![]() Urination, don't take it for grantedA Poem by Robert RonnowDick Burton examining Liz Taylor's rectal sphincter for blood. That's love. Sexual love. Pornographic, anthropological, primate love. * * * Newton wrote the Principia So only serious mathematicians would comprehend. "I've been faking my way through life," he lied. * * * They say the white pine whispers What the wind can't say. In the blowdown there's a slow ballet. * * * I am a citizen of the empire. Moonlight & heartbeat. Zach's feet stink. * * * One hawk. Flying low, scaring crows. No snow. * * * Watres pipyng hoot. First, entertain. Then expectorate (spit). Lapdancer, spiderweb. Summer morning, rabbit in my garden. Let it be or send a warning. Let the rabbit eat my peas. * * * Avoid the I, Void yourself, and enter the void? I think not.© 2024 Robert Ronnow |