![]() Book of Poems: The Fourth -- Guest Stars.A Chapter by EirinnGuest Stars they
finally did it. it wasn’t by choice that they lived apart. it was the economy, the job market the fact that my town has nothing much to offer and even my dad needed to seek out life elsewhere. it's funny that through all my complaining and how much I wanted to get out I refused to move away from that little town. it took me three years from the time the complaints really started. from the time my heart was regurgitated, pumping enough to live and continue school and work my a*s off (only to spend all the proceeds on clothes and coffee and eating out at Super Taco) this is the first summer I will not go back. you put that bad taste in my mouth, boy. you and your confusion. you have me forever baffled.
I prefer the guest stars to the super stars. they're too frequent. people care about the main characters. guest star roll me. let's get this over with. © 2012 Eirinn |
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