![]() chapter 1 nightmaresA Chapter by ross![]() Samuel a lonely 15yo boy has been plagued by nightmares by a monstrous blue woman who sits on his chest and warns him of things to come. or is it a nightmare?.![]() CHAPTER 1
In a dimly lit bathroom adjoining a teenagers dark bedroom. A young boy frantically and intensively scowls at himself in a cloudy old mirror.
“Don't be scared!.., are you insane? … Its just a dream another silly nightmare!”.
Samuel stared intensively into the mirrored glass on a cold dark October night with only the light of a television off in the background to illuminate him. He tried to convince himself the nightmares that have been exasperating his sleep for over three weeks now, are just simply as what is to be expected. Nothing but neurons and electrons in his brain creating stories in his mind to help deal with day to day anxiety and decisions while he sleeps. Samuel takes one last deep breath before splashing the ice cold water onto his face to prevent sleep creeping up on him like a thief in the night. The last three weeks have been strenuous on him. No energy, feeling bewildered and not to mention the anxiety these dreams have inflicted into his daily life. Once Samuel awakes from his night terrors he can not comprehend what had gone on or what they could possibly mean. Most of the time Samuel forgets the majority of his night time experiences as quickly as he opens his eyes. Never the monstrous blue woman that visits him at night to warn him of the end of days though. Never her, the very picture of her sends shivers up Samuels spine.
“She is not real.. the end of days that's never going to happen! The world will always go on, wont it?”. Samuel started to question it all over again.
It is not uncommon for the better part of the horrific dreams to just fade away once Samuel opens his eyes. Leaving him to have to fill in the blanks by himself resulting in cases of DaJa vu throughout his day where he cant hep but believe the events that are happening to him at that moment in time had already been foretold to him the night before. The dark, lonely bedroom just like any other Samuels age. Equip with single bed quilted in Superman bedsheets. Port rate sized posters of his favourite bands covered his walls. Taking centre in a place of honer above the boys single bed, Slash from guns and roses standing tall tearing up a twelve string guitar. Samuel believes Slash is the best guitarist in the world and one day even taken up trying to learn on an old busted up guitar his mum picked up from someone who had thrown it out. Even although it sounded out of tune, had strings missing and the paint work all scratched and scraped he was still thankful. He knew if he had to save up for it on his own he would never have been able to afford it for many years. His mother alone raising two children, working two jobs to make ends meet meant little chance of having luxuries. One thing Samuel was rich in though was books. His favourite teacher Mr Pedro supplied him with many wonderful books, he called old but to Samuel no book could ever be old. In every book, every chapter, every character has their own perspective of the story we only get to hear the person telling side of. Samuel liked to read the same story over and over trying to piece together the reasons for the other characters parts in the tales. Shelves surrounding the bedroom full of books he could loose himself in Greek Mythology, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, the Vikings anything. He loved it all and could be lost back in time for hours. His bedroom had a television unit that spans the length of his wall in which his bed faced. yet only a small T.V from the 90s only able to receive certain channels and those depended on the weather being good to fully function. The remaining space filled by hardback books. The floor covered in unopened Manila envelopes displaying his name “Mr Samuel Arthur Malcolm” In a see through plastic screen. All containing the same logo in the right-hand top corner. A sword or syringe being wrapped around by a snake. Each one with strictly confidential in bold red ink printed across one side. Samuels television is never on but for nights like these when he has been awoken in terror and needs some light and background noise to drown out the voices going around and around in his mind like some Greek philosopher in the times of homer. Tonight no different from any other but for the news report going on in the background.
“India has just suffered its strongest earthquake to date. Five thousand dead or injured”
That being too hard for Samuel to listen to he jumped into bed full of empathy lifting his superman bed sheet up over his head trying to hide from the big bad world.
The year 2016 yet we as the human race, top of the food chain, proud of our technological advances, sophisticated social and civil creatures. The gods of the Earth who choose which animals are allowed to live alongside us but with a blow of wind or so called acts of God we see how small we really are. Centuries have gone by from the days of the tower of Babel yet we still try build towers that touch the clouds only for them to come crashing down atop us.
Samuel pondereds as to why we can not prevent so many innocent lives from perishing. The empathy overcame him to the extent he envisioned an earthquake hitting his home town. As he lay there in bed the chaos and destruction engulfed around him. The deathly cracking of the ground, The rumble of elapsing buildings, glass smashing, car alarms wailing, metal and brick alike crushing and crumbling into one another. Sirens and blue flashing lights from all types of emergency services all the while shuddering screams and cries of pain and fear. The tears of children and elderly praying for their lives but dying all the same. Samuel couldn't take any more thrashing and kicking around in his bed praying for some rest bite from the horrors around him. The injustice and the cruelty of this once beautiful world left the boy wishing for a new world full of love and happiness. Somewhere they had no need of money or had any bullies ready to beat you up at the first chance. A world full of people all different races and cultures all able to live as one. Help each other, teach each other. All living under love not rule. Samuel knew that was just a fairytale, no matter how many others vow to live the same there is always going to be someone waiting for the right time to make it fail. People who cant live happy in the light so spend their days sad or angry in the dark and try trample anyone's light they can. Like Leon the boy who makes Samuels school life hell on a daily basis. Not a day goes past without Leon beating someone up for anything from skin colour to the shoes they wore. Making Samuel an easy target. The shoes Samuel owned are an old pair of his cousins who out grew them. Not only second hand, old and tired looking but a size too big that his mother insists he will grow into. His only friend is the only Jewish boy in town leaving the door open for serous torment. Dreading to go back to sleep or school tomorrow. Samuel thankful his first class was Mr Pedro History class. That filled him with some relief no doubt Mr Pedro will have some new book for him. The caring Hispanic History teacher has always been kind to him. The only thing that keeps Samuel enduring the never ending torment at school apart from the motivation to get high test scores so he can go on to become successful and earn enough to help his mum who has been struggling from his dad died, is Mr Pedros history and science class. Samuels father died mere months before the birth of his young brother. Still to this day he is unsure how or why he died. He has asked his mother before but never gets any answers. If she is even around for long enough to talk, it is not a subject she likes to dwell into. There had been rumours in the neighbourhood he lived in and at school. Talk of crimes and drugs but Samuel knew his dad better than anyone so he brushed it off as complete fabricated lies, idol gossip of bored house wives with nothing better to do. The exhausted boy leaned over to a drawer close to his bed and produced the latest book that had been taking up all his free time. Flicking through the book taking in all the new details he hadn't known before. Page by page he started to calm. His heart beat that had been pounding before against his chest, dropping to a steady arithmetic beat. Each new chapter that passed Samuels eyes grew heavier. Eye lids closing as he starts to drift off then scaring himself awake with a jump when he realises. Trying to focus on the book Samuels vision goes distorted, the words on the page nothing but a blur. An indescribable vibrating sensation shook around his brain. He remains calm trying to raise his arms to his eyes to give them a rub to hopefully regain focus. In a state of shock he realised he couldn't, he was paralysed and couldn't move or shout out for help. He could see, hear and smell everything around him. Aware of all. Panic set in, a tight crushing pain suddenly occur leaving Samuel feeling like his chest was in a vice. Samuels tries to ignore any thoughts of medical conditions like strokes or brain aneurysms doing all he can to divert his mind to his happy place which is hard to do with so much weight on your chest. Samuel goes deep into his mind to that place he feels safe and secure. In Mr Pedro s classroom up the back seat next to the window with the view of the fountain. A beautiful marble sculpted fountain adorned with two kissing mermaids. Samuel loved to look at it and envision himself sailing the open seas and visiting underwater cities. His vision was slowly returning to him as the murky cloudy film that coated his eyes started to clear all he could see, a blue fuzzy mass.
“Please no … why! … Is she on top of me?”
Samuel did not need clear vision to know who this could be. The thoughts of the hideous blue woman rushed back into Samuels minds eye.
“What do you want?… Why are you doing this to me?”.
Now Samuel could talk he made it his prerogative to find out once and for all. As he lay there struggling to keep a consistent breath. He thought about a fight his father told him about. A fight his father had in prison when he was only a few years older than Samuel is now. How he had stolen a car with a friend to joy ride. His father driving and the friend up front, hitting speeds far exceeding the lawful limit. Driving recklessly looking for empty car parks to perform manoeuvrers like doughnuts and handbrake turns. Silly young boys looking for a frill, not thinking of their consequences until the police show up and give chase. The pursuit taken them through residential areas where they could have killed a child playing in the street but ended up almost killing themselves after losing control and hitting a tree. Thankfully he was O.K but the friend died three days later in hospital and Samuels father was sent to the hardest young offenders institutions in the U.K. Scared everyday of what may happen to him making his sentence feel ten times as long. Everyday always wondering when it will come until one day it did. In the gym a big muscular man decided he didn't like him and was going to hurt him. His father terrified done everything in his power to stay away from him but he couldn't live in fear for ever so he scolded the man with a kettle full of boiling water and sugar. He did not want to but had to. Remembering gave Samuel the motivation to stand up for himself. Sitting up fighting the weight in his chest to stare the monster in the face as full of bravery and confidence a boy his age could have staring a monster in the eyes. Gazing deep into the monstrous woman's dark black oval shaped eyes that seemed to be filled with a million spiral galaxies. Cold blue scale like skin, rough to the touch. Thick black messy long hair passing her naked breasts. Pointed ears, teeth and chin. She snarled like a wolf showing two rows of individual sharp pointed teeth in a blood red mouth, flickering a split red serpent tongue at Samuels face smelling the fear from him. Holding him down with two lower arms while two higher arms held a book titled end of days. In the other a half empty sand glass timer, still flowing growing emptier still. Her lower body she wore silks so delicate he could see her crossed legs through the material. He stared in amazement at the constellations of stars, the orbit of alien planets the devastating beauty of a supernova all going on in the woman eyes. A calm sensation taken over Samuels body and he was overcome by a feeling of euphoria. He began to realise the deeper he leered into those once destructive eyes. That somehow those hideous features which scared him at night started to desolve like Spring snow the monstrous woman Samuel couldn't even look upon had gone leaving behind only a beautiful light brown skinned girl with dark hair, brown large eyes, petite little mouth and nose.
“Is this some type of trick?”
Samuel did not understand what was going on. Is this still the monster who has been terrorising him.
“Have I fallen asleep reading again like so many times before?”
Samuel was given no answer just a sad silence. He plucked up all his courage.
“Are you Indian?”
The moment those words left his lips he regretted them. The horrified expression at the question told Samuel all he needed to know. If she was not happy before she certainly is not now. Snarling leaning into his face still atop his chest. Closer and closer studying his very soul. The hot sticky foul breath clinging to his face. Eyes continuing to plunge deeper reading his mind while a reptile tongue hissed at him. He thought he may soil himself from fear as the thick gooey saliva drooled down his brow and cheeks pooling on his bare chest. A feeling of dread coursed through his body sending shivers up his spine. His whole life flashed before his eyes. Times as a child with his mum and dad, times with his Gran and granddad and day trips to the beach. Samuel enjoyed the visions of days gone by until things taken a more sinister turn. Seth his only friend looking out the school bus window, the hairy boy in his class called Jackson doing what he done best taking centre stage leading the travellers in song and Leon the school bully up back smoking telling his crew that Jackson was close for a beating. Then from no where his father walked towards him from the back of the bus to the front but no one on the bus could see him any more than they could Samuel. He tried to call out for him but when he did he raised his arms into the air causing the bus to flip over onto its side. The bus tore up the newly laid road surface as its grind along sparks, gravel and screams filling the air then the blood chilling splash. Samuel pleaded for the vision to end watching his friend Seth banging at the bus window begging for help doing all he can to keep his head above the water that was rushing in drowning all aboard. Regrets for life still to live, he pleaded more. Seth ans his bus load of class mates had gone all that remained nose to nose and as close as she could get the woman whispers.
“Five thousand souls taken and the Emperor grows stronger. The blood is on your hands”
Samuel awakes in a blind panic and leaps up out of bed kicking books and unopened mail onto the floor. His heart was pulsing he could feel a beat in every point in his body, palms and back dripping with sweat sticking to his t shirt.
“Thank god.. Phew… It was only just a dream”
Samuel cried out in relief but he could not shake the confusion . The television was still on ans he could make out the time was three in the morning. The school bus would be here soon, too frightened of the horror's seep brings he decides to get up properly this time as t not start reading and falling asleep
© 2016 rossAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on December 1, 2016 Last Updated on December 1, 2016 Author![]() rossGlasgow, Scotland, United KingdomAbouthi my name is Ross McCallum. i live in a town not far from Glasgow. any and all feedback will be taken into consideration and i will be thankful for it if you have taken the time to read this its the .. more..Writing