Rose, I must congratulate you for such a lovely thoughtful write... Life is a beautiful thing, when you see beauty in small things, all the happiness comes to you... I have enjoyed the concept of rain and shine here, it gives the thought of our life's two different parts, happiness and sadness.... Love and life are truly God's creation, in fact I would say God is love....
Short and and very thought provoking, it reads very well... Always here to help, feel free to mail me whenever you need... God bless you my frnd....
Quite interesting, getting new feelings and perhaps a new life of a red rose out of god's charming creation, such as we humans are... The comparison to rain and shine are really great to read...
Good work, still I'm pretty sure that you can do more better...(don't take it negative my friend)
Loved the wonderful thought!
Hope you'll like reading mine too!
carry on, keep writing, I am here for help and support too...
What's a face without a name, So let's be frank,
You can everything and still have nothing, or you can have your soul; To be or not to be is the question to ask yourself, So what's the answer's your.. more..