![]() Book of Poems: The Fifth -- The Plague.A Chapter by EirinnCome, listen. Gather ‘round brethren’ My comrades. This world is beautiful. You may not see it yet And perhaps you will never see It with your eyes Closed You’re whole life And stumbling, with them Thinking they are open When really, you had someone Help you paint them on. The world is beyond Anything you’ve ever known Or will know I had a dream Horrifying, to say the least. The world was dark Even the coffee I sipped The “Big Green Monster” A taste beloved to my lips And tongue Tarnished With some sort of black hate A plague you wrought on me. I saw you skeletal. Black, and ripped apart by maggots Or flies Or rats I cannot quite remember Something vile, something… parasitic [you know the type] And there you lay, And I, just stepping outside Of my silver car, Sweating, my insides carved Out with fear Sadness Or… something. Your eyes were closed There was little left of the flesh Ingrained in the pavement The darkness The plague had washed over And there was nothing but black And despair And… what was this? My mind had construed this horror A flash of nightmare Something so innocent Turned into bright And blinding lights of darkness But in this Just in time Before paralyzing stillness You opened your eyes. They were blue Like they always were And you asked for help As if you needed it And I repaired your body And rid you of the maggots The flies The rats The… whatever. And even in the shock of horror The overwhelming image Of distrust And loss And hatred And Plague There was blue And light And beauty.
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