How cool!A Poem by Robert RonnowHow cool! this early summer evening after a day so oppressive even we New Yorkers move painstakingly. The breeze in sumac trees so why am I not more content? The electricity went off at the bank, spontaneous bank holiday, so I'm broke, drinking water. All my needs except love fulfilled. Woman opens her windows. How cool! this summer evening in New York, dense New York the jets overhead the people on the ground suffering and struggling toward vague goals or goals clear as Harry Helmsley's. How cool and refreshing this glass of ice water after today's hot pavement, clothes. During the afternoon heat I sleep in my underwear. What a city I murmur to myself looking at its map. Big, Jamaica Bay to Inwood, the Battery to Pelham Bay. Nowadays novels need a few cities to move the plot. New York, Saigon, Paris. The protagonist does not walk in the park. He uses his car to get around fast. How cool this evening in New York! Lost among the bars and industry, moonrise over Bronx.
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