You ask me why I say the things I’m saying now to you
I tell it how I see it, don’t know why, it’s what I do
In fact, rewind, I take that back, that statement was a lie
So listen now as I reply your questioning of “Why?”
Why you ask, yes why indeed? Why this? Why that? Why not?
Why oh why would I deny my thoughts a chance at getting out?
A chance of being heard by ears that don’t belong to me
The chance for eyes that are not mine, to see just what I see
And in this chance a hope is born that other minds might ponder
For other minds to think about the things that make me wonder
Two heads are better than one they say, three heads are better than two
To help each other figure out what is or isn’t true
And so you’re question’s answered, with this response I do supply
I say the things I say to you, in the hope you ask me, “Why?”