![]() The "Love" Poem Series. (Part I)A Poem by EirinnI. “Love” Poem Number 1 Rain leads to flooding Dirt leads to digging leads to burying. Pain leads to heartache Leads to massacre. Holo-costing people their lives. Hollow. I can never make you whole, Not if I tried for all the years That exist. We exist, and why? And you let her go, You foolish b*****d. Stupid pigs, you men. You let her go, and then you C R Y !! You cry and drink And swindle young girls Cheating them out of love filled with meaning. You can turn them into jaded pigs just like you. Hollow. Maybe that way you can feel better About the way You treat The ones You “love”. II. Love Poem No. 2 Monumentally sentimental. I perceive them The digital bug has caught me again! I think I’m in control Sometimes words don’t exist They stay locked in my brain cells Instead, they fester and fuse together
Things I think about myself And with the real words so melted and
melded When I am alone I do not feel crazed. When I am alone I sleep. It is past events that haunt me III. Love Poem Number III BOY YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Please let me say so! PleaSe let mE say so! PleASE let me sAy so! My words are so bitter, S o bri ttle, Can you READ th ese poems I write, These wordswordswords I write like a lost old dog Abandoned at her post Heart stolen and beatenBUT I AMYOUNG) You inspire me. Is it okay? I HAVE TO SHOUT FOR YOU HEARRRR H(ear)meèéêë"ę Oh please do. Pleeeaæse. I don’t need to kiss you. I don’t need to love you. But I am just oh So Happy. To know you. And to know, by you, that my heart is not gone completely. That I can be artistically inspired something I feared I Had …0)lost 4rver IV. love poem number four hold ‘em up higher bend your f*****g head back B***h. Temptation up up up . speeeeak highly high hide your mouth looks T asTy. all I need is my skin on your skin. Feel. “’Love’” Po(tion)em Number V Oh fine! mope around, you soggy hound droopy and foolish. cowardly hiding stance. You know what you did, and you know what you do I gave you clues and hints and love. love. The concept of least conception. Fickle. Frail. Fake. Love isn’t really real. Not like we think of it. Hollywood, books, lovers. No one can know another person fully therefore love is unsure and destined to end poorly. © 2012 Eirinn |
1 Review Added on February 10, 2012 Last Updated on February 10, 2012 |