I see no external God...i see the God in my fellow-beings, animals, plants....
who help me see the God in me....
HARD-DISK Data Recovery; Tamarind and Turmeric Soul-Curry
A hard disk that is being probed for deleted files will spew much more data than its written rating...just like...
A hen trying to lay eggs....assume she has laid 1000 eggs in four years What will happen if you stuff the 1000 eggs back in the hen (at once or even in installments?!!!)!!! People in the world just throw away their old computers and hard disks if they fail
Any good software-expert could recover almost any hard-disk with people's info in them... its a dangerous skill in the hands of lesser-minded folk if you want to delete anything from a hard-disk that they would not want anyone to read or see.......format that hard disk at least 10 times !!! ---that too....in low-level format using the wipe 0 sector option.....which takes upto 36 hours of continous format time
now i know how wiki-leaks came about from discarded hard-disks of companies....besides the discreet phone-taps
One can be in more than two places at the same time... being somewhere ...in spirit...and bodily elsewhere... its like just what Mystics and Seers of old did being in two places at the same time simultaneously...
Try to find the good in you....if you find defects in you...they become you
We were born sinless....and the world sowed its filth in us....why should it be our fault when while wearing white clean clothes...someone splashed mud over us?
we weren't wearing anything, silly... our mothers draped us now You cant blame the mother can you now.. you cant bite the hand that feeds or the hands that nurture... that's why some GODS may have been depicted as having many hands and legs and faces to symbolize they are omni-present Gods who ...once used to be humans...
do u know why very few people see God? its because very few people have developed their insight what if you were to wake up tomorrow and find this whole life was a big dream... everyone vanished....zatak!! and...only you...standing in the middle of nowhere.. then you know...that the dream you 'lived' was the living unreal illusion you projected from your third eye....and you yourself watched it while experiencing it
it's just a journey....everyone reaches that bend in the road you might have surpassed me already
Religions are good for the general population who have yet to reach the bend in their journey they help maintain peace/harmony/control/FEAR
I am just an aspect of her and of you its like we are bark of the same tree...you from the branch...I from the root...she from the trunk shredded.....from our own world...feeling alienated in the absence of the mother....the tree.....the sum total of our bodies . like the robot movie...Rajnikants (Tamil Actor) robot avatars being one... and fighting and dying as one that's is the reason the religious leaders gather everyone to pray in temples, churches, mosques... to relive that experience of being one...with each other....each within their own sacred bodily spaces...but with the union and amalgamation of all minds to the one source..... source GOD
I see no external God...i see the God in my fellow-being, animals, plants.... who help me see the god in me
See... the great Banyan tree marvels at the trees in it's vicinity...the strong new trees that have cropped up in it's neighborhood.....little realizing that they are but it's own creepers/ roots going into the ground and building a new tree...and so on and there you have a grand Banyan tree....emitting life-giving Oxygen 24*7 and so is rightfully worshiped for its grandeur and befitting example of non-duality!
*Is that curry simmering yet?! The hard disk is cooling in an anti-static bag in the refrigerator...the needle that was stuck is now freezing only to thaw later. Turmeric smells good when kissed by a Tamarind... Recovery sounds good when the Soul has done it's healing!
*Is that curry simmering yet?! The hard disk is coolin in an anti-static bag in the refrigerator...the needle that was stuck is now freezing only to thaw later.
Turmeric smells good when kissed by a Tamarind...
Recovery sounds good when the Soul has done it's healing!
My Review
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Mine is slow and needs to be reworked, but now I know not to give it away in exchange for a newer model, I always get the old ones when my family gets a new one, Tamarinds are sour but I like them. I like the metaphor of reboot after a thaw,
mine freezes up too much. :(
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
hey Chavon....you are sittin on a gold mine but dont jhold ur folk to ransom with the secrets from t.. read morehey Chavon....you are sittin on a gold mine but dont jhold ur folk to ransom with the secrets from the old drive.....
these are great thoughts indeed! you raise very important questions the humanity is facing at the moment... social, cultural, political landscapes of our life is changing dramatically becouse of such an advance in technological development ... peole are so much effected by the computers. I love this poem... it is so important to explore how human we still are with so much technology around us which thinks for us and define our life journeys...
I also touched upon some computer-human interaction issues in this poem: http://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Nona/1097511/
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
You are wise Nona...wise to see the underlying meanings in this seeming technical how-to:)
I t.. read moreYou are wise Nona...wise to see the underlying meanings in this seeming technical how-to:)
I thank you profusely for your interest and the great review you have given....also pls feel free to teach me some improvement tips here and there in my journey at WC ...as I look forward to learning from everyone I may meet on this fab website.
Namaste and rays of sunshine to you.
Mine is slow and needs to be reworked, but now I know not to give it away in exchange for a newer model, I always get the old ones when my family gets a new one, Tamarinds are sour but I like them. I like the metaphor of reboot after a thaw,
mine freezes up too much. :(
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
hey Chavon....you are sittin on a gold mine but dont jhold ur folk to ransom with the secrets from t.. read morehey Chavon....you are sittin on a gold mine but dont jhold ur folk to ransom with the secrets from the old drive.....
I've been holding on to an old computer for a couple of years now. I'm going to try your suggestions to wipe the hard drive. Too many secrets.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
lol...secrets are secrets ..
for the one who keeps...
and trivia for the one who seeks.... read morelol...secrets are secrets ..
for the one who keeps...
and trivia for the one who seeks...
hello Sir pleased to meet you and thanku...do visit again!
Fantastic, this...I have a hard disk on a netbook whose monitor is cracked but "they" no longer produce the netbook, so switching it to another would be impossible...am I fucked?
No you are not...erm...doomed...
wecan salvage your note books data with easy-recovery softwar.. read moreNo you are not...erm...doomed...
wecan salvage your note books data with easy-recovery software running it on another computer...routed to the note book through lan or another comunicating port...we dont need its cracked scree.n:)
Curry is great yes thz
12 Years Ago
Phew...glad to hear all my porn will be saved ;-)
We just met so you don't know...I'm.. read morePhew...glad to hear all my porn will be saved ;-)
We just met so you don't know...I'm sarcastic as hell. Thanks for the PM and the friend invite. 7 lines are too few to sum it up, though ;-)
i think sometimes my life is on hard disc...and i just want to get a new computer, start over...and burn the old computer with the disc in it.
don't want the reminders...but they keep following me like a spam email.
very cool and true write.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
wow sir...u2?!
glad you took the time to check these random scribblings from the ramblings of.. read morewow sir...u2?!
glad you took the time to check these random scribblings from the ramblings of a wanton mind...pardon the typos...i shall edit and try to correct the mistakes.
You are doing fine sir...just walk down the path...just walk on...
All I can say is, WOW, I love the way you weaved the meaning of this compared to computer disposal, ridding the world of yet useful wares. A write only YOU could write, wonderful, informative and inspirational to read.
Thanks Becky u r always so encouraging and I of the reasons I came back here.
12 Years Ago
Awe kiddo, you are such sweet and caring person. You have great talent and I am happy you are back .. read moreAwe kiddo, you are such sweet and caring person. You have great talent and I am happy you are back to share your creative mind.
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