Bella and Edward
A Poem by rosaliecullen624
my thought on bella and edward's relationship 
Two hearts combine, one mortal and one black
She knows he's dangerous, yet, alluring
His love for her, want, what his soul does lack
For all he wants is her heart's securing
His body, cold as ice and hard as stone
But able to love, just to keep him sane
He never again will leave her alone
For tears can't hide the agonizing pain
Through the years to come, his age will not change
She will however grow old, not alone
The kisses they share, an equal exchange
Forever more, the peril is condoned
Together they would stay, not ever apart
Because they will dwell in each other's heart
© 2009 rosaliecullen624
Loved it
Posted 15 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on November 23, 2009
rosaliecullen624brooklyn, NY
im tall and i have green eyes and lomg red hair. i have 3 piercngs- eyebrow, nose and stomach and i have 7 tattoos- 4 on my ankles, 2 on mywrists and 1 on my stomach.
i like vampires and witchcraft.. more..