Outside the Circle of SexA Poem by Robert RonnowI am outside the circle of sex. Just as well. Population control, the biome's survival instinct. Or I'm old. Look in mirror, skin over bones. Young girls on bicycles, running, have that granddaughterly smile for me, all is safe, well. Much is well. The neighborhood safe, the nation a non-violent helpmate among nations. Until food shortages, weather crises, nuclear mischief apply. Police patrols. I was proud of Massachusetts voting to decriminalize reefer. Let's go all the way: free all non-violent offenders from their cells! Force police out of cruisers to walk the streets and say hello. What else can we try: Open the border with Mexico. Let labor flow like capital. What has this to do with the self, the temperamental, fragile self. The one that leaves no footprint in eternity. No smell.
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