Summer Project.
A Book by Eirinn
It is now summertime in my part of the world, and I need a new summertime art project and activity: two books, one of poems, one of short stories.

© 2012 Eirinn
Author's Note
It is now summertime in my part of the world, and I need a new summertime art project and activity. In past summers, I tend you fail at this. I decide to do something of epic proportions (or at least more grand than lazy-fucker-me can actually do.)
But not this year!
I'm going to compile and create two books this summer: one of poems, one of short stories.
Here it begins.
Added on June 7, 2012
Last Updated on June 28, 2012
Tags: book, short, stories, love, confusion, biology, bio, logy?, read, poems, compilation, compile, summer, project