A Chapter by Rohan

Should Ronnie take the risk of participating ? what if he loses and becomes a point of joke?

It was august  and the annual talent competition also known as "EUPHORIA" in our university was to begun is 10 days from today . Hello , I am Ronnie(18) , a 1st year student in "STATE HOTEL MANAGEMENT COLLEGE" . I  like hospitality and serving people, okay not much ! but still i like talking to new people and like making an impression . May be that is why i chose hotel management as my career option.

"Did u know , its an international trip this time as the prize for the winners of EUPHORIA"  said Vaibhav , one of my classmate scratching his scalp. "they always give it to the seniors (3rd years) , we 1st years got no value" said Sandeep , the fattest guy in our class after burping post his 2nd lunch since morning . " you should still give it a shot ! What if you win ! after all you stay a loser until and unless you don't participate, Ronnie you are a good voice bruh!

© 2017 Rohan

Author's Note

it's the first chapter,ignore grammar,

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Added on March 14, 2017
Last Updated on March 14, 2017
Tags: nervousness, college, ragging, talent, competition