’re rich in all good things So once again, please raise your cup We drank fine wine, in bounty supped Of times like these, there’s ne’er enough Bad moods away they fling And when our friends do fin’ly go About the house there’s still the glow Of these, the best days we shall know The air with friendship rings! So, Hearth and Home and Holidays These are the best--deserve our praise And so, my friends, cherish these days With joy and kinship sing! ©2010 Richard Puetter All rights reserved © 2012 Rick PuetterFeatured Review
39 Reviews Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on December 23, 2010Last Updated on June 18, 2012 Tags: holidays, family, love, food drink, celebration, good times, family value, life value AuthorRick PuetterSan Diego, CAAboutSo what's the most important thing to say about myself? I guess the overarching aspect of my personality is that I am a scientist, an astrophysicist to be precise. Not that I am touting science.. more..Writing